tariff quota

[ˈtærɪf ˈkwoʊtə][ˈtærif ˈkwəutə]

[经] 关税配额

  • The tariff quota concessions are subject to equal annual adjustments ( occurring on1 January of each year ) unless otherwise specified in the last column ( Other terms and conditions ) .

    关税 配额减让每年进行均等调整(每年1月1日进行),除非最后一栏(“其他条款和条件”)中另有说明。

  • Under such circumstance great changes have happened in protective measures in international trade with traditional tariff barrier and quota weakened and Technical Barrier to Trade becoming the main trade barrier .

    在这种趋势下,国际贸易中的保护措施发生了很大的变化,传统的 关税壁垒与 配额逐步削弱,技术性贸易壁垒已经成为最主要的贸易壁垒形式。

  • In addition China 's cutting of agricultural products tariff in large scope and the expanding of quota regulation on agricultural products market access were also important reasons .

    另外,我国农产品 关税的大幅削减以及 配额管制农产品市场准入机会的扩大,也是农产品 贸易 逆差进一步 大的一个重要原因。

  • Attachment : List of the First Group of Steel Products on Which No Extra Tariff Will Be Imposed after Their Quota Is Reached

    附件:首批 配额到量后不加 关税的钢铁产品清单

  • Anyhow the statistic shows that the tariff quota has not made effects .

    尽管 关税 配额不失为一种较好的 保护 手段,但统计结果显示, 关税 配额并没有起到有效的 保护作用。

  • During the past two decades China automotive industry develops fast because of the limitation for foreign companies entry level tariff and import quota .

    在过去的二十多年,中国汽车工业之所以发展是因为中国在 关税,进口 配额和外国企业准入条件上对本国市场的限制。

  • In terms tariff quotas cancel all in-quota tariff increase tariff quota improve administration and fill rates of tariff quotas .

    在关税配额方面,取消所有配额内关税,增加 关税 配额进口量,改善关税配额的管理的规范,提高有效使用率。

  • With its entering WTO China 's tobacco market will further open up and tobacco industry will suffer from great impact due to tariff concessions relaxing controls of quota and license granting and other facts .

    入世后,在 关税减让、 配额和许可证管制放松等因素影响下,国内卷烟市场将进一步开放,中国的烟草行业必将受到很大的冲击。

  • After the WTO under the influence of factors that tariff concession quota licensing system loosening and monopoly sales canceling gradually domestic cigarette market open further tobacco trade can 't rely on the support and protection of national tobacco 's monopoly system totally .

    WTO后,在 关税减让、 配额和许可证管制放松以及专卖专营制度逐步取消因素的影响下,国内卷烟市场将进一步开放,烟草行业不可能再完全信赖国家烟草专卖制度的支持和保护。

  • Tariff quota concessions will be implemented according to the date specified in the implementation column .

    关税 配额减让将按照“实施”栏中列明的日期实施。

  • Decision of the Customs Tariff Committee of the State Council on Not Imposing Extra Tariff on Some Products Covered by the Final Safeguard Measures of Steel after the Quota of Such Products Being Reached

    国际公务员制度委员会(公务员制度委员会)国务院关税税则委员会关于对钢铁最终保障措施中部分产品 配额到量后不加 关税的决定

  • Certain imported goods may be subject to tariff rate quota control .

    国家对部分进口货物可以实行 关税 配额管理。

  • NAFTA converted Mexico 's import license system for corn into a 15-year tariff rate quota ( TQR ) .

    NAFTA将墨西哥的玉米进口许可证制度转化为 关税 配额制度,并在15年内逐步取消。

  • Before 1996 domestic soybean production was under mother-like protection by Chinese government for example high tariff and quota limit .

    1996年以前,中国大豆市场未向国际市场开放,中国 大豆生产处于保护之中。

  • Tariff barriers import quota and subsidies are the measures most in use for one country to protect its domestic market and help national businesses withstand the competition of foreign competitors .


  • Contents of Announcement : There is no company submitting application for Importation Tariff Rate Quota of banana Lot No.961 .

    公告事项:本次(61次)蕉输入 关税 配额,无厂商提出申请。

  • With China 's entry into WTO green barrier instead of the tariff and quota has been becoming the main restriction to China 's exportation of agricultural products .

    加入世贸组织以来,绿色壁垒 逐步取代了 关税 配额,成为我国农产品出口面临的最大障碍。

  • The main protection methods used in our country are import tariff and tariff quota currently .

    目前我国农产品保护的主要措施是关税及 关税 配额

  • This conference however was unable to halt a rash of currency devaluations tariff increases and quota arrangements .

    然而这次会议并未能制止货币贬值,提高 关税以及 实行 配额制等情况的连续发生。