woman power

[ˈwʊmən ˈpaʊɚ][ˈwumən ˈpauə]

[法] 女权,妇女的力量

  • We need woman power here .

    我们也需要 女性 力量嘛。

  • Each woman has created a power center - a kind of soft power-from a combination of femininity and self-assertion .

    这也由此创造了一种融合了 女性气质和自信飞扬的软实力的 权力中心。

  • A witty woman is a treasure ; a witty beauty is a power .

    聪慧的 女人是个宝,聪慧的美人是 力量

  • Fire department spokesman Junichi Sawada said Friday two people were killed.A79-year-old man died of shock . A woman in her60s was killed when her oxygen tank failed because of power outages .

    消防署发言人尺田周五时说,有两人被杀,一 79岁的男子死于地震,一名60几岁的 妇人停电氧气瓶失效被杀。

  • Woman 'S Beauty : Put-Down or Power Source ?

    女性美:压迫之咒还是 力量之源?

  • That is the description on this terrifying video where a woman in a New York coffee shop apparently uses the power of telekinesis to throw someone up against the wall .

    上面这段惊悚的视频就描述了这种状况。在纽约街头咖啡馆里,一个 女人使用隔空移物的超 能力将别人推到了墙上。

  • Ann : Yeah so do I.She is really a woman with a surprising will power !

    嗯,我也是。她真是个有惊人 毅力 啊!

  • This generation of young rural women in the family has significantly improved their power and status and some woman may have more decision-making power than the man in the family . However in general women feel they are willing to have husband as joint decision-maker .

    在家庭事务上,这一代年轻女性在家庭中的权力和地位显著提升,甚至有 女方在家庭决策 方面的 权力高于男方,但都会和丈夫共同商量决定。

  • Mrs. Perkins more than reconciled to Mrs. Piper says in an amicable conversation with that excellent woman . And almost every culture had regarded amber as a bit of the sun with the power to bring good fortune to anyone who held it .

    佩金斯太太早已和那位心地善良的 女人&派珀尔太太重修旧好,俩人这会儿正亲切地谈着话。几乎每种文化都把琥珀视为太阳的一小块,认为它 为佩戴者带来好运。

  • In the characterization of main female characters it suggests that any woman of personal power is bound to be bad and dangerous . The conflict between her potential and the paucity of opportunity will inevitably result in evil and disaster .

    在塑造主要的女性角色时,她暗示凡是有个人 力量 女性一定是危险的,她认为个人潜能和机遇的缺乏之间的冲突会不可避免地导致罪恶和不幸。

  • Woman as ( though ) she is she has great power in the government .

    她虽然是 女人,但是他在政府中有很大 权力

  • There was once an enchantress who had three sons who loved each other as brothers but the old woman did not trust them and thought they wanted to steal her power from her .

    从前有个女巫,她有三个儿子,这兄弟三人真是手足情深,可 女巫却不信任他们,总以为他们会夺走她的

  • The last thing any traditional woman wants to be accused of is appearing confrontational even if accepting male power is self-defeating in the long run .

    任何一个传统 女性想要指责的最后一件事是出现对抗,即使接受 男权从长远来看弄巧成拙。

  • Strengthens the trade union working women to organize to construct for working woman Uygur power work ramming foundation ;

    加强工会女职工组织建设,为 职工 维权工作夯实基础;

  • A woman wants most everything a man wants : success power status money love marriage children happiness and fulfillment .

    她们需要的是:成功、 权力、地位、金钱、爱情、婚姻、孩子、幸福以及自我价值的实现。

  • From a Virtuous Maiden to a Vicious Woman & Analyzing the Inevitability of Emily 's Tragedy Under Male Power Social Order

    女人不是生就的!读莫泊桑的《一生》,谈男权文化下的女性悲剧从淑女到 毒妇分析 男权社会秩序下艾米丽悲剧的必然性

  • So if one of the things a woman knows best is how to bring in a big income more power to her-and more money to pay for the holiday trip to Aruba .

    所以,如果 女人最擅长的一件事就是赚大钱,那麽她就能获得更多 权力,还能为阿鲁巴度假之旅支付更多钱。

  • That the world now have a mentally handicapped woman and a power

    那世界上又多了一个没 良心的和一个弱智力

  • The beautiful scenery inspired the composer . 3 . A Woman 's Beauty : Put-down or Power Source ?

    美丽的景色使作曲家灵思泉涌。 女人的美丽:是自我贬抑还是 力量源泉?

  • There are five expressing emotion ways of some thinking woman poems in Shijing : first paying attention to using the terms being rich in expressive power to write bitterness of missing ;

    《诗经》思 诗的抒情艺术主要表现为:注意用富有表现 的词语写相思之苦;

  • For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels .

    因此, 女人为天使的缘故,应当在头上有服 权柄的记号。

  • This woman has already achieved power albeit on difficult terms .

    这位 女士已经获得了 权力,尽管并不容易。

  • Another surprise : not a single woman makes the list of the top 12 & at a time when women have gathered more influence and power in business than ever before .

    另外一个意外是,虽然女性在当今商界影响空前,但没有一位 女性 入选这份名单。

  • By the impact of inherent ideology men try to control women in the family . When the image of a woman does not conform to their expectation men will resort to other ways to continue their unchallengeable power .

    受到固有意识形态的影响,男性不仅尝试在家庭中掌控女性,当男性认为 女性的形象与他们的期望不符时时,他们常常将女性定义为 疯癫或者躁狂。

  • This smile will make you beautiful woman . This will give you power of to be very pretty .

    微笑让你成为美丽的 女人,给你变漂亮的 力量

  • Death is a melancholy theme by itself and the death of a woman is also a depressed theme . And Poe combines death and a woman so that readers experience the power of these two .

    死亡本身是一个忧郁的主题, 美女之死更是一个令人感伤的主题,而坡把两者结合起来让读者 真正地体会到忧郁美的震撼 力量

  • Thus discovered that the female village official election was many kinds of strength operation result they were not ' the woman are in power ' it is only could say that was the ruling woman was under patriarchy shadow woman suffrage .

    从而发现女村官当选是多种力量运作的结果,她们不是 妇女 执政,只能说是执政的妇女, 她们是父权制阴影下的妇女参政。

  • Indeed in Pakistan a woman could have risen to power very recently had it not been for her assassination .

    事实上,巴基斯坦的 女性已经非常 自强,不受性别歧视的话更是如此。

  • Rodger felt worthless because no woman was attracted to him therefore he resorted to extreme violence to prove his power and worth .

    Rodger因为没有 女人倾心于他而觉得自己毫无价值,因此,他选择用极端暴力的行为来证明自己的 力量与价值。