take ship

[tek ʃɪp][teik ʃip]


  • How long does it normally take you to ship an order ?

    订了货通常 需要多长时间可以 装运

  • Should it be suspected that internal transfer of oil / NLS is difficult take into account ship to ship transfer or transfer to tanks ashore .

    如认为船内调驳油类或有毒液体物质较为困难时, 考虑 对船驳运或将其驳到岸上。

  • We take the next ship and win that bet !

    我们 坐下 赢得赌注!

  • We take the ship on our own and leave him here .

    我们自己 上船,把他留在这里。

  • Ships are now only useful against non industrialized nations since most industrialized nations can take a large ship out with the most inferior missle technology .

    航母现在只对非工业化国家有用,因为大多数的工业化国家都能够用最低级的导弹 航母干掉。

  • You think we 're trying to get you to leave so we can take your ship ?

    你以为我们为了得到 战舰 让你们离开?

  • The pilot will take this ship into the harbour . application for permission to land crew member on discharge in Hong Kong

    领港员将 这一 船领进港内。申请准许离职船员在本港登岸事

  • He wouldn 't take him to the ship ?

    他不会 他去 上吧?

  • The followed is to take the ship model numerical control machine as an example and to create 3D model of ship with software and then to perform the imitation of machining process finally to create NC code for numerical control machine tool .

    下面 模数控加工机为例,使用软件建立船模三维实体模型,然后进行加工过程的仿真,并生成可供数控机床使用的数控代码。

  • For some reason they did not take ship but instead turned northward through the Persian deserts and so by way of Balkh over the Pamir to kashgar and by way of Koran into the hwang-ho Valley and on to peking .

    由于某种原因,他们结果没有 乘船,而是向北穿过波斯沙漠,越过帕米尔高原上的巴尔喀来到卡什加,再经过哥坦进入黄河流域,最后到达北京。

  • I would have her take the ship to valinor .

    我会要她 坐船到瓦林诺。

  • During dinner it was decided that they would take an Italian ship to Ningpo on the twentieth of September .

    吃饭时议定九月二十日 意大利公司的 到宁波。

  • It is one thing to be idle and skulk and quite another to take a ship and murder a number of innocent men .

    吊儿郎当、消极怠惰是一回事, 夺取 船只、杀害一些无辜的人却是另一码事。

  • But instead of setting a southerly course that would take the ship through the Strait of Malacca and across the Indian Ocean to the Suez Canal and European markets beyond the rotterdam-bound Yong Sheng turned northeast toward Alaska and the Arctic circle .

    但不 穿越马六甲 海峡,横跨印度洋至苏伊士运河和欧洲以外市场的向南路线,前往鹿特丹的永盛号转向东北,朝着阿拉斯加和北极圈航行。

  • The emphasis and difficulties when shipping companies implement ISPS code lies on how to take ship security assessment and draft ship security plan and take security preventive measures according to ship security plan .

    航运公司实施ISPS规则的重点和难点在于如何 进行 船舶保安评估、制定船舶保安计划,并按照船舶保安计划实施保安预防措施。

  • My uncle soon arranged for us to take a small ship to Iceland .

    我叔叔很快安排好了 小船去冰岛。

  • The Chinese outstanding enterprises ties team to take the wealth-made ship together the sail of going to India feast hand in hand will set forth .

    中国精英企业结队同 创富 旗舰,联袂携手共赴印度淘金盛宴的旅程即将启航。

  • I 'm planning to take over the ship .

    我们计划要 夺取 艘船

  • OK I 'd take a ship . I 'd go to California in the USA.

    好吧,我 坐船 。我要去美国的加利福尼亚州。

  • We can 't take on a hive ship now .

    我们现在可不能 母舰作战。

  • You take this ship and you come and you rescue me .

    就是 飞船的船长,过去救我。

  • At seven o'clock in the morning we were on a train going to Kiel a northern city in Germany after which we would take a ship to Copenhagen the capital of Denmark .

    早上七点钟,我们上了火车,去德国北部的城市基尔,然后再 坐船 丹麦首都哥本哈根。

  • Pete I swear we didn 't take the ship .

    彼得,我发誓我们没 偷走太空

  • I could see the streets of Cape Town take form as the ship sailed into table bay .


  • You could take a ship .

    你可以 坐船

  • Visitor : Can I take pictures of your ship ?

    参观者:我可以 拍照吗?

  • Persons of doctor take ship that all parts travel specially he it think crewman diagnose the illness as from go to travel around the world take risks everywhere .

    作为一名医生,他专门 搭乘 各地旅行的 船只,以为船员看病为由,去环游世界,到处冒险。

  • There he tried to take a ship to Australia but failed .

    他试图在新加坡 乘船去澳大利亚,但失败了。

  • I seldom take a ship . I would like a more rapid type of transportation .

    我很少 乘坐 轮船,我想要 一种更快的交通工具。