


  • The Tectonic Evolution of Bohai Basin in Mesozoic and Cenozoic Time

    渤海湾盆地中、新生代 构造演化研究

  • Complicated tectonic styles and geological structures were generated by multi-episodic rifting and inversion .

    多期裂陷和反转构造作用的叠加导致了相对复杂的 构造格架样式和盆地地质结构。

  • Research focuses on various types of sedimentary basins and their tectonic mechanisms of formation .

    研究主要集中在各种类型的沉积盆地的 构造和形成机制。

  • Tectonic activities and volcanism in the basin have an influence on hydrocarbon generation of kerogen and its change .

    盆地 构造活动和火山作用可以促进干酪根的成烃转化。

  • The tectonic evolution and hydrocarbon accumulation in the foreland fold-and-thrust belt of the southern JunggarBasin is complex .

    准噶尔盆地南缘前陆冲断带 构造演化与成藏过程复杂。

  • Thus the tectonic systems have controlled basement tectonics of Weihe basin and geothermal resources .

    这些 断裂 控制着渭河盆地的基底构造以及地热资源的展布。

  • The sedimentary environment of the chert reflects the tectonic setting of the small oceanic basin in Late Jurassic .

    硅质岩的形成环境反映了该陆缘小洋盆在晚侏罗世所处的 构造背景。

  • Tectonic subsidence and sedimentation were primarily controlled by the northern and western basin border faults .

    盆地 构造沉降和沉积过程主要受北缘和西缘张性断层的控制。

  • The tectonic setting and attribute of the Bikou Terrane related to the Proterozoic Bikou Group have been disputed .

    有关中元古界碧口岩群的成岩 构造环境及中元古代碧口地体构造属性长期存在争议。

  • From tectonic location composition and physical structure one can identify similarities between volcanoes .

    结构位置,组成部分和物理 位置来看,可以确定火山之间的相似之处。

  • Andes magmatism and its tectonic setting ; 3 . Granites and geodynamics processes ;

    安第斯山岩浆活动及大地 构造环境:3.花岗岩及地球动力学过程;

  • Sedimentary environment and tectonic movement have great influence on abundance and thermal evolution extent of organic matters .

    沉积环境和 构造运动对有机质丰度和热演化程度影响较大。

  • Accurate dating for volcanic and sub-volcanic rocks provided reliable data to constrain the tectonic setting for diagenesis .

    火山岩和次火山岩的精确定年为准确 厘定火山岩形成的时限和地球动力学背景提供了依据。

  • The detrital and chemical components can directly reflect the features of the provenance and its tectonic setting .

    碎屑岩中的碎屑组分和地球化学特征直接反映物源区和沉积盆地的 构造环境。

  • According to many researchers achievement the response of fluvial geomorphology to tectonic movement is discussed .

    以前人的研究工作为例,讨论了河流地貌对 构造活动的响应。

  • They are the tectonic components of Cathaysian which control the movement of the recent strong earthquakes .

    它们控制着华北区现代强震活动,是华夏系的 构造成分。

  • An incremental stress rheology model is developed to study the dynamics of tectonic mineralization .

    本文提出了 构造成矿作用动力学研究的递增应力流变学方法。

  • The development of sequence can be controlled by three factors namely tectonic subsidence sediment supply and climate .

    层序发育的影响因素可分为 构造沉降、沉积物供给和气候因素。

  • A simplified explanation for this can be found in the nature of tectonic earthquake .

    一个简化的解释这件事,可以发现,在 构造地震的性质。

  • The second migration power include buoyancy and tectonic activity which controlled by stratum dip and faulting .

    二次运移的动力包括浮力和 构造活动力,其主要影响因素是地层倾角和断裂活动强度。

  • Based on the rule of sedimentary compensation the formation thickness coefficient is applied to study tectonic movement .

    根据沉积补偿原理,提出地层厚度系数研究 构造运动的方法,并分析了其研究步骤及适用范围。

  • This paper simply reviews the study of tectonic facies and its controlling factors .

    本文简单回顾了 构造相的研究概况,分析了 构造相的控制因素;

  • The study of sedimentary research is important to petroleum exploration analysis of reservoir quality and tectonic evolution .

    沉积相研究是油气勘探、储层质量评价、 盆地 构造演化的基础和有力手段。

  • Tectonic Framework and Tectonic Evolution of the Sichuan Basin in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic

    四川盆地中新生代 区域 构造 架与构造演化过程研究

  • Jianchaling gold deposit belongs to micro disseminated tectonic altered rock type which has genetic relationship with ultrabasic rock .

    煎茶岭金矿床属于与超基性岩有成因联系的微细浸染状 构造蚀变岩型金矿床。

  • The volcanic rocks from Hanxia and Hongliuxia in Jiuxi basin are considered to be resulted from Cenozoic tectonic events .

    酒西盆地旱峡和红柳峡等地有基性火山岩产出,它们曾一度被认为是新生代 构造运动的产物。

  • The orebody occurred below Quaternary mineralization is closely related to tectonic activity and alteration .

    矿体赋存于第四系之下,矿化与 构造活动及蚀变密切相关。

  • This research provides morphological evidences for further study on tectonic activities in the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau .

    本研究为进一步研究青藏高原东缘的活动 构造提供了重要的地貌证据。

  • The geomorphology of river valleys in the Gyaca region has controlled by tectonic movement and climate .

    该段河谷地貌的形成演化受 构造运动和气候等影响。