target percentage

[ˈtɑrɡɪt pɚˈsɛntɪdʒ][ˈtɑ:ɡit pəˈsentidʒ]

[经] 石分率指标

  • Based on the characteristics of shooting at the target 's immediate position the algorithm of calculating the hit percentage of anti ship missile is established .

    根据现在点 射击方式的特点,推导出现在 射击方式反舰导弹 命中 概率的计算方法。

  • Agony ( Ultimate ): Trundle immediately steals his target 's health and a percentage of their armor and magic resistance .

    痛楚(大招):川德尔立刻偷取他 目标的生命值,以及一 部分护甲和魔抗。

  • When allocating the target bits for the encoding frame the Zero Coefficient percentage is a good factor and is more effective than Mean Absolute Difference .

    该算法抛弃传统平均绝对差值的度量方式,将零系数 百分比作为图像复杂度的一个度量因子,为待编码帧进行 目标码率的分配。

  • Then interpolate original images and target images by a certain percentage and this will generate a gradual morphing facial image .

    再对源图像和 目标图像按一定 比例进行插值,由此生成一组渐变的人脸变形图像。

  • At the smae time the unhealthy behavior of target population improved remarkably . The percentage of people taking self-protection measures before contacting schistosome-infested water raised from 5.00 % to 48.52 % .

    同时, 目标人群不良卫生行为也有了较大改变,接触疫水做防护的人数由5.00%上升至 48.52%

  • As a result of this bleaker outlook Mr Osborne said Britain would miss by a year its target of 2015-16 for debt to fall as a percentage of national income .

    由于前景更加黯淡,奥斯本表示英国将延后一年才能达到2015-16年债务与国家收入 比率下降的 目标

  • Export growth is drifting down to mid single-digits ( below the official target of 10 per cent ) with actual growth of 6.9 per cent year-on-year in Jan-Apr 2012 down 23 percentage points from the same time a year ago .

    出口增幅已下滑到低于官方 目标(10%)的水平:2012年1月至4月,出口实际同比增长6.9%,比去年同期的增幅下滑23 百分点

  • If Sony can hit its target of a 60 per cent increase in shipments to 25m which requires it to claw back 4 percentage points of lost market share it could return its chronically lossmaking TV unit to profit .

    如果索尼能够达到出货量增加60%、总量达到2500万台的 目标(这要求它收复4 百分点的已丢失市场份额),那它可能使长期亏损的电视机业务部门恢复盈利。

  • Lean meat percentage is one of the most important economic target traits in cattle breeding programs the percentage is closely related with the amount of the skeletal muscle .

    净肉率是牛育种中重要的 目标性状之一,其 大小与骨骼肌的量密切相关。

  • Company strategy : Base on clients'need target on market percentage .

    公司策略:以客户需求为根本,以市场 份额目标

  • Aminoguanidine was used to confirm the target of Grz action . Expression of intercellular adhesion molecular-1 ( ICAM-1 ) was determined by immunocytochemistry . Percentage of apoptosis was detected with fluorescence microscope and flow cytometer .

    免疫细胞化学法测ICAM-1表达,丫啶橙荧光染色法和流式细胞仪测肝细胞凋亡 ,评价 Grz护肝作用。

  • Target for minimum percentage of measurements actually taken : 99.5 % per month .

    对检测 目标实际实现的最低完成 为:每月99.5%。

  • Notably or significantly positive correlation was found between the field emergence percentage and the vigor target including germination energy germination percentage and germination index in seedling growth test simulated field seedling growth test and cold test .

    结果表明,幼苗生长测定的 发芽势、 发芽率、活力指数,抗冷测定的发芽 和模拟田间出苗率与田间成苗率存在显著或极显著正相关。

  • Kraft says absorbing Cadbury would increase its revenue growth target by a percentage point to 5 per cent and earnings per share by two percentage points .

    卡夫表示,收购吉百利会将其收入增长 目标提高一个 百分点,至5%,每股收益提高2个百分点。

  • The experiment indicated that in case of the same target water content once enough water addition could obtain higher percentage of good flour and flour yield of clean wheat and at the same time effectively controls the water absorption of flour .

    试验表明:相同 目标水分下,一次加水到位可以获得较高的好粉出 及净麦出粉率,同时可有效控制面粉吸水率。