tear off

[tɛr ɔf][tiə ɔf]


  • He will be surely be able to tear off a man 's limbs .

    他能够 剥去一个人的四肢。

  • Twenty nine cases of tear off ligament fractures 12 cases of anterior cruciate ligament rupture and 21 knee joint damages have been operated on or treated within 1 to 19 days after injury .

    韧带上下止点 骨折29例,前交叉韧带实质断裂12例,膝关节合并伤21例。41例均在伤后1~19天内手术。

  • I 'm an immigrant and I used to drive this used car with a lot of bumper stickers that impossible to tear off and one of them said'If you don 't speak English go home .

    我是移民,过我去常常开着我那保险杠上贴满了 的小贴纸的二手车招摇过市,其中一个小贴纸写到‘如果你不讲英语,回家去’。

  • The older boys liked to steal books from the shuttered plantation library and pin them to their doors so they could tear off pages to use as bathroom tissue when they went to the latrine .

    年纪大的男孩们喜欢从当时已经关门的农场图书馆偷书,把它们钉在自己的门上,上厕所时就 几张来当厕纸。

  • Tear off the dirty sheet on the roller when it can 't sock dirt .

    若滚筒变脏,不能再吸附污物时,沿折痕 撕掉受污层即可。

  • One of these days I 'll tear off your balls creep .

    总有一天,我把你的蛋蛋都 下来

  • When sticking stamps people tear off the wax paper on the stamp-sticking place and then stick and press the stamps .

    粘贴邮票时,将贴邮票处上的蜡纸 ,粘上邮票压紧即可。

  • Tear off this coupon and use it to get25p off your next jar of coffee .


  • His political opponents were able to tear off the show of sincerity that had been covering his deceitful intentions .

    他的政治对手们能够 戳穿他表面的诚实, 揭露他隐藏着的欺诈意图。

  • A location where operators tear off incoming printed and punched paper tape and transfer it manually to the proper outgoing circuit .

    一种转发场所,那里的操作员将收到的打印或穿孔的纸带 ,人工地将纸带转送到适当的发送电路,发送出去。

  • Tear off protective backing from patch and apply patch with firm pressure particularly at edge .

    补片的保护层 ,把补片用力压在内胎上,边缘特别要压紧。

  • If it 's a big pool of cholesterol it will expand causing the'cap'of the deposit to tear off in the arterial wall .

    一是如果有很多的胆固醇,晶体会扩增,在动脉壁形成‘帽子’样的沉积物并 剥落

  • Test of struggling to tear off rubberized cloth : 0.5 cm2 medical rubberized cloth was adhered to the ventral of anterior claws of rats and then rats were sent to the observing box to record the time of tearing off rubberized cloth .

    胶布 试验:将0.5cm2的医用胶布粘于大鼠两前爪腹侧面后,送其入观察箱中,记录其撕去胶布所使用的时间。

  • Tear off the invoice book and us the invoices without permission ;

    未经批准 本使用发票;

  • Tear off the rhetorical top-dressing form his speech and you find there 's very little solid content . Participants made a newspaper tower that can stand on itself for ten seconds .

    他的演讲, 剥去堆砌的华丽的词藻,实实在在的内容很少。以报纸及胶纸堆砌成一座塔,纸塔须竖立最少十秒,最高的一组为胜。

  • Fuentes tore off his hat and flung it to the ground .

    富恩特斯一把 帽子,扔在地上。

  • Heard references to a full tear off a nightmare .

    听到,噩梦充述着 撕裂的雨声。

  • I will tear off your veils and save my people from your hands and they will no longer fall prey to your power .

    我也必 撕裂你们下垂的头巾;救我百姓脱离你们的手,不再被猎取,落在你们手中。

  • Then the Fox will leap at the Boar and tear off its right ear and its tail and slink off to hide in the mountain caves .

    然后狐狸会越过野猪, 它的右耳和尾巴抓破,潜逃,隐藏在山洞。

  • Do not tear off flaking skin ; you may break nearby healthy skin and spread the infection .

    但是不要 撕掉 那些薄片,那样可能会伤害到周围健康的皮肤,使感染扩大。

  • You can 't just tear off your own face .

    你不可能 割掉你自己的脸。

  • Please tear off the partial sample tape and take out the Bottles .


  • How far attached rigid bodies need to be stretched before they will tear off .

    有多大程度附加的刚体需要被拉伸,在 撕裂 关闭之前。

  • Totally exhausted he tore his clothes off and fell into bed

    他疲惫至极, 下衣服,一头倒在床上。

  • Can you tear off a piece of paper for me ?

    你能 张纸给我吗?