talk horse

[tɔk hɔrs][tɔ:k hɔ:s]


  • I don 't want to talk to her ; she 's always on her high horse .

    我不想 讲话,她总是一 道貌岸然 样子

  • I 'm gonna have to ask you not to talk about my horse that way .

    对我的 马乱 沫子,那就是你的不是了。

  • He turned to Dunstan . 'It 's just like you to talk of selling Wildfire & the best horse I 've ever had ! '

    他转向 邓斯坦。卖掉野火&我最好的 ,这正是你的行径!

  • They often talk horse .

    他们常常 谈论

  • I heard the ladies talk horse .

    我听到那些女士们 谈论 赛马

  • They often talk horse when they are free .

    他们有空时常常在 一起 吹牛

  • You also need to drop the disapproving talk of shameless self-promotion and political horse - trading as this is how it works .

    你还需要停止使用“厚着 脸皮进行自我推销”和“政治交易”这类不满的 言辞,因为这就是它的运作原理。

  • No I don 't want to talk to Sam.I can 't stand another minute of him riding his hobby horse about invader from space .

    不,我不想 萨姆 讲话。我 也不能忍受听他讲来自太空的移居者了,哪怕是一分钟。

  • Anthea went to talk to a man who had a horse and cart and the others waited .

    安西娅走过去 一个有 套二轮单马车的人 起来,别的孩子等着。