target seeker

[ˈtɑrɡɪt ˈsikɚ][ˈtɑ:ɡit ˈsi:kə]


  • Research on Suboptimal Control of Target Tracking System in Radar Seeker

    雷达 引头 目标跟踪系统次优控制问题研究

  • Study on Methods and Applications of Target Recognition in Wideband High Resolution Radar Seeker under Different Angle Measurement Methods

    多种测角体制下宽带高分辨雷达 引头 目标识别理论方法与应用研究

  • Design of Target Real Time Positioning System in Seeker Sea Test

    引头对海试验中的 目标实时定位系统设计

  • This system is based on the advanced automatic testing principle uses industrial control computer . The start-up circuit and speed stability circuit let the target seeker gyro start the rotation and make stable speed .

    该测试系统基于先进的自动测试原理,以工业控制计算机为核心,设计的起转和稳速电路启动位 并产生稳定的转速。

  • Target Image Motion Characteristics Study for Imaging Seeker

    目标 图像运动特征分析

  • Simulation for target image-point scanning of IR AAM seeker

    某型红外空空导弹 引头 目标像点扫描仿真研究

  • The gyroscope control system is a very important element in the target seeker system . The stability of gyroscope system is the guarantee that the modern cruise missile can hit the target precisely .

    陀螺仪系统是 引头系统中至关重要的组成部分,它的稳定性是现代飞航导弹能够精确命中目标的保证。

  • Dynamic point target recognition system and discrimination algorithms on seeker board are studied .

    载动态点 目标识别系统与识别算法。

  • At a repetition rate nearly equal to the carrier frequency of the reticle system the jamming source will disturb the target 's signal received by the seeker and make the seeker lose the target .

    而重复频率近似等于调制盘系统调制波形载频的光脉冲会干扰 引头接收到的 目标信号,使导引头失去目标。

  • Based on the simulation and evaluation problem of active radar target seeker in the condition of complicated ECM modeling and dynamic simulation of pulsed Doppler radar seeker is studied .

    从各种干扰条件下主动雷达 引头的仿真与评估问题出发,采用相干视频信号仿真方法对脉冲多普勒雷达导引头进行了建模与动态仿真研究,并进行了仿真试验。

  • Study on automatic target recognition and tracking technique for anti-ship imaging infrared seeker

    反舰红外成像 引头自动 目标识别跟踪技术研究

  • A composite target seeker gyro with dual spectral range infrared rays and millimeter waves and the associated control methodology are developed .

    研制出一种双色红外、毫米波复合 制导陀螺并 研究了其控制方法。

  • A New Style Mechanism of the Field Stop Used in Infrared Target Simulation Systems Investigation of Infrared Staring Imaging Seeker with High Resolution and Large Visual Field

    红外仿真用的新型视场光栏机构具有高分辨率和大视场的 引头 设计方法

  • In this paper a navigation filter for medium range tactical missiles which use strapdown combined guidance system is studied . Remote guidance updated by radar is adopted in mid guidance stage and homing guidance using self target seeking seeker in terminal stage .

    研究了一种中制导段采用雷达修正的遥控制导方式和末制导段采用捷联式自 寻的 引头的自导引制导方式的捷联式复合制导的中远程战术导弹的导航滤波问题。

  • The monopulse radar receiver is used to track the desired target and the processor to separate and directs the seeker to the target in multiple signal environment .

    单脉冲雷达接收机用于对特定 目标跟踪。信号分选 识别用于在复杂的多信号环境中 选择特定的 目标,引导 引头对目标的跟踪。

  • Irradiator transmit pulse laser irradiation target according to the irradiation spot seeker identify targets to guide the missile target .

    照射器发射脉冲激光照射 目标 引头根据照射光斑识别目标,从而引导导弹攻击目标。

  • In order to evaluate the detecting and tracking accuracy of the radar seeker it is important to know the relation between the visual target which the radar seeker discovered and the real target .

    掌握雷达导 引头所探测到的由反射电磁波形成的视在 目标与真实的物理目标的关系,对于评估雷达导引头的探测、跟踪精度具有十分重要的意义。

  • The long-wavelength IR ATR system for a space target seeker ( part 1 )

    长波红外 引头空间自动 目标识别系统(一)

  • The study on multiple target resolution of anti radiation seeker

    反辐射 导弹 引头目标分辨方案研究

  • The results show that the jamming source with a slow variation of amplitude will warp the target 's azimuth received by the seeker .

    结果表明,缓变幅度的干扰辐射会使 引头获得的 目标方位信息产生偏差,但无法使 目标 摆脱 引头 跟踪

  • Then the target seeker and high altitude detector which can be used on reentry vehicles to attack the moving target are analyzed ;

    然后对再入飞行器攻击活动目标可以采用的 引头以及高空探测系统进行了分析;

  • The target imaging sensor of seeker in an image guidance system is directly stabilized by gyro hence the image stabilization and guidance performance are affected by vibration and nutation cased by dynamical unbalance of gyro rotator .

    图象制导系统 引头 目标成象传感器是由陀螺直接稳定的,陀螺转子运动不平衡引起的振动与绕动直接影响到图象的稳定及整弹性能。

  • Rapid point target acquisition method for imaging infrared seeker

    红外成像 引头目标截获研究

  • According to the relative position between the interceptor and the maneuvering target using seeker spherical surface model the paper gives out the line-of-sight ( LOS ) rate for guidance through strong tracking adaptive estimation based on current statistics model .

    依据拦截弹与机动 目标间的相对位置关系,采用 引头球面模型,基于当前统计模型,实现了强跟踪状态自适应滤波,计算出了可用于制导的视线角速率。

  • Millimeter wave target seeker has features such as high-accuracy powerful anti-interference capability high Doppler resolution and large plasma penetrated ability .

    毫米波导 引头具有 导引精度高、抗干扰力强、多普勒分辨率高、等离子体穿透能力强等特点。

  • The technology of using computer to generate IR images are widely used in human perception test of night vision electro optics system target indentification and tracking missile seeker simulation and so on .

    利用计算机模拟生成热红外图象的技术已用于夜视光电系统的人眼视觉测试、 目标识别与跟踪、导弹 寻的模拟等方面,具有重要的军事价值。

  • Recognition of Side Lobe Target for Passive Monopulse Seeker

    被动单脉冲 引头旁瓣 目标识别方法

  • Conclusions in this paper has a significant influence on extracting the typical feature information of target in clutter efficient target recognition and tracking for air defense IR imaging seeker .

    分析结果对研究防空导弹红外成像 引头如何从复杂背景中将目标的典型特征信息提取出来并进行有效 识别和跟踪奠定了基础。

  • The three methods to choose a target by using active radar seeker of antiship missile are discussed : the method to choose a big target the method to choose an aim point and the method to choose the search of a sub-area .

    探讨了采用主动雷达 引头的反舰导弹对 目标选择所采用的三种方法,即大目标选择方法、瞄准点选择方法和搜索子区域选择方法。