tartar emetic

[ˈtɑrtɚ ɪˈmɛtɪk][ˈtɑ:tə ɪˈmetɪk]


  • Studies on ANTIBILHARZIAL drugs X. influences of sodium dimercaptosuccinate on the distribution excretion and therapeutic activity of tartar emetic in rabbits

    防治血吸虫病药物的研究Ⅹ.二巯基丁二酸钠对 酒石分布、排泄及疗效的影响

  • A Study on the Technology of Tannin / Tartar Emetic Fixing Process

    试论单宁酸/ 酒石固色工艺 条件与固色 效果 关系

  • Studies on the Experimental Therapy of Schistosomiasis Japonicum 8 . The influence of Schistosoma infection and feeding on the production of tolerance to tartar emetic

    血吸虫感染与喂饲对 酒石 耐受性的影响

  • Observation of the Gastrointestinal Reaction and the Absorption of Tartar Emetic for Oral Administration the Factor Affecting on the Absorption of Tartar Emetic


  • The correlation between the blood sb level and the therapeutic effect of tartar emetic in schistosomiasis of rabbits

    酒石 治疗家兔血吸虫病 血锑浓度和疗效的关系

  • The results were as follows : ( 1 ) In mice the acute and subacute LD_ ( 50 ) after intraperitoneal injection of tartar emetic were found to be 38 and 35 mg / kg / day respectively .

    结果如下:(一)小白鼠腹腔注射 酒石急性及亚急性LD(50)分别为38及35毫克/千克/天。

  • Rabbits infected with Schistosoma japonicum were fed tartar emetic with BAL-glucoside ( 0.21 g / kg ) . After 24 hours the liver Sb and the worm Sb contents were 3 & 4 times those in the group without BAL-glucoside .

    日本血吸虫病兔口服 酒石(27mg/kg)加BAL-glucoside(0.21g/kg)后24小时之肝和虫含Sb量约为不加BAL-glucoside者的3&4倍。