


  • A method for the determination of tartaric acid malic acid and citric acid in drink by liquid phase chromatography ( HPLC ) with liquid phase microextraction ( LPME ) were developed .

    建立了一种利用三相液相微萃取技术进行样品前处理、高效液相色谱进行测定饮品中 酒石酸、苹果酸和柠檬酸的分析方法。

  • Effects of organic acids ( acetic acid tartaric acid and citric acid ) on adsorption of Cd ~ ( 2 + ) and Pb ~ ( 2 + ) by goethite and bentonite were studied with the batch method .

    用平衡吸附法研究了不同浓度的有机酸(乙酸、 酒石酸和柠檬酸)对针铁矿和膨润土吸附Cd2+、Pb2+的影响。

  • Serum alkaline phosphatase ( AKP ) and tartaric acidic phosphatase ( TRAP ) were measured .

    测定血清碱性磷酸酶(AKP)和 酒石 酸酸性磷酸酶(TRAP);

  • Leaching remediation of a heavy metal contaminated soil using tartaric acid

    利用 酒石酸土柱淋洗法修复重金属污染土壤

  • The antioxidant activities of these composite antioxidants with the presence of tartaric acid have also been studied .

    同时还研究了 酒石酸对这些复合抗氧化剂的抗氧化活性的影响。

  • Progress in Asymmetric Alkyl Addition to Aldehydes and Ketones Promoted by Tartaric Acid Derivatives


  • Study on imitation gold electroplating with tartaric acid salt as key complexant on surface of GFRP

    玻璃钢表面 酒石酸盐体系仿金电镀工艺研究

  • Effect of EDTA and Tartaric Acid on Cu and Pb Releasing from Soil


  • Effect of Tartaric Acid Isomers on EDTA-Indirect Titrimetric Determination of Aluminum Oxide in Ore


  • Lemon juice vinegar and cream of tartar also known as tartaric acid are all inexpensive ingredients you might have in your kitchen pantry .

    柠檬汁、醋和 酒石酸都价格低廉,是家中厨房必备的圣品。

  • Tartaric acid is a natural chiral compound with two carboxylic acid and two hydroxyl groups of the symmetrical structure .


  • This review presents tartaric acid derivatives as chiral selectors in the separation of enantiomers in HPLC .

    综述了近年来 酒石酸衍生物作为手性选择剂在对映体的高效液相色谱(HPLC)拆分中的应用。

  • Tartaric acid : Naturally occurring acid found in grapes ( and almost nowhere else ) and the most important acid in wine .


  • The kinetic release behavior of HCHs in red soil by three low-molecular-weight ( LMW ) organic acids ( oxalic acid 、 tartaric acid and citric acid ) and water was studied adopting self-designed kinetic device .

    采用自行设计的动力学试验装置,研究了3种低分子量有机酸(草酸、 酒石酸和柠檬酸)和水对红壤中六氯环己烷(HCHs)的释放动力学行为。

  • Alleviating effect of different configuration tartaric acids on aluminum toxicity in barley seedlings

    不同构型 酒石 对大麦铝毒害的缓解效应 大枣缓解甘遂毒性 部位 炎作用的效应

  • The results showed that the detoxication of citrate acid to Pb and tartaric acid to Cd was comparatively distinct .

    通过培养试验研究了有机酸对铅、镉的毒害影响,结果表明柠檬酸对铅, 酒石酸对镉有较明显解毒作用。

  • Tartaric acid derivatives have been widely used in enantioseparation and asymmetric synthesis .


  • The optically inactive form of tartaric acid that is often found in grape juice .

    非光学活性 酒石酸,通常存在于葡萄汁中。

  • At the same time the mixed additive ( tartaric acid and metal ion ) were studied .

    同时研究 酒石酸与金属离子混合添加剂的作用。

  • The main acids in wine are tartaric lactic and malic .

    主要有 酒石,乳汁和苹果酸。

  • The anodizing of ZL102 aluminum alloy castings was investigated in the mixed boric acid and tartaric acid solution .

    研究了ZL102铝合金在硼酸 酒石酸二元混酸体系中的阳极氧化。

  • Photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange by TiO_2 combined with tartaric acid


  • Indirect electrochemical vat dyeing of cotton fabric with Fe (ⅱ) - tartaric acid complex

    Fe(Ⅱ)- 酒石酸棉织物还原染料间接电化学染色

  • Tartaric acid ; acid of tartar found in many plants and the juice of fruit and used in making baking powder etc )


  • But the content of organic acid especially tartaric acid was high 59.146 mg / g.

    而有机酸含量较高,特别是 酒石酸含量很高,达59.146mg/g;

  • In hot regions extra tartaric acid is added to'correct'the acidity .

    在热的地区,需加入额外的 酒石酸来“纠正”酸度。

  • Resolution of the use of non-resolution of enantiomers methods used in organic solvents tartaric acid for the separation agent to be S-type .

    拆分采用非对映异构体拆分方法,在有机溶剂中用 酒石酸为拆分剂,得到S型。

  • The principal acids used are phosphoric citric fumaric tartaric and malic acids .

    主要添加的酸有磷酸、柠檬酸、富马酸、 酒石 和苹果酸。

  • An effervescing salt containing sodium bicarbonate and Rochelle salt and tartaric acid .

    含有小苏打、罗谢尔盐和 酒石酸的冒泡的盐。

  • The optimum experimental conditions and Pd + tartaric acid as mixed modifier were selected .

    本文选择了最佳实验条件和混合基体改进剂(钯+ 酒石酸)。