
[计] Y轴方向,纵轴方向

  • Through simulation we found that in the case of gradually increasing pressure through X Y-direction stress cloud hole rapid redistribution of stress in around .

    通过模拟发现,从X、 Y 方向的应力云图 看出,在压力逐步增大的情况下,孔周围应力在不断的快速重分布。

  • To create the NC-processing locus curves of free-form surfaces the algorithms in X-direction feed and in Y-direction feed are given separately .

    分别给出了沿X向进给及 Y 进给时刀具轨迹曲线的生成算法。

  • When the pressure reaches the breaking pressure along the direction of the arrangement hole the Y-direction tensile stress exceeds the tensile strength of the rock so rock fracture .

    当压力达到破坏压力时, 模型沿布置孔的方向的 Y 方向拉应力超过了岩石的抗拉强度,岩石破裂。

  • Research results : The result shows that the range of displacement-response of the tunnel tube in y-direction decreased by 67 % as the deposited depth of tunnel drops from 30 m to 50 m ;

    研究结果:当隧道放置深度由30m增至50m时, y 方向位移响应 幅值减小了67%;

  • Momentum balance equations were established for both x-direction and y-direction by which bubble growth rate and departure diameter can be calculated .

    进而获得了沸腾 气泡的生长速率与脱离直径的计算方法。

  • The stiffness in Y-direction is nearly equal to that in X-direction . This structure - globosity is better .

    结构的 Y 刚度略小于X 刚度, 方向刚度比较接近,整体性较好。

  • Experimental results show that in glycerin solution viscosity restrains the formation of eddy in the vicinity of bubble and component of the velocity in the y-direction decreases away from bubble in the tail-vortex area of the bubble .

    实验结果表明:甘油溶液的黏度抑制了气泡周围漩涡的形成;在泡尾区,随着距气泡中心距离的增大, y 方向速度分量逐渐减小。

  • When the bonding head moves along the flexible beam the dynamic model of the gantry robot in y-direction can be considered as a linear parameter-varying ( LPV ) system .

    当工作头沿柔性梁移动时,拱架机器人的 y 动力学模型可作为一线性变参数系统处理。

  • The maximum distortion and distortion angle between payload mounting plate and ground under 4 kinds of operational modes with high / low temperature and aluminum / carbon coat plane were acquired and so were the thermal distortion pictures of the satellite and the Y-direction .

    给出了高/低温、铝合金/碳 纤维蒙皮四种不同工况的 最大变形和有效载荷安装板对地变形角,并由此得到了 星和有效载荷板 Y 的热变形图。

  • The method takes two boolean arguments determining whether the widget is resizable in the x-or y-direction .

    该方法带有两个布尔变量,用于决定部件在x 方向或者 y 方向是否可以调节。