abbr.Wireless Telegraphy[Telephone]无线电报[电话]Wireless Telegraphy [Telephone]无线电报[电话]

  • With the increase of CO2 feed concentration both product purity and recovery increase while the energy consumption of vacuum pump blower and Wt decrease .

    随着CO2进料浓度的增加,产品气的纯度和回收率均增大,相反地,风机、真空泵及过程总能耗 减小。

  • Remote Sensing Image Fusion Based on IHS Transform and Wavelet Transform

    基于HIS变换和 WT变换的遥感影像融合

  • WT_2-class Differential Forms Holder Continuous

    WT 2 微分形式的Holder连续

  • A combination model forecasting approach combining wavelet transform ( WT ) and mean-generating function ( MGF ) period extrapolation is presented in the paper .

    提出了利用 小波变换和均生函数周期外推组合模式进行时间序列长期预测的方法。

  • When the glass fiber was30 wt % and flyash was10 wt % nylon composites had good mechanical properties .

    当玻璃纤维 质量 分数为30%、粉煤灰质量分数为10%时,所得的尼龙复合材料具有较好的力学性能。

  • Canada requested a panel for the first time ( WT / DS357 / 11 ) to examine the US agricultural subsidies which according to Canada are trade distorting and inconsistent with US WTO obligations .

    加拿大就建立专家组 审理美国农业补贴问题提出首次请求,加拿大称这些补贴扭曲了贸易,违反了美国WTO下的义务。

  • WT can obtain high compression rate and DCT can concentrate the energy .

    小波 变换 WT 可获得高的压缩率,而离散余弦变换(DCT)可使能量更加集中。

  • Members of the Working Party noted that China 's notification of laws regulations and other SPS measures referred to in the Draft Protocol was provided in document WT / ACC / CHN / 33 .

    工作组成员注意到,议定书(草案)提及的中国关于法律、法规和其他SPS措施的通知包含在 WT/ACC/CHN/33号文件中。

  • For these reasons it is imperative in all cases to take the entire wt into consideration-in other words the drive train with rotor blades nacelle and tower .

    由于这些原因,任何情况下都必须将整个 风力发电机,即传动系统、风轮叶片、机舱和塔架考虑进去。

  • A scalable variable rate characteristic waveform interpolation ( CWI ) speech coding algorithm is proposed based on wavelet transform ( WT ) .

    基于小波变换提出可分级变速率特征波形内插( CWI)语音编码算法。

  • Application of WT in the Calculation of Wind Resource Transfer


  • Wavelet Transform ( WT ) Is a very efficient signal processing method .


  • DB / WT Fused Ignition Switch Output

    DB/ WT熔断点火开关输出

  • The response type is specified in the request using the wt parameter .

    响应的类型通过 wt参数在请求中指定。

  • Argentina requested a panel for the first time ( WT / DS355 / 2 ) to examine the anti-dumping measures taken by Brazil on imports of resins from Argentina .

    阿根廷首次提出请求,要求建立专家组审理巴西对从阿根廷进口的树脂采取反倾销措施, 巴西封阻了阿根廷建立专家组的请求。

  • WT : Do you think these will prove effective ? Are there enough jobs in rural areas for graduates to apply to ?


  • BR / WT Pump / Motor Relay Output

    BR/ WT泵/发动机继电器输出

  • However the transgenic plants did not appear to be more cold tolerant than the WT in any tested condition .

    然而,不管在哪种条件下,转基因番茄都没有表现出比 野生 更高的耐冷性。

  • Combined with local Wavelet Transform ( WT ) and Singular Value Decomposition ( SVD ) an approach for iris recognition is presented in this paper .

    文章提出了一种基于局部 小波变换和奇异值分解的虹膜识别算法。

  • DB / WT Fused Ign Switch Output


  • As an approved component supplier to a few world-class manufacturers we at WT are proud of the achievements we have made .

    作为一些世界知名制造商核准认定的零件供应商,对 宁波 培林 有限 公司目前取得的成就我们倍感自豪。

  • Note : Text mode can be w r wt rt and so on .

    请注意:文本模式可以是w、r、 wt、rt等。

  • A model ( WT-PNN ) combination of wavelet transform ( WT ) and probabilistic neural network ( RBFNN ) was proposed for recognition of alcohol-free beer by fluorescence spectroscopy .

    用小波变换处理荧光光谱,结合概率神经网络( PNN),建立了识别无醇啤酒的模型。

  • Using profiling you can estimate the ratio of waiting time ( WT ) to service time ( ST ) for a typical request .

    通过使用概要分析,您可以估计某个典型请求的等待时间( WT)与服务时间(ST)之间的比例。

  • The treatment included two stages of associative polymer solutions and20 wt % HCl with additives .

    处理过程包括两个阶段:复配的聚合物溶液和含添加剂的 20% 质量 百分比 盐酸。

  • And that 's wt kept him alive .

    而这就是他活 下来的原因。

  • The influences of reaction temperature and time acetic anhydride-cellulose wt ratio and catalyst amt . etc. on the substitution degree and yield were investigated .

    研究了反应时间、温度、 醋酸酯与纤维素 质量比、催化剂用量等对取代度和产率的影响。

  • At WT the management is both organized and personal .

    我们在 公司 内部实行组织化和个性化的 双重管理。

  • Identifying modal parameters of super tall buildings based on RDT and WT methods

    基于RDT和 WT方法识别超高层建筑的模态参数