technical order

[ˈtɛknɪkəl ˈɔrdɚ][ˈteknikəl ˈɔ:də]


  • According to the investigation and study on the traffic in Shenyang City the paper sums up and analyzes the effective technical measures in order to enhance the road capacity for the last ten years .

    本文根据对沈阳市的交通调查及研究,总结分析了十年来采取 旨在提高道路通行能力的行之有效的 技术措施。

  • According to the local conditions and with general consideration in its investment and production capacity it selects reverberatory furnace as smelting equipment and also takes relevant technical measures in order to ensure no environmental harm in the course of production .

    根据当地具体情况,并从其投资规模与生产能力的比值综合考虑,选择反射炉作为熔炼设备,同时采取了相关的 技术措施, 保证生产过程中不会对环境造成危害。

  • The problem should first be probed from a legal and technical perspective in order to see the fundamental Principle of the IOT privacy protection .

    从法律与 科技相互关系角度分析了保护物联网隐私权的原则和角度问题。

  • Submersible motor-pump for deep well should be checked with industry technical standards in order to promote the improvement of product quality and protect the safety of users .

    井用潜水电泵是国家实施工业产品生产许可证管理的产品,须依据国家和行业 技术标准对其进行质量监督检查, 促进企业产品质量的提高及保障用户使用的安全。

  • The West must heighten its economic technical level in order to participating the more division with the East based on the same technical level and finally set up the complementary relationship of the Western and Eastern markets .

    西部必须大力提高经济 技术水平,在相同的技术矩阵基础上与东部扩大分工, 才能建立市场互补关系。

  • It can search craft characteristics of the existing equipment and optimize the technical parameters in order to improve the quality of products .

    可以探索现有轧机工艺特性,改善 工艺参数, 提高产品的质量与产量。

  • Therefore in the ultra-thin sheet forming process the size effect should be considered in the selection of the technical parameters in order to satisfy the design .

    因此,在超薄板料的塑性成形过程中, 工艺参数的选取需要考虑其尺度效应 才能达到设计要求。

  • The target is to discovery possible technology project and solve all technical problems in order to get experience for developing a usable tool in the future .

    目的主要是探索 实现这样一个工具时可能采取的技术方案,以及各种 技术问题的解决方法, 以后开发真正实用的工具奠定基础。

  • For the problems of air plasma-arc cutting that has been existing relativity between parameter of air plasma-are cutting has been analyzed with technical test in order to get best technical parameters and resolute way .

    针对空气等离子弧切割存在的问题,通过试验对切割参数的相关性进行了分析 并给出了对不锈钢和碳素钢板进行空气等离子弧切割的最佳工艺参数,提出了 工艺上的解决方法。

  • In the Learning to work with Today a number of technical schools in order to meet the scientific and technological development have opened the MCU application of this course .

    在“学为工用”的今天,许多 技校 为了适应科学技术的发展,纷纷开设了单片机应用这门课程。

  • At present China s major oil fields are entering a period of high water extraction stage and it needs to tap the potential use of a variety of measures and technical measures in order to improve the ultimate recovery and protect oil fields to develop steadily .

    目前我国的主要油田都进入了高含水期开采阶段,需要采用各种挖潜措施和 技术手段, 提高最终采收率,保障油田稳产。

  • According to features of foundation pit environments and geological conditions of this project engineers provided a detailed feasible plan and relevant technical measures in order to ensure safety of adjacent environments .

    针对本工程基坑、环境及地质特点,设计提出了详细可行的方案和 技术措施, 确保了周边环境的安全。

  • This system is mainly applied to the Out-0f-Gauge goods transport which can provide decision-making technical support in order to select safe and smooth path for the Out-0f-Gauge goods transport .

    本系统的适用性主要体现在铁路超限货物运输,能为超限货物运输提供 决策 支持, 超限货物在运输过程中提供安全顺利通过的径路。

  • The status of SO 3 sulfonation technology and analysis methods in China were introduced . Some new analytic methods for sulfonation products were improved by changing the technical conditions in order to control the quality of product .

    介绍了国内SO3磺化技术的现状以及现有磺化分析方法的不足,结合 工艺条件对产品质量的影响 具体列举了一些新的磺化中控方法和产品分析方法。

  • However it has fewer natural SDF therefore a certain degree of technical processing in order to improve the SDF content and yield rate must be taken .

    但是豆渣中天然的SDF较少,因此,必须进行一定的 技术处理, 提高豆渣SDF的含量与得率。

  • Finally it should be set specialized management and technical personnel in order to have the talent and technical reserve forces .

    最后应设立专门的管理人员和 技术人员, 使其具备EPC型工程公司的人才储备和技术力量。

  • Through a multimedia combination teaching the authors made an experiment on tennis technical classes in order to bring out better results .

    通过多媒体组合教学方法,对大学网球 技术课进行了教学实验 旨在提高网球课的教学效果。

  • The author cautions that domestic enterprises should actively adopt international standards and advanced foreign standards when they develop new products or conduct technical modification in order to intensify their competitiveness in international market .

    告诫企业在开发新产品、进行 技术改造时,应积极采用国际标准或国外先进标准,并且 尽量等同、等效 采用,增强参与国际竞争的实力。

  • Furthermore the Employer has provided additional technical provisions in order to ensure the standard and quality of the construction .

    另外业主还提出了额外的 技术条件 确保施工标准和质量。

  • It is important to have strong communication skill and a good technical background in order to offer an efficient and professional service to the users .

    能提供给系统使用者有效的专业的服务,系统支持人员需要有良好的沟通能力以及 技术背景。

  • Enterprises must strengthen the training of technical personnel in order to adapt to the needs of technologies development better and faster which is the need of existence and development .

    企业必须加强对 技术人员的培训, 使其更好更快的适应相关技术发展需要,这也是企业生存和发展的需要。

  • We never stop improving our R & D capability and technical know-how in order to seize every opportunity to market our innovative products worldwide .

    我们从来没有停止提高我们的研发能力,我们知道 专业的抓住每一个机遇, 使我们的产品在全球领先。

  • Our country have invest so much in educational technical equipment in order to increase the quality education and realize educational modernization .

    为了促进教育的现代化,提高全民素质,国家进行了大规模的教育 技术装备建设投资。

  • Devote major efforts to practise EPP to support national goal of energy conservation and emission reduction ; It is important to have strong communication skill and a good technical background in order to offer an efficient and professional service to the users .

    大力推行能效电厂,支持实现国家节能减排目标 能提供给系统使用者有效的专业的服务,系统支持人员需要有良好的沟通能力以及 技术背景。

  • Flint revealed that the company has been taking on new marketing and technical staff in order to power the initiative developing new ways to make Sky 's offering more accessible to punters .

    弗林特透露,该公司已采取新的营销和 技术人员, 权力的积极性,发展的新途径,使天空的投注者提供更方便。

  • This article reviews the commonly used methods for expression of radar 's ECCM performance points out their disadvantages and proposes that it is required to establish the formulae which consist only of the radar 's technical parameters in order to measure the radar 's ECCM capabilities .

    本文论述了度量雷达抗干扰能力的方法, 提出了一组通用的 度量公式。

  • Deeply researches the economic nature and goals of governmental accounting reforms at the micro-level which breaks through the limitations of researching the problems of governmental accounting reforms only from adopting a new technical tool in order to improve governmental sectors ' performance . 4 .

    在微观层面上深入研究了政府会计改革的经济本质和目标,超越了单从引入新型 技术工具、 提高政府绩效角度研究政府会计改革问题的限制。

  • The criterion could be applied to the continuous casting process to optimize technical parameters in order to obtain slab of good quality .

    该判据用于连铸过程控制可 得到较高质量连铸