take wine with

[tek waɪn wɪð][teik wain wið]


  • And if we are invited to dinner we usually take a bottle of table wine with us or some flowers for the hostess .

    如果有人请吃饭,那就 或者给女主人 些花。

  • So the king and Haman came to take wine with Esther the queen .

    国王带着哈曼来赴王后 以斯帖的筵席。

  • My dear I shall be happy to take some of this wine with you .

    亲爱的,我很想 碰碰

  • Take wine with sb . It appears that a toast is in order .

    某人举杯互相祝酒似乎 应该 举杯祝贺了。

  • Take the fresh strawberry fruit as the raw material smash it and take out the juice by way of cross coupling of three variables from four factors it is possible to explore an optimum program to process high-quality strawberry wine with unique natural flavor .

    以新鲜草莓为原料,将果肉破碎 汁后,采用四因素三水平的正交设计方法进行不同的处理,摸索出产品品质优良、风味独特的纯天然草莓 的最佳生产方案。

  • We sat down at a table outside ; a waiter unfolded crisp white napkins on our knees ; we decided to take a little wine with our food .

    我们在外面的一张桌子旁坐了下来;一位侍者把崭新的白餐巾打开放在我们膝盖上;我们决定吃饭的 时候 再来点儿

  • It was not good for him to take any wine but he drank with his eyes open .

    他明知 喝酒对他没有好处,但偏要