take wing

[tek wɪŋ][teik wiŋ]


  • In most cases Jordan will have to step back and take the pass on the wing .

    在大多数的情况下,乔丹挡不住 众女的热情而不得不退避三舍至 侧翼接球。

  • The ore decompose belt take the granite body as a center seeks the high school warm black tungsten the copper the lead zinc in the duplicate syncline south wing primarily looks for the gold the silver in the duplicate syncline northern wing primarily .

    矿化分带 花岗岩体为中心,在复向斜的 南翼以寻找高中温的黑钨、铜、铅锌为主,在复向斜的北翼以找金、银为主。

  • For Glory which no longer desired to take wing .

    为了那已不再意图 高飞的荣耀。

  • Do the same with the other arm and then take the wing piece and place that on top of the arms .

    另一个手臂也同样处理,然后 翅膀固定在手臂的上端。

  • Glavine who has won288 games in the majors and is headed for the Hall of Fame said he ran into the same attitude with the Braves whenever he tried to take a young pitcher under his wing .

    在大联盟已有288场胜投且即将进入名人堂的葛 拉文说,他在勇士队教导年轻投手时也面临同样的情况。

  • Who then decides to take him under his wing .

    后来那人决定 手下

  • In pain the bird catcher threw down the twigs and the noise made the Dove take wing .

    痛苦的鸟,捕捉者丢下来小枝,而且噪音使鸽子 翅膀

  • Most senior partners and their clients are still white males who left to their own devices usually take other white males under their wing and groom them as successors .

    大多数高级合伙人和他们的客户依然是白人男性。如果让这些人自主行事,他们往往 庇护其他白人男性,并将其培养成自己的接班人。

  • Despite their low flying time they need complete overhauls before they can safely take wing in the us .

    尽管需要很少的空运时间,但是它们能在美国安全 起飞之前必须进行全面的检查。

  • Analysing the characteristic of different parts of fly image and take the large image noise into account we extract area markings weight color texture in wing and chest image and many other features .

    对各部分的特点进行分析并 考虑到图像噪声大的实际情况,在 翅膀上提取了面积、斑纹、重心等特征;在胸部提取了颜色、纹理等特征。

  • This is the time of the year when migrating birds take wing .

    这是一年中候鸟 起飞 迁居的时候了。

  • Mentoring : A special kind of networking ; consider asking a leader in your field to take you under their wing .

    动机:一种特殊的网络, 考虑一下让你领域里的领导来“ 庇护你”。

  • When spring comes they take wing for the Arctic .

    春天来临时它们 振翅 飞向北极的故土。

  • I 'd like to sort of take you under my wing and educate you .

    我愿意 收归 下,教育你。

  • Maggie just didn 't have time to take them under her wing .

    麦琪没有时间 照管他们。

  • After the glue nearly dry take off the wing for the next installation .

    待胶基本固化, 机翼以便进行下一步的安装工作。

  • Cosette less happy than the most insignificant swallow of heaven had never known what it was to take refuge under a mother 's shadow and under a wing .

    珂赛特,她连空中小燕子能享受的快乐也不曾享受过,从来不知道什么叫做 在母亲的影子里和 翅膀下。

  • If we take the chickens slaughtered daily and place them wing to wing they would encircle the Earth 's equator more than two times !

    如果我们 每天屠宰的鸡 翅膀到翅膀连接起来,可以围绕地球赤道两周还多!

  • Why do you still take him under your wing ?

    你为什么还 庇护

  • Did Dinosaurs Take Wing ?

    鸟类是插上 翅膀的恐龙吗?