tariff wall

[ˈtærɪf wɔl][ˈtærif wɔ:l]


  • Developed Countries Make Use of the Concern of Human Health . Natural Resources and Ecological Environment by the World Put Forward Green Tariff Wall to Prevent the Products of Developing Countries Enter Their Markets .

    发达国家利用世界对人类健康、自然资源和生态环境的关心提出了旨在 维护其在 国际 贸易 既得利益而阻止发展中国家产品进入其市场的绿色 贸易 壁垒

  • And this brings us to the real effect of a tariff wall .

    这就让我们见到 关税 壁垒的实质影响。

  • Economic globalization and trade liberalization call for an elimination of tariff wall .

    经济全球化、贸易自由化的发展要求 关税 壁垒 不断被拆除。

  • On the other hand entry into WTO means reduce tariff and tariff wall . This will make the resources scheme incarnate embody the factor gift and the frame of compare advantage .

    另一方面,入世意味着减少关税和 关税 壁垒,从而使WTO成员国之间资源配置更大程度体现它们各自要素禀赋和比较优势结构。

  • Anti-dumping measure as trade relief means that WTO rule allows is playing a role of tariff and non-tariff wall in the past .

    作为WTO规则所允许的贸易救济手段,反倾销措施正发挥着以往 关税和非关税 壁垒的作用。

  • In this way we can achieve the goal of reducing production cost bypassing tariff wall and advancing domestic promotion of industrial structure . 3 .

    通过向东盟国家转移,我国可以实现降低生产成本、绕过 关税 壁垒、推进国内产业结构升级的目的。

  • To eliminate tariff wall to carry out the equal trading principle and to establish a open new international economic order is a kind of the global economic view .

    消除 关税 壁垒、实行平等的贸易原则,建立开放的国际经济新秩序,是一种全球经济观。

  • Under the Situation of Free Trade and Reducing Tariff Wall Each Country in Order to Maintain Its Economic Benefits to Find out Non Tariff Wall Means to Ensure the Market of Its Country .

    在贸易自由化趋势和 关税 壁垒降低的情况下,各国为了维护自身经济利益,不断寻找非关税壁垒手段保证本国市场。

  • The main opportunities : From the tariff wall non-trade wall to TBT we can strengthen ourselves ;

    机遇主要有:由 关税 壁垒、非贸易壁垒转到技术壁垒,对我国是一个强化的机遇;

  • It is a part of the multilateral agreement of non - tariff wall in WTO law frame .

    它是WTO法律框架中非 关税 壁垒的多边协定中的一部分。

  • A higher tariff wall which however is not prohibitive will produce the same kind of results as this but merely to a smaller degree .

    就算 关税 壁垒不是完全禁止性的,仍然会产生同样的结果,只不过损害程度小一些而已。

  • The tariff-turning reform of transforming the non-tariff wall to tariff equivalence in the agricultural product trade is the important measure for enhancing the permitting market entrance degree by taking off non-tariff wall hoped in Uruguay Round .

    把农产品贸易中的非关税壁垒转化成 关税等值的关税化改革,是乌拉圭回合期望通过取消非关税 壁垒提高市场准入程度的重要措施。

  • Antidumping becomes a most common and effective measure to safeguard fair trading environment reject unfair competition and protect domestic industries among WTO members with the decrease of tariff and gradual falling of non tariff wall .

    随着关税降低及非 关税 壁垒的逐步减少,反倾销逐步演变成为世界贸易组织各成员最普遍采用的维护公平贸易环境、抵制不公平竞争、保护国内产业的一种重要和有效的贸易保护措施。

  • With the economic globalization tariff wall gradually replaces by non-tariff barrier in which green barrier increasingly becomes the main obstacle in development of international trade because of its standout characteristics .

    随着全球经济的一体化, 关税 贸易 壁垒逐步被非关税贸易壁垒所取代,而其中的绿色贸易壁垒更是以其鲜明的时代特性日益成为国际贸易发展的重要障碍。

  • Because international tariff wall have been gradually reduced that causes the globalization of the market the business of firms become free and the earnings margin of firms has been enlarged . However large numbers of abroad competitors entered in China which gave rise to more risks .

    由于国际 关税 壁垒的逐步消减导致了市场范围的国际化,企业增加了经营自由度,扩大了获利空间;然而,大量涌现的国外竞争者却带来了更多的风险。

  • Parallel import is not merely a question of intellectual property because it is closely related to the law of the importer 's country and therefore reflecting the country 's foreign trade policy and often used as one way of tariff wall .

    平行进口不单纯是知识产权问题,在国际经济交往领域中,因为涉及进出口国法律,因而也体现了进出口国对外贸易的政策,是进口国常常被用作 关税 壁垒的手段之一。