


  • This can make the implementation of programs tedious and error prone .

    这可能造成程序的实现 冗长 乏味而且容易出错。

  • If tedious tasks could be eradicated the world would be a much better place .

    如果可以消灭 那些 单调 乏味的工作,世界将会变得更加美好。

  • Carlson who was arthritic found this to be a painful and tedious process .

    卡尔森,谁是关节炎,发现这是一个痛苦和 冗长的过程。

  • This is a tedious and error-prone job .

    这是一项 乏味且容易出错的工作。

  • Life without Anna had no savour was tedious insupportable .

    没有安娜的生活毫无情趣, 单调 乏味,不可忍受。

  • Such lists are long and tedious to read .

    这种表单读 起来 冗长 乏味

  • We found that our GUI tests which involved a tedious manual process were especially slowing us down .

    我们发现我们的GUI测试,包括 单调的手工测试的过程,尤其减慢了我们的速度。

  • Since has run into you former days already tedious life also has increased the innumerable sleepless nights .

    自从遇到了你,往日早已 繁琐的生活,又增添了无数个不眠之夜。

  • The job was so tedious and tiring that ebby decided to chuck it up .

    那活儿非常 枯燥累人,艾比决定不干了。

  • Refactoring is a more tedious procedure than generating new test code from scratch .

    重构会是一个比从头生成新测试代码更 乏味的过程。

  • Using only HTML as input can be boring and tedious for some message board applications .

    一些留言簿程序仅能使用HTML做为输入,因此显得很无聊和 沉闷

  • Programming a computer is a tedious business but it 's fun too .

    用计算机编程是一件 单调 乏味的事情,但是它也很有趣。

  • Tedious I don 't want to play the piano any more .


  • The tedious and slow click through the network environment is not necessary and saves precious time .


  • But this can get tedious and if you forget burdensome .

    但是这样做会变得 单调乏味,并且如果您忘记了就麻烦了。

  • This is a major step and also can be the most tedious step in tuning .

    这是调优中的一个主要步骤,同时也是最 冗长 乏味的一个步骤。

  • We are tired of this tedious speech .

    我们厌倦了这个 冗长的演讲。

  • But the waiting can be tedious .

    但等待过程可能是 冗长 乏味的。

  • He performed the tedious task of collating texts .

    他做了 冗长而乏味的校勘原文工作。

  • Adding error-handling code to your program can be annoying tedious and time-consuming .

    向程序中添加错误处理代码可能会是恼人、 乏味、耗时的差事。

  • Tedious as it is he finds pleasure in reading the book .

    那本书虽然 枯燥,他读 起来 乐在其中。

  • Needless to say this is a tedious process .

    不用说,这将是一个 繁琐的过程。

  • As you might expect this communication was very tedious and difficult .

    这是你能够想象的,如此的沟通是十分 烦琐和困难的。

  • He was not used to the tedious of life in a small country town .

    他不适应这种乡村小镇的 单调生活。

  • How can he give us such a tedious lecture .

    他给我们搞了一次多么 乏味的演讲啊!

  • This part library reduces product design to standard component tedious and repeated work in the design .

    该零件库减少了产品设计中对于标准件设计中 繁琐且重复性的工作。

  • But developers and designers often find it tedious to work with CSS .

    但开发人员和设计人员常常发现CSS使用起来 单调 乏味