


  • Normally these components don 't run without a container requiring you to perform special setup before testing and teardown afterward .

    通常,这些组件没有容器不能运行,并要求您在测试前和 拆卸后执行特殊设置。

  • So why don 't you add this functionality in the setup / teardown routines ?

    那么,为什么不在设置/ 清除例程中添加这种功能呢?

  • It occurs to many developers after authoring a few standard unit test functions that it would be better to move the call to verify from the test functions to the tearDown function .

    许多开发者遇到过这样的 事情了一些标准的单元测试函数之后,就认为把对verify 方法从测试函数移到 tearDown函数更好。

  • Both TCP and SCTP require connection setup and teardown between peers .

    TCP和SCTP都需要在对等的两端建立和 拆除连接。

  • You could but that would mean duplicating the code in the setup / teardown methods of each test suite .

    可以这么做,但是这意味着在每个测试套件的设置/ 清除方法中会出现重复的代码。

  • As you can see from this output the setup and teardown routine messages appear once each per unit test execution .

    正如在输出中看到的,每次执行单元测试都会显示设置和 清除例程消息。

  • There is one case in which nose does not care about the name of setup and teardown functions : when you specify them explicitly for a particular function using the @ with_setup decorator .

    在一种情况下,nose不考虑setup和 teardown函数的名称:使用@withsetup修饰符为某一函数显式地指定它们。

  • A huge issue in designing and writing a test suite is how to handle common setup and teardown code .

    在设计和编写测试套件时,一个大问题是如何处理共同的setup和 teardown代码。

  • Around that QUnit provides some more options to organize testsuites like modules with setup and teardown callbacks .

    QUnit还提供一些选项来组织测试,例如含有setup和 teardown的模块。

  • Teardown inspections demonstrated that the engines and flight controls were functioning properly but evidence began to point at the avionics .

    飞机 拆分检查显示,发动机和飞行控制工作情况良好,但是种种迹象开始指向电子系统。

  • If the code processes large datasets then the cost of each iteration is much more important than the cost of setup or teardown .

    如果代码要处理大型数据集,那么每个迭代的成本要比开始和 结束时的成本重要得多。

  • Therefore it 's a good idea to use assertion macros in the TearDown code for better maintenance .

    因此,为了便于维护,最好在 TearDown代码中使用断言宏。

  • The sequence of events is : setUp () is called testxxx () method is called tearDown () is called .

    其中的事件序列如下:调用setUp(),调用testxxx()方法,调用 tearDown()。

  • So all of the cases are already handled and any branches to weed out extra teardown steps will only serve to slow down the default case .

    所以所有情况都已经得到了处理,清除额外的 结束步骤的任何分支只会减慢对默认情况的处理。

  • So it 's common for a system on five-day operation to begin producing black specks only a few weeks after a complete teardown and cleaning .

    所以,在一个 设备完全 拆卸和清洗后的几个星期中,一个 每周开五天的设备通常会产生黑点。

  • Each test function call is sandwiched between a call to setUp and tearDown .

    每个测试函数的调用被夹在setUp和 tearDown调用之间。

  • Arrange new product test and follow up and keep track of testing performed . Performed analysis and teardown on units to investigate failures mode then monitor process improvement .

    安排 新品测试及解决测试中发现的问题,与设计部门 一起分析产品失效模式,并跟踪改进过程。

  • It provides a template for writing tests with setup execution and teardown .

    JUnit提供一个用于编写测试的模板,该模板可以安装、执行和 卸载

  • Stabilizing volatile data and eliminating setup / teardown efforts .

    稳定波动数据和减少建立/ 拆卸 效率

  • The setUp method is called before execution of a unit test and tearDown is called when the test is executed .

    在执行单元测试之前调用setUp方法,在测试执行 时调用 tearDown