


  • With the quick development of tecnology and society every one suffers more pleasure from various aspects .

    随着 知识社会的快速发展,每个人都 从前享受到更多方面的快乐。

  • Eco-Environmental Synthetic Evaluation Based on GIS Tecnology in Hunan Province

    GIS 支持下的湖南省生态环境 质量综合评价

  • Along with the development of modem software technology Prototype development tecnology is getting more and more attention .

    随着现代软件开发技术的发展,原型开发 技术已经越来越被重视。

  • Research on Precision Small-Angle Measurement Tecnology Based on Total Internal-Reflection

    光学内反射法小角度精密测量 技术的研究

  • Winning Nobel prize reflects not only an individual 's honor and innovating ability but the development of a country 's culture science and tecnology education and creative ability .

    获得诺贝尔奖不仅是科学家个人的荣誉和创新能力的体现,而且也是一个国家文化、 科技、教育发展的 象征和创新能力的 标志

  • The defective analysis of transformer mainly relies on the electric and oil test . A transformer defect successfully found and removed by tecnology of Ultrasonic measurement was emphasized in this paper thence a effective means for the synthetic analysis of the transformer insulation state is provided .

    变压器缺陷判断分析主要依靠电气和油 试验,本文着重介绍利用超声测试 技术成功地发现并消除了一起变压器缺陷,由此为变压器绝缘状态的综合分析提供了又一有效手段。

  • This study may provide a clue for understanding why humans have ear canals and how animals auditory systems have evolved and inspire in developing bionic tecnology for improving hearing in noise .

    进化 超声 通讯 能力的研究,不仅为理解为什么人类有耳道提供暗示,有助于了解动物听觉系统的进化,并对开发仿生 技术有重要启示。

  • Then A XML based in-patient department EMR system is also designed based upon research on the main tecnology and relevant criteria of the medical industry .

    然后,通过对构建电子病历系统的主要 技术及相关行业标准进行了研究,设计了基于XML的医院住院部电子病历系统。

  • Study on Sodium Removal Tecnology of Sintering Silica Slag

    烧结法硅渣脱钠 技术研究

  • The paper introduces high speed electric spindle for woodworking and its main tecnology characteristics and basic parameters present situation and application of high speed electric spindle technology at abroad and home .

    介绍了木工高速电主轴及其主要 技术特点和基本参数以及木工高速电主轴技术的国内外研究现状和应用。

  • Tecnology - capability and management capability consist of the two basic capability of core competence the core competence of any enterprise may come from the organic integration of the two capabilities .


  • The Microstructure and Properties of Cu-Cr In-Situ Composites under the Tecnology of High Temperature Gradient Directional Solidification

    高梯度定向凝固 Cu-Cr自生复合材料的组织与性能

  • It has become the shared understanding of east Asian countries to maintain regional peace and stability develop economy science and tecnology expand mutually beneficial cooperation and promote common prosperity .

    维护地区的和平与稳定,发展经济、 科技,扩大互利合作,促进共同繁荣成为东亚各国的共识。

  • On wavelet processing Videotex Tecnology and Programming Method

    子波处理方法的研究可视 图文 技术与编程方法

  • The Basic Theory and Application Example for the Gas-assisted CAE Tecnology

    气辅注塑CAE模拟 技术的理论基础及分析实例

  • Secondly this chapter elaborates the concepts of the information information tecnology informatization and different levels of informatization .

    其次,本章阐述了信息、信息 技术的概念和 性质,论述了信息化的概念和层次。

  • The magnetic transmission tecnology is summarized and its application status domestically and abroad is discussed as well as the prospect .

    概述了磁传动 技术,介绍了磁传动 技术在国内外应用情况,并展望了磁传动 技术的未来。

  • With the development of construction tecnology underwater explosion trenching method will be even safer and more reliable .

    文章 认为随着施工 技术的发展,水下爆破技术将更加安全可靠。

  • The target of our Network Element Management System is from a single integrated management equipment to management development therefore the feature of the configuration subsystem is that it has the custom function based on XML tecnology .

    本网管理系统的目标是从单一设备管理向综合设备管理发展,所以本配置子系统的特点是拥有基于XML 技术的定制功能。

  • A new form tecnology has been advanced and a new theorem of form Solution has been established in this paper .

    本文给出了一种新的生成 技术,建立了一个新的生成解定理。

  • In the last part of this paper differentiation marketing implementing strategy and renewing strategy of Science & Tecnology have been designed and relevant supporting system been stated in detail .

    最后制定了公司差异化营销战略和 科技创新战略的实施方案并对战略实施的支撑体系进行了阐述。

  • This paper introduced five control strategys including triangle-wave modulation carrier phase shifted SPWM tecnology hysteresis current tracking control instantaneous value comparison control and one-cycle control which have their strong point .

    本文引入了三角波调制、多重化与移相载波SPWM 技术、滞环电流跟踪控制、瞬时值比较控制、单周控制五类控制策略,在性能方面各有优势。

  • The working principle tecnology arrangement structure of rolling mill and their characteristics of new developed edge mill for π - beam steel were introduced .

    介绍了新研制的π型花边轧机的工作原理、 工艺布置、设备结构及其特点。

  • China is going through the improtant stage of economic development so we should enhance the science and tecnology development and put it in a more dominent place .

    中国处于更多经济发展的阶段,我们要加快 科技发展,并将它放在更加突出的战略地位。

  • With the development of the Information Tecnology Computer Networks have been widely used in many fields .

    信息 技术的发展,使计算机网络信息系统在很多领域得到了广泛应用。

  • Construction tecnology of flue project by arch form which used of steel tube and clay brick was introduced briefly .

    简介了采用普通钢管及粘土砖做拱模进行烟道工程施工的 技术 实践

  • The Touch Screen Tecnology in System Interface

    系统界面中的触摸屏 技术

  • This paper describes the manufacturing tecnology of 180 ° stamping and welding el-how with crooked radius equal or smaller than nominal diameter . It also introduces the developed diagram of elbow and so on .

    本文叙述了弯曲半径等于或小于公称直径的180°冲压焊接弯头的制造 技术以及弯头的展开图作法、弯头胎模具、弯头冲压和弯头成形组焊技术等。

  • Clinical Study about Microsurgery Tecnology on cleft palate repair Complications and the Preventive Measures during Corrections of Acquired Deformities after Cheilorrhaphy and Palatoplasty

    显微外科 技术在腭裂整复中的应用研究唇裂或唇腭裂术后继发畸形二期整复后的并发症及预防