with a light heart

[wɪð e laɪt hɑrt][wið ə lait hɑ:t]


  • Thus I 'll go back with a light heart .

    我可以带 愉快 心情回去了。

  • While the majority people ordinarily live in real life some even in poverty hence facing all optimistically with a light heart and may also live gracefully .

    可实际生活中,多数人生活在平凡里,还有部分人生活在贫困中。学会 放松 心态乐观地面对一切,同样可以优雅地生活。

  • The seasoned golf professional accepted this defeat by the young player with a light heart – after all he had coached her .

    那位久经沙场的高尔夫职业球员 轻松 愉快地承认自己被那年轻球员所击败-毕竟当过她的教练。

  • So rent somewhere fashionable and do it with a light heart .

    因此,找一个时尚的地段租套房子,并 轻松 心态来面对这件事。

  • Jerry left the examination room with a light heart .

    杰利 轻松 愉快地离开了考场。

  • I hope you can face all the challenges with a light heart .

    我希望你能 轻松 自如 面对挑战。

  • A post-nuptial explanation which might be accepted with a light heart by a rougher man might not be received with the same feeling by him .

    要是婚后再给以解释,这对于一个不太在乎的人来说也许就 轻松 心情接受了,但是对他来说也许就不能用同样的心情接受了。

  • We can set to work with a light heart .

    我们可以 轻松地开始工作。

  • We may sleep with a light heart tonight !

    今晚我们可以 安心地睡 一觉了!

  • He ate a good breakfast and went off with a light heart .

    他吃了一顿丰盛的早餐, 高高兴兴地走了。

  • I had walked up the stairs with a light heart then discovered that I did not have my key .

    心情 愉快地走上楼梯欲进家门 ,发现自己根本没带钥匙。

  • Passing her now with a light heart she reminds me somehow of a goose tied to a stake a goose with a diseased liver so that the world may have pat é de foie gras .

    如今我 心情 轻松地从她 身边经过,不知怎么搞的她使我联想起一只拴在桩上的鹅,一只肝上患了病的鹅,这样世人才得以享用它的鹅肝馅饼。

  • Having read the letter the father felt relieved and gave it to his daughter with a light heart .

    女孩的父亲看了这封信以后,感到放了心, 心情 愉快地把信交给了女孩。

  • Let Children Share the Pleasure of Reading with a Light Heart

    让孩子 轻松 心情分享阅读的快乐&试析讲述故事与幼儿早期阅读兴趣的培养

  • He faces all the challenges with a light heart .

    积极 心态面对所有的挑战。

  • When you say good-bye to me with a light heart do you know my heart is sobbing ?

    你潇洒地说声再见,可知道我 颤抖 在哭泣?

  • It was with a light heart that we set out that day .

    我们那天出发的时候 心情是非常 轻松 愉快的。

  • He swam back across the lake with a light heart .

    心情 愉快地游过湖水。