

  • Stalin was insistent that this should take place at Teheran .

    斯大林坚持这个 会议应在 德黑兰 举行

  • Such was the fragile state of Italian affairs when I set out for Cairo and Teheran .

    这就是在我动身前往开罗和 德黑兰时意大利的 那种风雨飘摇的 局面

  • Iran says the program is for peaceful purposes but Israel and the United States believe Teheran is developing nuclear weapons .

    伊朗表示其核项目用于和平目的,但是以色列和美国认为 德黑兰正在发展核武器。

  • Rarely has been the exchange of words between Washington and Teheran sounded so encouraging .

    华盛顿与 德黑兰之间的对话很少如此鼓舞人心的 一致

  • What did a young man in Teheran buy for the first time in his life ?

    一个 德黑兰的年轻人在有生中第一次买的是什么?

  • Yang who arrived in Teheran earlier on Tuesday told Ahamadinejad that China hopes that Iran will strengthen its cooperation with IAEA and make progress in its contacts with the European Union ( EU ) .

    杨部长是在周二早些时候到达 德黑兰的,他对艾哈迈德内贾德说,中国希望伊朗能够同国际原子能机构加强合作,并祝愿伊朗再同欧盟的谈判中取得进展。

  • United Nations team in teheran ;

    联合国 德黑兰小组;

  • This is a faithful record of my position on the eve of Teheran .

    这就是我在 德黑兰 会议前夕所 的立场的一个忠实的纪录。

  • An Iranian American academic Kian Tajbakhsh has been arrested in Teheran for the second time in two years .

    一名美籍伊朗裔知识分子塔吉巴克斯两年内第二次在 德黑兰被捕。

  • Plan One : Assigning land armies like in Iraq war then occupying Teheran and overthrowing Ayatollah political power .

    第一种方案:像在伊拉克那样出动陆军,占领 德黑兰,推翻“阿亚图拉政权”。

  • Teheran offers the United States a share in building a new nuclear power plant in an apparent effort to curb US opposition to iran 's atomic program .

    德黑兰 递交给美国一份分享 协议,建造一个新的核能工厂。很显然是在试图阻止美国对伊朗原子能项目的反对。

  • Ur President Obama very much of course now wants Teheran to open the second site to international inspectors .

    现在,奥巴马总统当然非常希望 德黑兰 能够向国际监察人员开放第二 设施。

  • Agreement on a temporary ceasefire and the cessation of other hostile acts on the Tajik-Afghan border and within the country for the duration of the talks ; teheran agreement ;

    谈判期间在塔吉克-阿富汗边境和塔吉克境内暂时停火和停止其他敌对行动的协定; 德黑兰协定;

  • But today groups of Iranians visited Teheran cemetery to pay tribute to a young woman named Neda .

    可是在今天,就有一批伊朗人来到 德黑兰的墓地悼念一位名叫尼达的年轻女士。

  • We must be very careful not to commit an atrocity by bombing Teheran .

    我们必须非常小心,不要因为轰炸 德黑兰而造成一次 失策

  • The shock waves of the earthquake were felt in Teheran

    地震带来的冲击波在 德黑兰 感觉到

  • Towards the centre of Teheran these crowds were four or five deep .

    在接近 的中心时, 密集的人群有四、五层。

  • Israel has said repeatedly that it won 't rule out military action against Iran because of Teheran 's nuclear program .

    以色列方面反复强调,他们不会因为 德黑兰的核项目而采取军事行动。

  • Bogies for No. 1 2 Lines of Teheran Metro Exported to Iran

    出口伊朗 德黑兰地铁1、2号线转向架

  • National Iranian Petro-Chemical Company of Teheran


  • Yes Churchill 's words are very eloquent very touching very spiritual . Rarely has been the exchange of words between Washington and Teheran sounded so encouraging .

    不错,邱吉尔的话非常有说服力,非常感人,非常鼓舞人心。华盛顿与 德黑兰之间的对话很少如此鼓舞人心的 一致

  • Previously Washington had insisted that Teheran stop its uranium enrichment program as a precondition to face-to-face talks .

    华盛顿先前一再坚持, 德黑兰必须停止浓缩铀项目,这是双方面对面会谈的先决条件。

  • Joint Commission on the implementation of the Teheran agreement ;

    执行 德黑兰协定联合委员会;

  • And iran 's foreign minister threatens to resume teheran 's uranium enrichment program if talks with European nations in London fail .

    伊朗外长威胁说,如果在伦敦举行的伊朗与欧洲各国进行的会谈失败,伊朗会重新 启动 德黑兰铀浓缩计划。

  • Tired of sleeping on the floor a young man in Teheran saved up for years to buy a real bed .

    德黑兰的一个年轻人由于对睡地板感到厌倦, 于是积蓄多年买了一张真正的床。

  • Teheran was the first opportunity I had of observing him at close hand .


  • General Wavell 's visit to London was shelved by the need for his presence in Teheran .

    韦维尔将军的伦敦之行,却因为需要派他到 德黑兰去而中止。