working process

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈprɑsˌɛs][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈprəuses]


  • Computer control canister makes high-speed lockstitch sewing machine predigests the common working process upgrading the efficiency .

    由电脑控制的高速平缝机简化了普通平缝机的 操作 程序,大大提高了生产效率。

  • Curriculum Design and Practice of Geographical Information System Technology Based on Working Process

    基于 工作 过程的地理信息系统技术应用课程教学设计与实践

  • It has unique advantages in teaching based on working process orientation of international business major .

    工作 过程为导向开展国际商务专业教学有其独特的优越性。

  • Working process and the existing control system of the synthetic carbon film potentiometerscraping unit are analyzed .

    对合成碳膜电位器修刻机的 工作 过程和原有控制系统进行了分析。

  • It probes the spray characteristics of the mixing fuel and analyzes theoretically the working process of the mixing fuel engine .

    研究了混合燃料的喷雾特性,同时对混合燃料发动机的 工作 过程进行了理论分析。

  • The design method and the working process of a developed system for reducing gears and some examples are presented in this paper also .

    这里叙述了集成系统设计方法及已研制的适合减速器产品的系统功能、 过程和示例。

  • The working process is in programming control and can be executed on the work ship by operators .

    加工 过程程序化控制,由操作人员在工作船上执行。

  • Construction main technical parameter working process of ZQF-300 tiltable ball grinder were introduced .

    介绍了ZQF-300型倾翻式球磨机的结构、主要技术参数及 工作 过程

  • Initial condition and boundary conditions of heat transfer were calculated through the working process program and the empirical formulas .

    传热初始条件和边界条件分别由 工作 过程模拟程序和经验公式计算得到。

  • The design describes the structure of compound die stamping flip-chip design and working process .

    本次设计阐述了冲压倒装复合模的结构设计以及 工作 过程

  • How to develop the curriculum based on working process combining with the developmental features of northeastern regional economy ?

    如何紧密结合东北区域旅游经济发展特色,开发基于 工作 过程的课程?

  • The forming technology and parameters for hot forging of the brass brake shield and the structure and the working process of the die were introduced .

    介绍了黄铜闸板热锻成型工艺和参数,还介绍了模具结构及 工作 过程,提出了在热锻过程中应注意的几个问。

  • This section summarizes our throughput analysis methodology and then gives a detailed working process on how to analyze and solve the throughput degradation problems .

    这个部分简要介绍了我们的吞吐量分析方法,然后给出了关于如何分析和解决吞吐量降低问题的详细 工作 流程

  • Which is the working process you follow ?

    这是您按照 工作 过程

  • The machine set should be guarded by workers during working process .

    机组在 工作 过程中,应有工作人员看守。

  • This paper introduces the working process and control features of the automatic production line of DC battery discharge and designs an automatic control system of DC battery discharge based on PLC .

    介绍了直流电池放电自动化生产线的 工作 过程与控制特点,设计了一种基于PLC的直流电池放电自动化控制系统。

  • The forming technology of skin-cooling high pressure turbine was analyzed introduced polyurethane bulging die structure design and the working process and die debugging improvement .

    分析了高压涡轮冷却外壳的成形工艺,并介绍了聚氨酯胀形模的结构设计和模具 工作 过程以及模具调试改进。

  • The working process should be simplified .

    工作 程序应该简化。

  • The Construction of the Course System of Mold Designing and Manufacturing Specialty Based on the Working Process

    基于 工作 过程的模具设计与制造专业课程体系的构建

  • According to laser working process stabilization frequency includes mode hopping transition stage and stabilized mode .

    按照激光器的 工作 过程,稳频分为三个阶段:跳模、过渡阶段,模式稳定。

  • It has a certain reference value and promotion for function analysis expansion the analysis of working process and some parameter design .

    文章对降落相机的功能分析、扩展以及 工作 过程分析和部分参数设计对于中国降落相机的研制有着一定的借鉴和促进作用。

  • Numerical control technology is to use digital information to mechanical motion and working process control technologies ;

    数控技术是用数字信息对机械运动和 工作 过程进行控制的技术;

  • The information of indicator diagram is important to investigate in-cylinder working process in engine .

    基于示功图的信息是研究发动机缸内 工作 过程的重要手段。

  • This thesis detailedly analyses the operational principle and the working process of JTAG boundary scan technique and explains its internal mechanism used for ISP configuration ;

    论文详细地分析了JTAG边界扫描技术的工作原理和 工作 过程,解释了其用于ISP配置的内在机理;

  • The working process control system configuring and software program design is introduced .

    介绍了改进后静水压试验机的 工作 过程、控制系统配置及软件程序设计。

  • In addition both the working process of compound die and questions required attention are stated .

    同时也阐述了复合模 工作 过程及注意事项。

  • Design and manufacture methods of injection mold for the defecator body were introduced and working process of mold was stated .

    介绍了清净管体注射模的设计与制造方法,并阐述了模具的 工作 过程

  • Finally the article analyzed the internal FPGA functional modules and other circuit blocks and the role of the working process .

    分析了FPGA内部各功能模块和其他电路模块的作用及 工作 过程

  • This paper analyzed and introduced the size die structure die design points and working process .

    本文分析并介绍了制动器底板精整模结构、模具的设计要点和其 工作 过程