
[ˈwɪʃi wɔ:ʃi][ˈwɪʃi wɒʃi]


  • He 's just a wishy-washy liberal .

    他不过是个 思想 模糊的自由主义者。

  • As I think I mentioned in the reply to Kohl 's critique to many people this sounds wishy-washy and my students often do say that I 'm wishy-washy .

    我记得我在回复科尔的批判的时候提到,对很多人来说这听起来很 空泛,我的学生经常说我很空泛。

  • Some buddies just offer wishy-washy words of support .

    有些朋友只会提供一些 不痛不痒的口头支持。

  • Without affirmations you may be what we may call wishy-washy about the idea .

    没有肯定,对于思想你们可以,我们可以称 空泛的。

  • She 's wishy-washy and has no guts .

    她是 棉花 的, 一点儿 骨气都没有

  • Wishy-washy weak attempts to leave will be steamrolled and you will be overrun by the will of your partner .


  • One mistake a lot of people make is being too nice and too wishy-washy .

    很多人容易犯的一个毛病就是太好了,或者太 优柔寡断了。

  • In a sort of wishy-washy way they are supporting it .

    他们在对这件事情的支持上 显得 软弱无力

  • Which wishy-washy washerwoman wants to watch ?

    哪一个 软弱无力的洗衣女工想要看?

  • Can you give me another example of wishy-washy ?

    就是 标准 wishy-washy。

  • I don 't need the wishy-washy thing .

    你不能 敞开 心扉对我,那么我也不要了。

  • The idea at its core is to stop being or sounding wishy-washy .

    其核心理念是让 做事或 讲话 不再 显得 软弱无力

  • If there 's anything I can 't stand it 's an indecisive wishy-washy customer .

    如果说我有什么不能容忍的 ,那就是 犹豫豫、 的客户。

  • His wishy-washy talk gave her the pip .

    不痛不痒的话使她 恼火。

  • If you have a very wishy-washy person who sometimes does negative things they 're not going to be gaining soul growth .

    如果你有一个非常 缺乏 力量 身体,有时做负面的事情,它们不是增强灵魂的成长。

  • I don 't want to be anything wishy-washy except for the overtones of that .

    我不想变得无聊 空泛,除了 如果是说这个词的弦外之音。

  • Don 't be wishy-washy ; you can 't go wrong by listening to what I say .


  • Interesting words from a man who calls himself a wishy-washy Anglican .

    有趣的字眼出之这个自称为“ 空洞 无聊的圣公会教徒”。

  • Mr Hatoyama offered a robust defence of his political philosophy of Yuai fraternity which critics have derided as wishy-washy wishful thinking but which he declared a strong combative concept and banner of revolution .
