




  • I 'm lost for words — it 's fantastic

    我无以 表——太精彩了。

  • Can you hear the words on the album ?

    你听得清这张专辑中的 歌词吗?

  • Even the Assistant Secretary of State had to admit that previous policy did not in his words produce results .

    就连助理国务卿也不得不承认之前的政策并没有,用他的 话说,收到成效。

  • The words stood out clearly on the page

    那些 赫然写在纸上。

  • The mobile library services have been reorganised — in other words they visit fewer places .

    流动图书馆服务重新作了安排—— 换句话说,他们去的地方减少了。

  • The spa is the last word in luxury and efficiency .

    这家矿泉疗养浴场 极尽奢华,功效极高。

  • It 's essential you make the right decisions from the word go .

    关键是从 开始就作出正确的决定。

  • There is no word from the authorities on the reported attack

    所报道的袭击事件没有得到当局的 证实

  • If I had written the letter I might have worded it differently .

    如果换作我写这封信,我或许会 不同的 措辞

  • So many people think feminism is a dirty word .

    这么多人都认为女权主义是个龌龊的 字眼

  • I think it 's time you had a word with him

    我觉得你该跟他 谈谈了。

  • We had words and she stormed out

    我们争执了起来,她 夺门而出

  • ' And has she agreed to go with you ? ' — ' Not in so many words . But I read her thoughts ' .

    “她同意跟你一起去了吗?”——“没有直接 ,但我知道她是怎么想的。”

  • Now tell us in your own words about the events of Saturday .

    现在你来给我们 讲讲星期六的活动吧。

  • She does like to have the last word in any discussion


  • Melina was hanging on his every word fascinated .

    梅利娜凝神细听着他的每 ,被深深吸引住了。

  • I can 't understand a word she says

    她说的我 一点儿也不

  • The story has been passed down by word of mouth .

    这个故事是 口头流传下来的。

  • He simply cannot be trusted to keep his word .

    根本不能相信他会 信守 诺言

  • Victor in a word got increasingly fed up


  • I want nothing said about this until I give the word .

    没有我的命令,不准 议论这件事。

  • He has had to eat his words about the company being recession-proof .

    他不得不收回他 说过的公司能免受经济衰退影响的

  • The press never has a good word to say about them

    新闻界从来没说过他们的 好话

  • I was devastated when her words came true

    她的 应验了,我伤心欲绝。