tariff companies

[经] 收费标准协定的保险公司

  • In line with the WTO commitments the cancellation of non-tariff barriers tariff concession and granting of trade right and distribution right to foreign companies are supposed to be done within five-year transitional period .

    根据入世承诺,在未来五年内,中国石化业将取消非关税壁垒,减让 关税,以及给予外国 公司贸易权和分销权。

  • Telephone Tariff of Some European Operating Companies

    欧洲部分 国家电话运营 公司 资费比较

  • Thailand recently adopted a tariff system to encourage renewable production while the Philippines this year introduced legislation forcing oil companies to include a small percentage of biodiesel and bioethanol in output .

    泰国最近采纳了一项 关税体系,鼓励可再生能源的生产;菲律宾今年立法迫使石油 公司在产出中包含一小部分生物柴油和生物酒精。

  • China announced a generous tariff for shale gas in November creating a big economic incentive for companies to invest in exploration for the unconventional resource .

    今年11月,中国宣布对页岩气 实行慷慨的 税收 优惠,这对 企业构成巨大的经济激励,推动它们投资勘探非传统能源。

  • Going with freeing insurance clause and premium tariff system opening insurance market and entering foreign companies the competition will becoming fiercer and fiercer and the situation cannot be predicted .

    随着国内车险 费率条款体系的自由化、保险市场的逐步放开和外资保险 公司的进入,车险市场的竞争越来越激烈,市场格局变幻莫测,而客户则是永恒的主题。

  • The management system of airline tariff is the most important part for airline companies sharing information with each other and making their own strategy .

    航空 运价 出版领域的管理系统,是航空 公司之间交换彼此信息,制定各自战略方针的关键部分,它将面对 来自于成员航空公司的海量数据,并成为航空票务信息处理和发布的总管。

  • Tariff recovery is the process of the electricity supply companies recovered from users .

    电费回收是供电 企业从用户手中回收电费的过程。