working attitude

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈætɪˌtud][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈætitju:d]

[法] 工作态度

  • For many years AREARFEI people have been highly rewarded by its clients thanks to their sincere working attitude .

    多年来,雅而菲人认真地 完成客户交给的每一项任务,并得到高度的认可和 好评

  • While making decision on audit sanctions and penalties the audit institutions shall observe the principle of being fair open and reasonable and maintain a rigorous and responsible working attitude .

    审计机关在作出审计处理、处罚决定时,应当遵循公正、公开、适度的原则,保持严谨、 负责 态度

  • After six months of more practical work so I have a profound understanding of all aspects of trade flow between the close relationship between interlocking and train my strict working attitude !

    经过这半年多的实践工作,使我深刻认识到贸易流程中各个环节之间,环环相扣的密切关系,培养了我严谨的 工作 态度

  • With good working attitude and teamwork spirit .

    很好的 敬业和团队合作精神。

  • Their speed of response working attitude and working quality have all impressed me deeply .

    我对他们的反应速度, 工作 态度以及工作质量印象深刻。

  • You have relevant professional experience have maintaining intelligent serious working attitude responsible for .

    您有相关专业经验、有主张、有思想、 工作 态度认真,负责。

  • Strong personality with good working attitude can work under high pressure .

    良好的 工作 态度,能承受工作压力。

  • I think the most important advantages of myself are solid knowledge and professional working attitude .

    个人认为良好的专业基础和一丝不苟的 工作 态度是我最大的优点。

  • In working attitude I always keep warm and persistence take one of your work and good on analysis .

    工作 态度上,始终保持热情与执着,取人之长补己之短,善于分析总结工作优缺点。

  • With three years'experience on QC I have developed my meticulous working attitude and I also emphasize teamwork .

    我有三年的品质管理经验,这培养了我严谨的 工作 态度和很好的团队合作精神。

  • Covers the contents of the field of foreign trade are numerous and complex which requires each staff member must maintain a positive working attitude .

    外贸领域涵盖的内容多而复杂,这需要每个工作人员都要保持一份积极向上的 工作 心态

  • A Study about the Relationship between Leadership Style of Middle Management and the Teachers ' Working Attitude in Colleges and / or Universities

    高校中层领导方式与教师 工作 态度的关系研究

  • On the Nature of Construction Contractor s Compensation-receiving Priority ; Strong personality with good working attitude can work under high pressure .

    论建设工程承包人优先受偿权的性质良好的 工作 态度,能承受工作压力。

  • Hard working discipline positive working attitude and a team player .

    努力工作,遵纪守法, 态度积极和良好的团队意识。

  • To prove that the system functions well strict working attitude can effectively reduce nursing errors hidden to protect the safety of surgery patients .

    从而证明,完善的制度职责、严谨的 工作 态度,能够有效减少护理差错隐患,保障患者手术安全。

  • Down to earth is our working attitude .

    脚踏实地是我们的 工作 态度

  • Working patiently and carefully is our working attitude ;

    耐心细致的工作,是我们 工作 态度

  • Hard working is their working attitude diligent work of their style they are happy for others to make the wedding dress .

    任劳任怨是他们的 工作 态度,勤勤恳恳是他们的工作作风,他们乐为他人作嫁衣。

  • The company 's design team has excellent professional skills and strict working attitude the entire design process showed great enthusiasm and unparalleled sense of responsibility .

    公司的设计队伍拥有卓越的专业技能和严谨的 工作 态度,在整个的设计过程中表现出极大的工作热忱和无以伦比的责任心。

  • That is working attitude and see if you can persist .

    也就是说 做事 态度,看你能否坚持到底。

  • Good working attitude be ready to learn new knowledge and be able to complete the translation on time as required ;

    工作 态度 认真,乐于学习,能够按照要求按时完成稿件翻译;

  • We will continue to keep our promises and work without regrets to provide precise and quality works solemn working attitude and professional services to fulfill our commitments .

    我们会鼎承过往一贯之作风,以「要求严谨、工作认真、服务专业」的 工作 态度为阁下提供最满意之服务。

  • Teamplayer and sleeve-up working attitude .

    良好的团队合作和积极向上的 工作 态度

  • Because I have a good command of English and serious working attitude often praised by the exhibitors .

    因为我有一个良好的英语水平和认真的 工作 态度,常常受到参展商的赞扬。

  • Good working attitude and team player spirit honesty and responsibility willing to learn new knowledge ;

    良好积极的 工作 态度和团队精神,诚实有责任心,愿意学习新知识;

  • Mature fashion there are pioneering and innovative spirit there is a positive working attitude willing and able to in the absence of under the supervision of hard work .

    思想成熟、新潮、有首创和革新精神,有积极的 工作 态度,愿意和能够在没有监督的情况下勤奋地工作。

  • Manage the working hours and working attitude of employees in department .

    掌握本部门员工的工时情况及 工作 态度

  • Based on the concerned documents and research hypothesis a model of the relationship between knowledge workers working attitude and performance is proposed .

    依据相关文献与研究假设,构建了知识型员工的 工作 态度与工作绩效关系模型。