


  • On the strength of one short paragraph they have decided you are unpleasantly ambitious devious probably talentless and a shameless flirt .

    凭借一小段 ,他们就判断出你是个野心勃勃 人生 的人,你狡猾、或许 有些 无能,而且还不知廉耻地调情。

  • For every one or two talented people in any group of artists there are hordes of talentless hangers-on .

    在任何一群艺术家中,每一两个有才华的人周围总有一帮平庸 无能的溜须拍马者。

  • A talentless street musician in the Dutch town of Leiden got local people so upset by his awful saxophone playing that they got police to confiscate his instrument .

    荷兰莱顿小镇上有一位 没有 天分的街头音乐家, 每天演奏 刺耳的萨克斯。当地居民不堪 忍受,让警察没收了他的乐器。

  • I was a talentless spoiler . If I couldn 't be good why should they ?

    我是个 无能的捣乱分子。如果我做不好,他们有什么理由 表现 呢?

  • He was very contemptuous of'popular'writers whom he described as talentless and worthless .

    他很瞧不起那些“通俗”作家,认为他们缺少 天赋,毫无价值。