


  • Immunological activity and epitope prediction of allergic protein TBb from tartary buckwheat

    过敏蛋白 TBb的免疫活性 鉴定及其表位预测

  • However the allergic components of tartary buckwheat hinder the development and utilization of tartary buckwheat food .

    然而, 苦荞中过敏成分的 存在 大大阻碍了苦荞食品的开发利用。

  • Regulation of the Extract of Tartary Buckwheat Leaf on Antioxidant Enzyme in Mice


  • The Effect of Flavonoids Extracted from Tartary Buckwheat Seedlings on DPPH Elimination


  • Direction and Utilization Evaluation of Nutritional and Functional Components in Processing of Tartary Buckwheat Rice and Flour

    苦荞米与 苦荞粉加工中营养功能成分的评价及利用

  • Effects of Fungal Elicitors on Synthesis of Flavonoids in Germinating Tartary Buckwheat Anti-oxidation of the seeding of tartary buckwheat flavonoids

    真菌诱导子对 苦荞萌发过程中黄酮合成的影响苦荞麦苗期黄酮类化合物的抗氧化性作用

  • Ultrasound-assisted extraction for the flavonoids-enriched extract from tartary buckwheat seedling was investigated .

    研究 苦荞麦苗黄酮超声提取方法。

  • Tartary buckwheat is a special crop origins in China can be used as food and traditional Chinese drug .

    苦荞是中国特有的药食兼用的粮食作物, 麸皮中 含有大量的 功能成分,如 芦丁槲皮素 D- 手性肌醇。

  • In this paper the extraction technology of total flavonoids in tartary buckwheat bran by microwave was studied .

    本文对 苦荞麦麸皮总黄酮微波提取工艺进行了研究。

  • The extraction conditions and properties of pigment from tartary buckwheat shell were studied in detail .


  • Effect of Se Application on Contents of Nitrogen Phosphorus and Potassium in Tartary Buckwheat and Content of Available Nutrients in Soil

    施硒对 苦荞N,P,K营养元素和土壤有效养分含量的影响

  • Extraction and β - Cyclodextrin Inclusion of Oil in Tartary Buckwheat Bran


  • Experimental investigation for anti-tumor activity of flavonoid from Tartary Buckwheat in vitro


  • Enzymatic bleach clean-up process Study on Antihypertensive Peptides from Tartary Buckwheat Bran Protein by Enzymatic Hydrolysis

    酶法水解 苦荞麸皮蛋白生产降血压肽

  • Optimum technology for β - Cyclodextrin inclusion compound of tartary buckwheat bran oil extracted with CO_2 supercritical fluid

    超临界CO2萃取 苦荞麦麸油β-环糊精包合工艺研究

  • ObjectiveTo explore the dual-directional regulation of Tartary Buckwheat Extract on gastrointestinal movement of mice .

    目的探讨 苦荞提取物对小鼠胃肠运动双向调节作用。

  • Research Progress on the Extraction and Separation Techniques of Flavone from Tartary Buckwheat


  • Study on Extraction of Total Flavonoids from Tartary Buckwheat Seedling Using Ultrasonic Coupled with Propyl Alcohol-Ammonium Sulfate Aqueous Two-phase Separation and Antioxidant Activity of Total Flavonoids Extract

    超声集成丙醇-硫酸铵双水相体系从 苦荞麦苗中提取总黄酮及其抗氧化活性研究

  • Processing Performance and Storage Stability of Tartary Buckwheat Vinegar-Oat Oil Soft Capsules


  • Expression and Immunological Characterization of the Epitopes in Tartary Buckwheat Allergen


  • Coexpression of Tartary Buckwheat Allergen TBa and TBb and Renaturation of the Inclusion Body


  • Coexpression of Tartary Buckwheat Allergens and Study of TBb Epitopes


  • The Anti-oxidation Effect of Flavonoids in Seeds of Tartary Buckwheat


  • Anti-Inflammatory and Analgesic Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Tartary Buckwheat Seed ( TSE ) and Its Acute Toxicity


  • Study on Cloning and Expression of A Full-length Gene of Allergenic Protein of Tartary Buckwheat and Its Immunological Activity


  • Study on extracting technology of tartary buckwheat bran oil by organic solvent and its component analysis


  • Experiment study of soak juice by tartary buckwheat bran the clarification technology and store the stabilities .

    实验研究了 苦荞麸浸出汁的澄清工艺及储藏稳定性。

  • Purification and Characterization of Rutin Degrading Enzymes from Tartary Buckwheat and Screening of RDEs-producing Strain


  • Pot-culture experiment was conducted to nutritional evaluation of protein in tartary buckwheat grain and its response to selenium .

    采用盆栽实验研究 苦荞籽粒蛋白质营养评价对硒的响应。

  • Construction of Grains Development cDNA Library of Tartary Buckwheat and Analysis on EST from Partial Clones
