take pleasure in

[tek ˈplɛʒɚ ɪn][teik ˈpleʒə in]


  • Take pleasure in one thing and rest in it in passing from one social act to another social act thinking of God .

    在从一种社会行为向另一种社会行为的转变中,兴怀神明,从事物 找到 乐趣并享受它。

  • In London the noblest lords and ladies take pleasure in doing him honor .

    在伦敦,最高贵的贵族和夫人们都 愿意尊重他。

  • They take pleasure in their children 's accomplishments .

    他们 其子女的成就 感到 高兴

  • Make the class become a small English world let each student presume to speak take pleasure in speaking .

    从而,使课堂成为一个小小的英语世界,让每一个学生敢于说, 乐于说。

  • The lovesick always take pleasure in talking writing or composing verses about the beloved ;

    遭受相思之苦的 总会因为谈论、叙述或作诗怀念爱人而 感到 快乐

  • For what should we humans take pleasure in enjoying such bloody and disgusting fights between animals and between humans and animals ?

    我们人类为什么 喜欢 欣赏这样血腥的动物之间和人与动物之间的角斗呢?

  • I have never known one who was not a superb cook or did not take pleasure in entertaining .

    我认识的每个情妇都精于厨艺,也 乐于招待。

  • Not only can we take pleasure in living in society but we can also enjoy society by contributing to it .

    我们不仅 因为生活在社会 得到 快乐,我们也能因为有助于社会而获得乐趣。

  • Many people thought that I would take pleasure in Wang Cheng 's misfortune it is simple nonsense .

    很多人认为王成的不幸遭遇会 幸灾乐祸,这 根本就是胡说八道。

  • I take pleasure in gardening . growing vegetables for the market .


  • He seemed to take pleasure in his social functions he smiled and was abundant in hospitality .

    他满脸微笑,殷勤待客,似乎他 这一职责 享受到许多 快乐

  • Take pleasure in the warm sensations of an self-heating mud pack while it releases the toxins in your body .


  • I have the capacity of self-study the foundation of well-knit theoretics and comprehensive knowledge . I dare to take up the challenges and take pleasure in the challenges .

    突出的自学能力,扎实的理论基础,广泛的知识积累,敢于和 乐于 接收挑战的斗志,都是我得以厚积薄发的本钱。

  • Try study the list aloud to yourself about what you take pleasure in sexually .

    尝试着对你自己大声读这张有关性生活 乐趣的列表。

  • And when we take pleasure in our work we will live happier lives .

    而且,当我们 工作中 找到 乐趣时,我们就会过得更快乐。

  • It 's quite common for little boys to take pleasure in torturing insects and small animals .

    通过折磨昆虫和小动物来 取乐 小男孩中很常见。

  • We ought to remain a little aloof and take pleasure in this aloofness .

    我们应保持一点距离并 这种冷漠 找到 快乐

  • I take pleasure in gardening .


  • Can one 's body take pleasure in the absence of one 's soul ?

    没有灵魂的 介入,一个人能 享受肉体的 快乐吗?

  • Tom always take pleasure in reading foreign novels but it isn 't a pleasure to me .

    汤姆总是 读外国小说为 乐趣,但对我来说并不是一件乐事。

  • The rest take pleasure in watching the emotions run the gamut on the faces of their partners .

    人则 喜欢观察的伴侣 接吻时脸上的表情。

  • I take pleasure in learning foreign language .

    我学外语 感到 快乐

  • We take pleasure in informing you that a parcel containing books and others has arrived for you from London .

    咱们 雀跃 关照您,从伦敦给您发来的书和其余器材的邮包已经达到。

  • Enrich team spirit very much take pleasure in communicate with person have good adaptability and communicate technique can help a team to complete various works quickly but availably .

    具有组织与管理协调能力。极富团队精神, 乐于与人沟通,具备良好的适应性和沟通技巧,能够协助团队快速而有效地完成各项工作。

  • It refers to a culture in which many people write about or display and other people to take pleasure in reading or watching the minutiae of their daily lives .

    窥探文化指的是很多人描写和展示自己生活中的一些细节,然后其他人 阅读或观看这些东西为 乐趣的一种文化。

  • We take pleasure in offering you the undermentioned goods subject to your reply by noon of the15th july .

    我们 乐于就下列商品报价,以7月15日中午前答复有效。

  • These young men take pleasure in mountain-climbing on their holidays .

    在假日 ,这些年青人 爬山为

  • Take pleasure in helping others he lets us see the community a large number of people who need help they need our love We need dedication .
