technical reserve

[ˈtɛknɪkəl rɪˈzɚv][ˈteknikəl riˈzə:v]

[经] 技术准备

  • Based on the recent achievement in the research on China k deep-sea mining the author make an approach to the mining system and the previous technical reserve for the commercial mining of deep-sea polymetallic consumption .

    以中国大洋采矿研究最新成果为基础,对大洋多金属结核工业采矿系统和开采前的 技术 准备作一探讨。

  • The technical recoverable reserve of developed ultra heavy oil reservoir is obtained by using iterative method and mathematical model .

    采用迭代法,通过数学推导,得到已开发超稠油油藏的 技术可采 储量

  • The deployment of cloud computing needs to do some experience and technical aspects of the reserve .

    部署云计算需要做一些经验和 技术方面的 储备

  • 50 for specialized technical reserve officers at the junior level .

    担任初级专业 技术职务的, 五十岁

  • Conclusion The technical process can be applied as the contingency reserve plan and training contents for primary hospitals .

    结论医院消毒供应储备 技术流程可以应用到基层医院作为消毒供应应急 储备预案及培训内容。

  • The provisions about solvency margin guaranteed funds and technical reserve in the three directives issued by European Economic Council ;

    详细介绍了欧盟三代保险指令中有关偿付能力额度、保证金和 技术 准备金的规定;

  • From a technical perspective the recession is very likely over said Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke .

    “从 技术角度来说,衰退很可能结束了”,美国联邦 储备主席本伯南克说。

  • Popularization and application of above research results provide substantial technical support to the increase of gas reserve and production of Southwest oil and gas Branch Co. SINOPEC and achieved great exploration and development progresses .

    成果的推广应用,为中国石化西南油气分公司 增储上产提供了坚实的 技术支撑,取得了良好的勘探开发效果。

  • Do Best at Technical Reserve for Building Qinghai-Tibet Railway

    为修建青藏铁路继续做好 技术 储备

  • Its R & D strength and sufficient technical reserve can meet various demands of the customers leading all the time with its product technique overseas .

    研发实力和充足的 技术 储备,能满足客户的各种需求,使产品技术始终处于国外领先水平;

  • Cadres and professional and technical personnel of non-military departments assigned to serve in the officers reserve .

    确定服军官 预备 的非军事部门的干部和专业 技术人员。

  • The production technical level is low the technical structure remains irrational and the technological innovation capacity and the reserve strength for technological progress are weak .

    生产 技术水平低,结构不合理,技术创新能力不强,发展 后劲不足。

  • But in our evolution of the design SQD we have strictly demonstrated how our analysis and technical objects will interact with each other to carry out the work of our Reserve a Vehicle use case .

    但在我们演进设计序列图时,我们确已说明了分析对象和 技术对象将怎样产生交互,以完成 预约车辆用例的工作。

  • Junior specialized technical officers : specialized technical reserve Lieutenant Colonel Major Captain Lieutenant or Second Lieutenant .

    初级专业技术职务: 预备 专业 技术中校、少校、上尉、中尉、少尉。

  • Primary requirements of SEC criteria such as technical operability of reserve economic condition and time property were summarized .

    总结了SEC标准的基本要求,即 储量 技术可操作性、经济条件和时间属性。

  • Computer Aided Production Technical Reserve Plan Management System

    计算机辅助生产 技术 准备计划管理系统

  • Finally it should be set specialized management and technical personnel in order to have the talent and technical reserve forces .

    最后应设立专门的管理人员和技术人员,使其具备EPC型工程公司的人才 储备 技术力量。

  • Whether level of each secondly grade team of CBA that will directly effect development of whole man basketball of China . Through the technical statistics and analysis of the games the status of the reserve forces of man basketball teams was estimated .

    各篮球俱乐部二线队伍水平的优劣将直接影响到整个中国篮球联赛的发展,通过对本次比赛的临场 技术统计和分析来探讨中国男子篮球 后备力量的状况。

  • Based on analyses on geological characteristics and influence factors of beyond-cutoff reservoirs the electrical standard of this kind of reservoir is established By practical test technical specifications meet the demands of reserve norm providing a basis for evaluating untabulated reserves and developing beyond-cutoff reservoirs .

    本文通过深入分析研究表外储层的地质特征和影响因素,制定了在外储层电性标准。经实际划分检验,各项 技术指标均达到 储量规范要求。

  • Interpretation methods which effectively improving coincidence rate of oil and water interpretation and providing a technical support for exploration production and reserve evaluation .

    在储层参数模型研究基础上,建立并形成了侵入特征法、可动水分析法、电阻率交会法等解释方法,有效提高了油水层解释符合率,为勘探生产和 储量评价提供了 技术支持。

  • Much work has been done and prepared for technical reserve on nuclear turbine in Shanghai to meet synchronous development of nuclear energy in China .

    为了能与中国核电大发展同步,上海在核电汽轮机的 技术 储备方面做了大量工作。

  • Through using the method of questionnaire and logical deduction this paper made investigation on age structure distribution training condition and technical level of our reserve force .

    通过特尔菲法、问卷调查法、逻辑演绎等方法,对竞技体操 后备力量的年龄结构、人数分布、训练状况和 技术水平等现状进行调查分析。

  • Through the experimental section research will build the solid foundation and the technical reserve for the later road engineer synthesis drainage system design .

    通过试验段的研究,为以后道路工程综合排水系统设计打下坚实的基础和 技术 储备

  • This device has higher combined design parameters it can realize bench test and qualification of most domestic hot-oil mechanical seals comparison test between domestic and foreign products new product R & D and has a certain technical reserve .

    该装置综合设计参数较高,能满足目前国内绝大部分热油介质机械密封的台架试验、考核、国内外产品对比试验、新产品研制、开发,并具有一定的 技术 储备

  • In some low permeable and low viscous sandstone oil fields the liquid production capacity decreases or is difficult to improve and the water flooding abandoned water cut cannot reach to 0 98 so water flooding abandoned water cut should be considered while calculating technical recoverable reserve .

    对一些低渗、低粘的砂岩油田,由于产液能力下降或难以提高,其水驱废弃含水率达不到098,因此计算 技术可采 储量时应注意研究其水驱废弃含水率。

  • It plays a significant role in a country 's foreign economic and technical cooperation since it is beneficial to a country 's exportation foreign exchange reserve employment and international influence .

    它是一个国家对外经济 技术合作的一项重要内容,对于促进一个国家的出口、增加外汇 收入、减轻劳动力就业压力、扩大国际交往和影响等具有举足轻重的作用。

  • Setting aside or carrying forward various technical reserve funds in accordance with laws ;

    依法提取或者结转各项 准备金