take order with

[tek ˈɔrdɚ wɪð][teik ˈɔ:də wið]


  • During the flight he may take necessary measures of restraint against a person who disturbs the order in the aircraft interferes with the normal work of crew members and disregards any warning ;

    在航空器飞行中,对扰乱航空器内 秩序,干扰机组人员正常工作而不听劝阻的人, 采取必要的管束措施;

  • In the political economy aspects he explains that people should take a different economic policy in different historical periods in order to promote economic development and display with Chinese characteristics .

    在政治经济学方面:阐释了在不同的历史阶段 采取不同的经济政策 推动经济发展,展示中国特色。

  • This paper take the deck pavement for structure layer in order to analyze the features of bearing capacity when plank work with principal beam .

    铺装层作为结构层研究, 以便分析铺装层 主梁共同工作时的受力特点。

  • It is the pregnant performance of scientific developmental outlook that we apply this kind of methodological outlook to take order with strategic problems in progress .

    用科学的发展观来 对待我们前进道路上的发展问题 是科学发展观的价值要义所在。

  • According to author 's viewpoints the police authorities shall handle the crises in a more positive way take many more considerations on police public relations in order to win the trust from people and to create good environment for dealing with crises properly .

    当危机发生时,警察组织应当站在警察公共关系大局的角度来衡量得失, 积极的态度 赢得公众的信任,创造妥善 处理危机的良好氛围。

  • Kyoto Protocol will expire in 2012 and the developing countries will take the responsibilities of reducing the emissions which means that China must change the extensive growth mode of economy and trade in order to deal with the emission-reducing pressure .

    2012年《京都议定书》到期,届时发展中国家也 承担减排任务,这意味着我国目前粗放式的经济和贸易增长模式必须有所转变 适应减排任务的约束。

  • As the subject take the jurisdiction function in order to control the abuse of litigation rights and solve dissensions effectively still insisting on demands for impleading evidence and it is accordance with impleading qualifications and register examination system in Civil Procedural Law .

    法院作为 享有审判权的职能主体, 为了有效控制滥诉和高效解决纠纷,仍然一贯坚持对起诉证据的要求,而且这也是 我国民事诉讼法规定的起诉条件和立案审查制度相一致的。

  • While eating in Chinese restaurants we take for granted to view many business people having their order with a cell earphone on .

    而吃在中国餐馆,我们 想当然地认为,许多商界人士,他们 为了一个细胞耳机。

  • As a result the full automatic machining process of spinneret will finally take the place of the old manual work in order to be seasoned with the modern chemical fiber production .

    因此,全自动的喷丝头加工方式 取代旧的人工操作也是 适应现代化纤生产的必然结果。

  • The fourth step is to take measures in order to make motivation mechanism run with high-efficiency .

    第四, 采取具体措施 确保激励机制高效率地运行。

  • This article illustrates the connotation of faculty team with HVE characteristics and puts forward the measures we should take in order to build up a faculty team with HVE characteristics according to the problems existing in current faculty team construction in higher vocational colleges .

    本文阐述了高职教育特色师资的内涵, 针对目前高职院校师资队伍建设中存在的问题,提出了创建高职教育特色师资应 采取的具体措施。

  • Meanwhile we had better take order with the protecting problems of interest to the persons who enact the surety and other debtors of these persons by exerting the rules of existing law and creating new reasonable methods .

    在未来《物权法》承认 流质契约的同时,应当运用现行法的规定和创设新的合理方法 处理好对担保设定人及担保设定人的其他债权人的利益保护问题。

  • You 've got it pay attention ! For kinesthetic learners it 's extremely important that you take notes either by writing or typing in order to actively engage with information as you receive it .

    对于动觉型学习者来说, 为了积极 获取刚收到的信息,手写或打字 笔记极为重要。

  • In particular Central regions need take the advantage of the rise of the central strategies to speed up the pace and intensity of reform in order to give full play to the regional advantages forming an organic cohesion with the east and west .

    中部尤其 借助中部崛起战略的东风,加快改革的步伐和力度, 充分发挥其区位优势,形成 东西部的有机衔接。

  • Lead slags sometimes contain metal high and the fitted conditions were not eligible so some plants take order with lead slag lately and make largeness abandon .

    云南省大部分的铅生产都 采用鼓风炉法, 炼铅炉渣中一般 含有铅、锌、铟等有价金属,以前由于冶炼技术条件的制约,炉渣中的有价金属没有得到回收利用。

  • The events of cell cycle take place in the order of timing and space which ensures that cell division and chromosome segregation are completed with high fidelity .

    细胞周期各事件按 正常时空 顺序 发生,才能确保遗传信息忠实传递及细胞正常分裂。

  • The invalid incorporation system refers to through litigation to take order with the company which does not conform to the fundamental provisions of corporation law in the process of set-up .

    公司设立无效是指对已成立的公司在其设立过程中有不符合公司法规定的根本性条件的情形,通过诉讼予以 处理 措施 制度。

  • Before the interview ActionCOACH asks candidates to take a personality test in order to group together applicants with similar profiles for positions that best fit those traits .

    在进行面试之前,赢商教练公司会要求求职者 进行性格测试, 以便 根据他们的性格进行分组,并针对他们的性格特征提供最适合的职位。

  • In this article the author analyzes the specialties of badminton sport and pointed out that the winning rule of badminton sport is to take order with the physical ability technique and tactics reasonably .

    分析羽毛球运动的项目特点,指出 正确 处理好运动员体能、技术和战术之间的本质关系是羽毛球运动 致胜的规律。

  • Specially we take into account the problem of time treated by these three philosophers in order to see the essential reason of this paradox and the ways how they deal with it .

    本文特别以在此三位哲学家所涉及的时间问题为轴心, 来看此吊诡性的根本形成原因以及 他们所 应对的方式。

  • I shall take you in order of your ages & starting with tom who is only twelve and finishing with harry who is seventeen .

    我将 你们的年龄大小 排列,从汤姆开始,他才12岁,最后是哈里,他17岁了。

  • And we take great effort on adjusting storage meeting diverse commercial modes and technology support in order to3-wins with suppliers and customers .

    公司在调节库存、满足不同的商务模式和技术服务上下 功夫提升 合作伙伴的产品和客户的竞争力。

  • I will take very good care of myself so I can be as healthy as possible in order to have fun with you guys this coming Sunday ok ?

    为了可以在这个礼拜天 大家开心见面,我会 好好照顾自己的健康啦!

  • Should proceed with view idea the system and legislative aspect take the correct countermeasures in order to build the the administration public system with Chinese characteristics .

    针对这种情况, 从观念、制度和立法层面入手, 采取正确应对措施,建构中国特色的行政公开体系。

  • Conclusion It is urgent for us to take some necessary measures such as health education and psychotherapy in order to improve the quality of life of the patients with breast cancer .

    结论对乳腺癌 患者 给予必要的健康教育及心理治疗, 提高患者的生命质量。

  • In enterprise dynamic alliance towards agile manufacturing systems any group needs to know which activities it must take part in in what order those activities take place and how many other groups it must interact with .

    在敏捷制造系统中,企业 经常组成动态联盟.在联盟中,每一个企业需要知道它 参与哪些活动,各活动的发生 顺序以及在活动中必须和哪些企业进行交互。

  • It is important to take care of both your mental and physical well-being in order to cope with stress .

    重要的是 照顾你的精神和身体健康, 应付压力。

  • Sometimes people feel uncomfortable when you take some changes and in order to get rid of this discomfort they come up with different jokes and begin to taunt you .

    当你 做出一些改变时,有时人们会感到不安。 为了消除这种不安,他们会讲许多笑话开始奚落你。

  • That is China should have the improvement of the basic rules of global international system in mind and take active part in the whole world regulation working for promoting the harmonious development of international order with mechanism .

    通过研究,我得出的结论性认识是:中国应当以完善全球性国际制度的基本规则为着眼点, 积极主动参与全球规则的制定, 机制建设促进国际 秩序的和谐发展。