working age

[ˈwə:kɪŋ edʒ][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ eidʒ]


  • In America two-thirds of women of working age have a paid job double the level in 1950 and not far off the 77 per cent of men in paid work .

    在美国,三分之二的 劳动 年龄女性拥有有偿工作,是1950年水平的两倍,与男性77%的有偿工作拥有率相差不大。

  • South Korea is currently well placed with six citizens of working age for every pensioner .

    韩国现状良好, 适龄 劳动人口与养老金领取者的比例为六比一。

  • Whereas the population of working age increased by 1 million between 1981 and 1986 today it is barely growing .

    1981年到1986年间 适龄 工作人口增长了100万,而现如今该人口数却几乎没有增长。

  • About 366 million Chinese-or around 40 % of the population of working age 15 years to 59 years-fall into that generation the consulting firm estimates .

    这家咨询公司估计,大约3.66亿中国人属于Y世代,在15至59 就业人口中占40%左右。

  • The leaders pointed to HIV / TB as a major constraint to economic development since most TB deaths are among adults of working age .

    与会领导人指出,在结核病死亡者中,大多数是处于 工作 年龄的成年人,所以,艾滋病毒/结核病严重阻碍了经济发展。

  • The overall population will start to grow faster than that of working age .

    中国的总人口数量将开始比 劳动 年龄人口数量增加的更快。

  • Of the roughly 865 million women who will be of working age ( between the ages of 20 and 65 ) by 2020 according to the International Labour Organization 812 million live in emerging and developing nations .

    根据国际劳工组织(InternationalLabourOrganization)的数据,到2020年将有约8.65亿的 工作 年龄(20-65岁)女性,其中8.12亿居住在新兴国家和发展中国家。

  • Samsung Electronics Co. said Monday it found some problems with working conditions at the plant of one of its suppliers in China but no evidence of the use of staff under the legal working age of 16 .

    三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.)周一说,发现该公司一家中国供应商的工厂在工作条件方面存在若干问题,但没有证据表明该工厂非法雇佣16 以下 童工

  • Even in China with its one-child policy the ratio of retirees to the working age population will be less than 30 per cent in 2025 .

    即便在奉行独生子女政策的中国,到2025年,退休人口与 劳动 人口之比也将低于30%。

  • GDP per person of working age rose at more than double the rate of Germany faster than Britain and close to that of the US .

    日本适 年龄 人群的人均gdp增长率其实比德国高逾一倍,增长速度比英国更快,接近于美国。

  • Combine that with China 's aging population - which has meant a decline in the ranks of the nation 's working age people ( down 2.4 million last year to 920 million ) - - and the nation 's leaders have a cushion when it comes to unemployment levels .

    这种情况再加上中国的老龄化状况,令中国领导人在失业率问题上有了缓冲余地。老龄化意味着中国 劳动 年龄人口数量下滑(去年减少了240万人,至9.2亿人)。

  • UN projections show that in 2050 for every 100 Americans of working age there will be 35 people over 65 .

    联合国预计,2050年,美国每100个 劳动 年龄的人口中,将有35人超过65岁。

  • In industrialized countries the number of people reaching retirement age is growing while the number of working age people is declining .

    在工业化国家,退休人口的数量在递增,同时, 工作 人口的数量在递减。

  • But as the only children reach working age and their parents retire this ratio changes fast : by 2040 it will be well over 50 per cent and by 2050 over 60 per cent .

    但是随着独生子女到达 劳动 年龄和他们的父母退休,该比率将很快改变:到2040年,抚养比率将远远超过50%,到2050年,将超过60%。

  • Indeed the US 's working age population will have grown by about 30 per cent whereas China 's will have dropped 3 per cent .

    的确,届时美国 劳动 年龄人口将增长约30%,而中国将减少3%。

  • Three out of four peasants of working age have floated to industrial and commercial employment .

    工作 年龄的农民,四个有三个转到工商业去了。

  • Even exercise programmes promoted as a way of boosting wellbeing and maintaining good health are targeted at the young and those of working age it says .

    即使演习方案,作为提高生活水平和保持身体健康的方式推广,是在年轻的目标和 工作 年龄的人,它说。

  • In their simulation they assume that 10 percent of non-college-educated men of prime working age suddenly obtained a college degree or higher which would be an unprecedented rise in the proportion of the work force with advanced education .

    在他们的模拟实验中,他们假定处于黄金 工作 年龄的未受本科教育者中,有10%突然获得了本科或本科以上学历,这将导致高等学历劳动者所占比例出现前所未有的提升。

  • If the government wants to hit its target of getting 80 per cent of the working age population into employment it will have to tackle mental illness .

    如果英国政府想实现 适龄 工作人口中就业率达80%的目标,就必须解决精神疾病问题。

  • Now employment and support allowance is a working age benefit for people that have disabilities and health problems that affect their ability to work .

    现在,就业和支持 津贴是为残疾人和具有影响工作能力的健康问题的人提供的一 福利。

  • Above all mental ill health is today overwhelmingly the most important form of sickness affecting children and adults of working age .

    最重要的是,现在精神不健康成了影响儿童和 劳动 年龄成年人健康的最主要疾病。

  • As well as declines in wages the crisis brought a sharp reduction in the proportion of the population of working age in the workforce .

    和工资下降一样,危机也给劳动力中达到 工龄的人口比例带来了巨大的减少。

  • A bulge of better-educated young people of working age is entering the job market and birth rates are beginning to decline .

    更多的受过较好教育的达到 工作 年龄的年轻人进入职场,出生率开始下降。