wish on

[wɪʃ ɑn][wiʃ ɔn]


  • I 've hung a wish on every star .

    对着每一颗星星 许愿

  • It 's a horrid experience and I wouldn 't wish it on my worst enemy .

    这种经历太痛苦了,我甚至都不 希望它发生 死对头身

  • I wish on this subject to adduce a modern example .

    关于这个问题,我 引述当代的一个例子。

  • Every good wish on your marriage .


  • A little star fell down on the ground . If you make a wish on a falling star they say it will come true . They wished to have a child .

    一颗小星星落到地上。“如果 对着流星 许愿,愿望就会实现。”他们希望有一个孩子。

  • I hope my wish on the last day of2008 could come true !

    真的 希望你能好好考虑我今天晚上提到的问题!

  • There is only one wish on my mind When this day is through I hope that I will find That tomorrow will be just the same for you and me .

    我心中只有一个 愿望:当今日逝去,希望你我的明天都将一如今日。

  • I wish embarking on new chapter of my life from now on in2011 .

    我也 希望2011年从现在开始,翻开生活新的篇章。

  • It 's not a job I 'd wish on anybody .

    这项工作并不是我不喜欢而 把它推给别人。

  • An illness I would not wish on my worst enemy .

    一种甚至连最坏的仇敌我也 不愿他患的疾病。

  • I wish that on the holiday I had a Christmas tree .

    希望 圣诞节那天我能有一颗圣诞树。

  • You want to wish something on your worst enemy ?


  • It 's such a disgusting task I wouldn 't wish it on anybody .

    这是件很讨厌的工作,我不 希望有谁摊上。

  • I writhed my wish on a piece of cloth and tie it to the tree .

    我在 许愿树下许了个愿,并系 了一根许愿带。

  • This much-trumpeted awareness is not for ourselves ; it is something we wish on others .

    这种大张旗鼓的“认知”不是给我们自己准备的,而是我们 希望给别人准备的。

  • Then I have made a terrible wish on a shooting star .

    那样的话我 流星许了个太糟糕的 了。

  • Take the time to wish on a star .

    对着星星许下 愿望

  • And can you do that for every wish on every day ? '

    你能每天对每个 愿望都这样办吗?

  • Why Allah would wish this on me .

    为什么真主会让我有这么个 愿望

  • I wish that on Christmas day I had someplace to go .

    希望 圣诞节那天我会有一个好去处。

  • Write down a wish on a piece of paper burn it throw it into a champagne glass and drink it before 12:01 .

    纸条上写下一个 愿望,然后烧掉,再把灰烬扔进香槟酒杯中,在12:01之前将它一饮而尽。

  • You may use the procedure you wish on the basis of available equipment or personal preference .

    你们可以 根据个人 想法和手头的器材决定实验步骤。

  • Best wish on your marriage .

    你新婚之际 致以最美好的 祝愿

  • He cited a Chinese proverb to the effect that you should never wish ill on your neighbour .

    他引用了一个中国谚语,大意是不应对邻居心存 恶念之类的。

  • After they 've finished reading ask them to take a few minutes to think through how they would approach this discipline problem making any notes they wish on the back of the page .

    阅读完后,让他们用几分钟思考一下他们解决纪律问题的方法,并 该页纸的背后做好 笔记

  • You can write your wish on a sheet of paper or say it aloud as many times you want during the day .

    一天中,你可以 纸上写下你的 愿望或者想说几遍就大声地说几遍你的愿望。

  • My burden I would not wish on any man .

    我不 希望我的责任 落到任何人肩