take to the road

[tek tu ði rəʊd][teik tu: ðə roʊd]


  • Take childhood to walk always the person of the road of life is happy in order to hiding the source of dried love in the heart never the most desolate desert also turned to make beautiful scenery .

    始终 携带着童年走人生 人是幸福的,由于心中藏着永不枯竭的爱的源泉,最荒凉的沙漠也化作了美丽的风景。

  • Even when China becomes strong and powerful in the future it will by no means take to the road of foreign aggression and expansion .

    中国即使将来强大了,也决不 对外侵略扩张 道路

  • Perhaps sometimes we can 't choose which way to take but how to go along the road rests with ourselves .

    生活小百科网:可能有时候我们没办法选择 哪条路,但 怎么走却要看我们自己。

  • Take the zebra crossing pedestrian overpass or underpass to cross the road .

    马路 斑马线、人行天桥或地下通道!

  • I could take a little bombastic posturing if it helped to keep Russia on the right road .

    假如这种夸夸其谈的姿态有助 使俄罗斯 上正确的 道路,我可以 接受少许 这种姿态。

  • Take big risks for stealing petty and is doomed to set foot on the road loss .

    大风险去抢蝇头小利,注定是 踏上亏损

  • Go right around . it 'll take you back to the main road .

    向右转就 可以 回到 公路了。

  • Taxes on gasoline have been kept low while massive highway building projects allow more and more cars to take to the road .

    汽油税保持低水平,大规模的公路建设项目则使越来越多的汽车得以 上路

  • We 'll take ourselves to the old town road .

    沿着 老镇子的 去散步。

  • In order to save the nation from subjugation the advanced Chinese starts to take a broad view the world studies to the West positive inquired about saves the nation the road .

    为了救亡图存,先进的中国人开始 放眼世界西方学习,积极的探寻救国之

  • At the same time there are a lot of companies to take advantage of the opportunity to embark on a low-cost acquisitions financing further expansion of the road .

    与此同时,也有很多企业 把握时机,走上了低价收购,融资再扩大 道路

  • Bilgee warned Chen not to take a shortcut but to follow the wagon road back ; since there were yurts every twenty or thirty li he ought to be able to make the trip without incident .

    并再三叮嘱他,千万别 近道,一定 顺大 车道走,一 路上隔上二三十里就有蒙古包,不会有事的。

  • When crossing the road she is always right hand to me and my hands resting on her palm take walk to cross the road then duck would told : don 't cross the road car .

    横穿马路时,她总是向我伸出右手,把我的小手握在她掌心, 着走 马路,然后低下身子,一遍遍地叮嘱:“有车就别过马路”。

  • When we go on vacation we take a lunch to eat while on the road .

    度假时,我们 了许多午餐在 路上吃。

  • It means that take the most appropriate measures to the road entities in the most appropriate time under the guidance of scientific management methods .

    即要求在科学管理方法的指导下, 能够 需要养护维修 路面,在最合适的时候 采取最恰当的措施。

  • I would rather take to the road than work in an office from9till5each day . I want to be free .

    我宁愿 飘泊 流浪,也不愿在办公室从9点干 5点。我喜欢自由自在。

  • Inventories normally dip in summer when drivers take to the road pushing up demand for petrol and in winter when demand for heating oil surges .

    石油存储主要在两个季节下降:夏季人们 出行,造成对汽油更多的需求;冬季,供暖用油需求大增。

  • Take the time to conscientiously read this chapter and follow all the steps required to check your configuration as it may save your day further down the road .

    时间 认真阅读本章并遵守所有的配置所需 步骤来检查你的,因为它可节省您的一天在 路上更进一步。

  • The developed nations are attempting to take the opportunity of this multiplication of global crises to gain competitive advantage in the low-carbon economy and leave the less-developed far behind who is running in the road to high-carbon development .

    世界上的发达国家正试图 利用此次全球多重危机中的机遇, 通过低碳经济创新所形成 新的竞争优势,把那些还在高碳经济发展 道路上行进的发展中国家远远抛在后面。

  • The Russian army supposing Napoleon would take the road to the right beyond the Dnieper the only sensible course turned also to the right and came out on the high road at Krasnoe .

    俄国军队料想拿破仑一定会从右面渡过德聂伯河,这是唯一合理的选择,所以俄军也向右转, 沿着 通往克拉斯诺耶的 大道 前进

  • Especially attention life with meaning accumulate book written form to take shape god to the exploration of the road the plane has formed its own unique style .

    尤重视生活积累, 书以意写形、画以神 形、物 寄情 探索 ,形成了自己的独特风格。

  • Underinflated tires take more energy to push down the road so check your tire pressure often .

    充气不足的的轮胎 路上会消耗更多的能量,所以你 需要经常检查一下轮胎压力。

  • We 'll take you down to the first checkpoint on the Canterbury road .

    我们 送到坎特 伯雷路 第一个安检站。

  • However we usually cann ′ t take into the influence of shear stress by use of current asphalt pavement design specifications in our country to carry on the road structure .

    然而,利用我国现行沥青路面设计规范进行 路面结构设计过程中没有 考虑剪应力的影响。

  • So we had to take a special Jeep up to the main road .

    故我们要 特制吉普车 大路

  • After playing in New York for about a year the producer decided to take the play to the road .

    在纽约大约演出一年之后,演出者决定到外地 巡回演出。

  • How to take effective measures to prevent or reduce road environmental pollution and restore the ecological environment is a long-term and arduous task which places in the vast road workers .

    如何 采取有效措施 杜绝或减少公路环境污染,恢复路域生态环境,是摆在广大 公路工作者面前的一项长期而艰巨的任务。

  • With the innovation of news media system and the further development of socio-economic a large number of news media will be market-oriented and take challenges on the market . If want to gain a firm foothold in the competition we must take the road of industrial development .

    随着新闻单位体制改革的推进和社会经济的进一步发展,一大批的新闻媒体将面向市场, 接受市场的考验和挑战, 竞争中站稳脚跟,就必须走产业发展