talcum powder

[ˈtælkəm ˈpaʊdɚ][ˈtælkəm paʊdə(r)]


  • BaBy talcum powder is harmless to skin .

    小儿 爽身粉,对皮肤无 刺激性。

  • A large of systems filled with non-halogen agent such as PNP melamine aluminum silicate diammonium phosphate talcum powder phosphate zinc borate were discussed .

    讨论了各种无卤阻燃体系,如膨胀剂PNP、三聚氰胺、硅酸铝、磷酸二氢铵、 滑石 、磷酸酯、硼酸锌等新型的阻燃剂以及与其他阻燃剂并用对体系的影响。

  • Desilication agent reacted with silica and generated chemicals similar to talcum powder kaoline etc. which cover the fiber surface with the result that inhibited the silicon dissolution and black liquor viscosity was reduced .

    除硅剂与稻草浆中的硅元素发生反应,生成类似 滑石 和高岭土类物质,覆盖在纤维表面,抑制了蒸煮过程中硅元素的溶出,减少黑液中的硅含量,降低了黑液的粘度。

  • Effect of temperature on permeability of water vapor through epoxy coating with talcum powder coated by stearic acid

    温度变化对含硬脂酸包覆 滑石 环氧涂层渗水率的影响

  • Effect of Talcum Powder Filler Coated by Stearic Acid on Diffusion Behavior of Water Through Epoxy Coatings

    硬脂酸包覆 滑石 对水在环氧涂层中传输性能的影响

  • The reinforcing and toughening mechanism of poly ( lactic acid ) composite filled by talcum powder or diatomite combined with toughener compound was investigated .

    研究了 滑石 和硅藻土与增韧复配体系并用增韧聚乳酸(PLA)复合材料的机理。

  • Determination of the Contents of Talcum Powder Gypsum and Calcium Carbonate in the Wheat Flour and Wheat Flour Products

    面粉及面制品中 滑石 、石膏、碳酸钙含量的测定

  • Orchid talcum powder makes you attractively aromatic .

    常用兰花 爽身粉,令您芳香迷人。

  • She would also adore silky body lotion in a soft floral scent with talcum powder to match .

    她还喜欢在软花香柔滑身体乳液与 滑石 ,以配合。

  • Effects of interfacial modifier on morphology and mechanical properties of pp / talcum Powder Composites

    界面改性剂对PP/ 滑石 形态结构和性能影响

  • Which means that while they are superb at sniffing out talcum powder they still have no idea what cocaine smells like .

    这就意味着,虽然它们十分善于嗅出 滑石 ,但它们还是不知道可卡因是什么气味。

  • When the phenolic resin and talcum powder were added to SY together through controlling the proportion of this two ingredients at the same time the power of the energetic base could be reduced and the compressive strength improved .

    当SY中同时添加酚醛树脂和 滑石 时,通过控制这两种杂质成分的比例,能够使含能基体在降低威力的同时提高抗压强度。

  • OBJECTIVE To investigate the method of sterilization for paraffin oil and talcum powder .

    目的对石蜡油、 滑石 的灭菌方法进行研究。

  • Shake some baby powder or talcum powder wherever you have sand on your body like in between fingers and toes .

    身上哪有沙子就撒点儿爽身粉或 滑石 ,如手指脚趾缝间。

  • The study successfully prepared a high-quality ceramic foam filter using Al 2 O 3 as the main raw material and kaolin talcum powder and SiO2 as the additives by the polymeric sponge impregnation process .

    本文采用有机泡沫浸渍工艺以氧化铝为主要原料,添加高岭土、 滑石 和二氧化硅成功配制的性能良好的泡沫陶瓷过滤器。

  • Study of Polypropylene Modified with Packed Talcum Powder

    滑石 填充改性聚丙烯的研究

  • The talcum powder particle modified with organic polymeric compounds and application in PVC

    滑石 有机高分子化改性及在PVC中应用

  • In the dress before systemic pat talcum powder can keep the skin is dry still can let you find baby smooth feel .

    在穿礼服之前,全身拍上 爽身粉可以保持皮肤干爽,还能让你找到婴儿时的柔滑感觉。

  • Application : Used as Colour cosmetic and skin care for example face powder talcum powder lipstick body shower foam and soft soap etc.

    用途:美容化妆品和护肤品中,如粉底 爽身粉、唇膏、沐浴露、香皂等。

  • Development of Talcum Powder Filled PP and Its Application

    滑石 填充PP的研制与应用

  • In this paper through adding different content of calcium carbonate wollastonite and talcum powder into the composite system I have studied the mechanics performance and the interface mechanism of the composite system .

    本文分别选择碳酸钙、硅灰石、 滑石 对聚丙烯进行不同配比的添加,对各自的力学性能和界面机理进行了研究。

  • The composition modification of MC Nylon with ultrafine transparency talcum powder was studied .

    研究超细冰 对MC尼龙的复配 性。

  • Chemicals are added and the result is a fine material that resembles talcum powder .

    加入一些化学用剂,其结果是类似 滑石 一样的 有用材料。

  • The influences of the contents of SBS and talcum talcum powder treated by three kinds of coupling agent and two processing methods on the properties of composite were investigated .

    探讨了SBS、 滑石 用量,三种偶联剂处理滑石粉及两种不同加工工艺对复合材料性能的影响。

  • Properties of PP / HDPE / SBS Filled with Talcum Powder

    滑石 填充PP/HDPE/SBS体系的性能研究

  • Clap a little cornstarch or talcum powder between your hands .

    在两手之间抹一点玉米粉或 滑石

  • Study on the PP / SBS / Talcum Powder Composite

    PP/SBS/ 滑石 共混复合材料的研究

  • The mechanical properties the surface treatment of talcum powder and the selection of modifiers were emphatically introduced .

    着重介绍了 PP的机械性能、 滑石 的表面处理和改性剂的选择;

  • Powder a baby after her bath ie with talcum powder

    给幼儿洗澡后再给她 爽身粉