


  • Tenants should check their tenancy agreements closely .

    租户应该认真核对 租赁合同。

  • Book value of tenancy of fixed assets through operating lease shall be disclosed on the basis of each leased asset type ;

    通过经营租赁 租出的固定资产应披露每类租出资产的账面价值。

  • On occasion I have been asked to provide a tenancy agreement .

    偶尔我也会被要求提供一份 住房 租赁协议。

  • The lease and tenancy company enable people to use the car without the risk of out of date .

    出租和 租赁公司使得人们能够在没有过时的条件下使用汽车。

  • The system of agricultural partnership had such types as the partnership system concerning tenancy system partnership between funds and funds and the partnership from mutual purchase .

    清代农业中的合伙制存在着多种类型:与 租佃 等有关的合伙制、资本与资本的合伙、由共买 关系 转化来的合伙制等。

  • They had taken over the tenancy of the farm .

    他们 承租了那个农场。

  • Check the terms of your tenancy agreement .

    核对一下你的 租赁约条款。

  • She has sole tenancy of the apartment .

    她一个人 了这公寓。

  • Once they took up the tenancy they couldn 't be evicted .

    他们一旦取得 租用 ,就无法把他们赶走了。

  • Among the Turfan unearthed documents 11 vineyard tenancy and business documents named by vinyard ticket contract .

    在吐鲁番出土文书中,有11件以葡萄园券契命名的葡萄园 租佃与买卖文书。

  • His father took over the tenancy of the farm 40 years ago

    他父亲40年前 下了这个农场。

  • Analysis on Financing and Tenancy of Medical Equipment in China

    对我国开展医疗设备融资 租赁的分析

  • They invest in land most developers would shun and use tenancy contracts that would make other landlords shudder .

    这种公司所投资的地盘,大多数开发商都会避而 之,而此类公司所签 土地 租赁合同的期限也另很多地主瞠目结舌。

  • Exchange of public housing tenancy rights for commercial or other housing titles ;

    以公有住房 承租权交换商品住房或者其他住房所有权;

  • Modern China relations in the form of tenancy and characteristics ?

    近代中国 租佃关系的形式和特点?

  • House tenancy register records system is designed by the state to strengthen the administration of the real estate tenancy market .

    房屋 租赁登记备案制度,是国家为了加强对房地产租赁市场的管理而设立的。

  • If no new agreement is made between you and the new owner of the property the terms of the existing tenancy will apply .

    如你没有和新业主重新签订 租赁协议,原有协议上的条款将继续生效。

  • Transaction Costs in Agriculture Tenancy Relationship and the Determination of Fragment Level of Land Property Rights

    农业 租佃关系中的交易成本与土地产权分散程度的决定

  • We have a12-month tenancy agreement .

    我们有12个月的 租凭协议。

  • Both parties have to sign a provisional tenancy agreement .

    然后双方签订一份临时 租约

  • An Explanation on Low Land Tax in Farmland Tenancy Article 224 Sublease Subject to consent by the lessor the lessee may sublease the lease item to a third person .

    对农地转租中低地租现象的一种解释第 二百二十四条承租人经出租人同意,可以将租赁物转租给第三人。

  • Nb-when students move into a shared house they generally sign a joint tenancy .

    注意-当学生搬入一个合租的房子的时候他们一般要签署“ 合租合同”。

  • I have a two-year tenancy on the house .

    这房子我有2年 租期

  • Land property rights transfer first is economic reasons including business and the tenancy of economic decline in noble .

    土地产权转移首先是经济上的原因,包括 租佃经营的 困境,以及贵族在经济上的衰落。

  • This tenancy represents the entire understanding and agreement between the parties hereto relating to the lease of The Property .

    租赁 合同表示双方对此物业目前出租的情况完全的理解,同意。

  • A new Tenancy shall only be created by a fresh tenancy agreement in writing signed by the Landlord and the Tenant . For existing tenancies rents are still regulated and renewals must stay at a level comparable with those for similar dwellings in the locality .


  • The tenancy contract is the basis for regulating the relations between lessor and tenant .


  • The system goes house tenancy register records and House Tenancy Certificate are legal and valid for tenants ' renting .

    该制度规定房屋 租赁 实行登记备案 ,房屋主管部门颁发的房屋租赁证是租赁行为合法有效的凭证。

  • This thesis deals with the feudal ownership of land and feudal tenancy relationships .

    本文主要讨论了其封建土地占有制及 租佃关系的形成与发展。