target track

[ˈtɑrɡɪt træk][ˈtɑ:ɡit træk]


  • The radar target track simulation software is made based on the design model and is put into action .

    利用该设计模型,制作了雷达 航迹模拟软件并投入使用。

  • Else control systems include current loop time loop target capture and target track technology .

    其控制系统包括电流环、速度环、系统捕获、 目标 跟踪等技术。

  • It uses the motion equation to simulate target track and designs aircraft ships and other target model .

    利用运动方程对 目标 航迹进行仿真,并对飞机、舰船等目标进行模型设计。

  • The result of target acquisition can be used in the target tracking system especially in multi-target tracking . Making full use of the characteristics information of targets for target matching can help to achieve the target track correlation reducing the probability of failure of target tracking .

    将目标录取结果应用于目标的跟踪系统,尤其是多目标跟踪时,充分利用目标的特征信息,进行目标匹配,可以辅助实现 目标 航迹相关,减小目标跟踪失败的概率。

  • Through running algorithm for object detection and intelligent track of real-time infrared image the experiment showed that the effect of target track through monitor was obvious .

    通过在此系统上运行实时红外图像的目标检测、智能跟踪等算法,试验表明:通过监视器观察 目标 跟踪效果明显,已经达到系统设计要求。

  • Research on Video Traffic Flow Background Extraction and Moving Target Track and Detection Technology

    视频交通流背景提取与运动 目标 跟踪检测技术研究

  • Study of Adaptive Kalman Filtering Algorithm in Maneuvering Target Track

    机动 目标 跟踪的自适应卡尔曼滤波算法实现

  • The aerial target track analysis is the basis and important reference of the ground-to-air missiles s fire control .

    空中 目标 航迹分析是地空导弹火力运用的前提和重要依据。

  • Aiming at maneuvering target track question according to the in current statistical model this paper describes application of the Kalman filter algorithm to practical project .

    本文针对机动 目标 跟踪问题,在当前统计模型的基础上,实现了Kalman滤波算法在工程上的应用;

  • Pointing at observation and processing of the radar target these are finished in different coordinate systems and in order to track the maneuvering target a federated filter algorithm of maneuvering target track is presented in this paper .

    针对雷达目标观测和处理在不同的坐标系下完成,本文提出了联合滤波算法来 跟踪机动 目标

  • Multi-Sensor Target Track Fusion Based on AFCM

    基于新型AFCM的多传感器 目标 跟踪 航迹融合

  • The data of radar target track simulation is the precondition of kinds of radar information research .

    雷达 目标模拟 航迹产生的数据是进行各种雷达数据处理研究的前提。

  • Estimation of Mobile Target Track Based on Angular Information

    基于测角信息的机动 目标 轨迹预测研究

  • The computer system takes charge of monitoring the whole system such as storing and loading of data computing and displaying of target track transmission of commands and parameters and so on .

    计算机显控台负责实时监测和控制整个系统,如数据的存取、 目标 轨迹的计算和显示、命令参数的传递等。

  • Radar target track simulation is the key task of radar echo signal simulation system .

    雷达 目标 航迹仿真是雷达仿真系统中模拟目标回波信号的关键。

  • The Real-time Target Track Process System Design and the Fast Arithmetic Research

    实时 目标 跟踪系统处理平台设计及快速算法研究

  • Method of target track based on information of AIS

    基于船舶自动识别系统信息的 目标 跟踪

  • On target track and forecast aspect considering ship moving character Kalman filter was researched .

    目标 跟踪预测方面,本文根据船舶运动的特点,重点研究了Kalman滤波器跟踪预测算法。

  • Real-time deep space target track system based on SOPC

    基于SOPC的深空 目标实时 跟踪系统

  • Resolve the target track problem of radar by the data fusion technology .

    利用数据融合技术解决雷达 目标 跟踪 方面的问题;

  • We studied data fusion on target track obtained from multiple sensors and presented the corresponding algorithms .

    本文针对机载传感器特点和飞机平台参数需求,对多传感器 跟踪生成的 目标 航迹数据融合进行了研究,并给出了相应算法。

  • Exercise . the continuity of target track .

    目标运动的 轨迹具有连续性。

  • The traditional method of Kalman filter for passive sonar target track association is limited in practice . How to correctly calculate the inverse is one of the most important processes in federated filter .

    传统的 目标 航迹关联方法卡尔曼滤波法在实际应用时有局限性。

  • This information fusion discussed in this paper aims at the problem of target track correlation of radar .

    本文讨论的信息融合是针对雷达 目标 识别 航迹关联问题。

  • The method can be used for display function displaying of target track and man-machine interface .

    该方法能较好地实现地图显示功能、 目标 航迹显示和人机交互界面的显示。

  • The maneuvering target track widely applies to military and the civil fields .

    机动 目标 跟踪广泛应用于军事和民用领域。

  • A method of track association based on ISODATA algorithm for clustering analysis is put forward according to the features of multi sensor multi target track association .

    针对多传感器多 目标 航迹关联的特点,提出了将基于聚类分析的ISODATA算法应用于航迹关联的解决方法。

  • New Method of Radar Target Track Simulation

    一种新的雷达 目标 航迹模拟方法