word rate

[wɚd ret][wə:d reit]


  • The experiment results also show that the use of word-level context information can help improving the accuracy of word segmentation word based training model has a word segmentation accuracy rate of 0.988 and sentence based training model has a word segmentation accuracy rate of 0.991 .

    实验结果也表明利用构词成分级的上下文信息能够提高词切分准确率,基于词的训练模型的 切分准确 为0.988,基于句子的训练模型的词切分准确率为0.991。

  • In MOS test it includes six items & global impression ( listening ) effort ( word ) comprehension speaking rate prosody ( stress pause ) and voice pleasantness .

    在MOS中,文章从系统的整体印象、努力程度、理解 程度语速、发音( 重音、停顿)及悦耳程度6个方面进行了评测。

  • This paper has proposed the word error rate as the index representing the data availability and discussed the reliability of RAID ( Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks ) .

    本文提出以 误字 作为表征数据可用性指标,讨论冗余磁盘阵列(RAID&RedundantArrayofInexpensiveDisks)的系统可靠性。

  • Confusion network is a more compact form representing multiple candidates and word error rate can be minimized by performing second-pass decoding on confusion network .

    混淆网络是多候选识别结果的一种紧凑表示形式,基于混淆网络解码可以最小化 错误

  • Improved Word Error Rate evaluation algorithm for automatic speech recognition

    一种改进的语音识别 错误 评估算法

  • Experimental results on a large vocabulary continues speech recognition task of mandarin show that in comparison to the traditional diagonal modeling technique the proposed method can get nearly 18.8 % word error rate reduction without incurring much computation load during decoding .

    试验结果表明,在汉语大词汇量连续语音识别系统中,同传统的对角方差建模技术相比,这种方法在计算量增加很小的情况下,系统 的误识 降低了18.8%。

  • The percentage of qualified of chemical element is the highest the percentage of qualified physical element is the lowest In a word different professions have different passed rate .

    化学因素合格率最高,物理因素的 合格 最低。

  • He was cheered to read in book news in a paragraph on the payment of magazine writers not that Rudyard Kipling received a dollar per word but that the minimum rate paid by first-class magazines was two cents a word .

    他在《书籍新闻》上读到一段有关杂志撰稿人收入的文章很受到鼓舞。倒不是吉卜林的稿费每 一元,而是第一流杂志的最低 稿费是每字两分。

  • The error rate evaluation is very important in building an Automatic Speech Recognition ( ASR ) system . The conventional algorithm for Word Error Rate ( WER ) evaluation is based on the minimum error rate .

    在建立语音识别系统的过程中错误率评估起着非常重要的作用,传统的 错误 算法仅仅是基于最小错误率,具有显著的缺陷,因而不能准确评估系统的错误率。

  • A second experiment respectively measured word fragment completion rate in RR and FR.

    实验二分别测量两种再 项目的补笔正确

  • Such as : lack of scientific measuring tool to statistic vocabulary my statistic does not include the outline word and repetition rate I can also not compare the outline with the vocabulary of the two newspaper teaching material .

    如:缺乏科学计量工具统计词汇的能力,以至没有对超纲 和复现 进行科学统计,也未能将报刊阅读课程词汇大纲与两本报刊教材中的词汇进行计量比较。

  • In test of crossing word segmentation disambiguation correct rate is over 94 % average wrong rate is 25 % lower than that of ICTCLAS system developed by the Institute of Computation in China Academy of Science .

    交集型切分真歧义的消解不但精确 普遍在94%以上,而且平均错误率也比 ICTCLAS系统低25%以上。

  • The sample rate filter corner frequency settling time group delay and output word rate will be reduced also as these are proportional to the external clock frequency .

    由于采样速率、滤波器转折频率、建立时间、群延迟和输出 速率与外部时钟频率呈比例变化关系,因此这些参数也会相应降低。

  • Experiments show that the cooperation of these two models can overcome the shortcoming of N-gram model that it only can describe the word pairs being less than N words apart and it also improves the word right rate of the system .

    实验表明,二者的结合在一定程度上克服了N元文法语言模型描述距离小于N的缺点,提高了系统的 识别

  • The sample rate filter corner frequencies and output word rate are set by a combination of the external clock frequency and the configuration registers of the AD7760 .

    采样速率、滤波器转折频率和输出 速率由AD7760的外部时钟频率与配置寄存器共同设置。

  • At present Chinese-English word alignment technology research has achieved accuracy rate at 90.0 % the recall rate at 88.2 % however Chinese-Uyghur word-alignment research start lately .

    目前,汉英 对齐技术的研究已取得了准确 90.0%,召回率88.2%的成果,然而汉维词对齐技术的研究起步相对较晚。

  • Chapter Two introduces the development of the researches on listening comprehension background knowledge and the relationship between listening comprehension and unknown word rate .

    第二章主要阐述了大学英语听力教学中涉及到的听力理解与背景知识和 生词 关系的各项研究。

  • Upon my word the rate of commission we allow for other agent be the same as for you .

    相信,我们给其他代理的 佣金和给您的一样多。

  • The biggest characteristic of Golomb code is to choose the length to variable-length coding method which can reduce code word length of growth rate .

    Golomb编码最大的特点就是选择了变长到变长的编码方式,这样编码方式灵活,且会使代码 的长度 降低

  • The experimental results on single word have demonstrated that the accurate rate is over 97 % while the average frame-lost rate is 3.95 % .

    实验中,针对 单字音元音帧的正确提取率达到了97%以上,平均丢 帧率为3.95%;

  • To overcome disadvantage of word classifier the strategy and method of phrase classifier designing whose classification unit is phrase are proposed . The experiments results prove that phrase classifier is superior to word classifier in rate and speed of classification .

    为克服字分类器的缺点,本文给出了以词为单位的词分类器设计的策略与方法,并实验验证了 分类器在分类 及分类速度方面均优于字分类器。

  • In one word it achieves a recognition rate of 95 % and a speed of 6s for one hundred Chinese characters using a printed Chinese character recognition system based on above algorithms .

    总之,利用以上算法得到的印刷体汉字识别系统的汉字平均识别 达到95%,平均识别速度为6s/每百字。

  • Americas waste paper is almost the best quality all over the word and pulp out of the maximum rate .

    美国废纸的质量几乎是 全球最好的,出浆 最高的。

  • Tests show that the method is able to reduce the word error rate by about 10 % even with very short utterance .

    实验表明,该方法可以利用很少的自适应数据使识别的 错误 下降10%左右。

  • The error probability of the system is derided into an error word rate a leakage word rate and an added word rate which are strictly differentiated from the proper transmission probability .

    将复杂的过程归纳为六种概率事件,将系统的差错 分为 误字、漏字和加字率,使其和正确传输概率严格区分开来;