test act

[法] 宣誓条例

  • Test not equal to idea coffee and often act as my outlet wine .

    考试不如意时,咖啡便常常 充当我的解愁酒。

  • Methods : Use orthogonal test act the swimming ability soak time decoct extraction time as changing factor select L9 ( 34 ) table to conduct test .

    方法:采用正交设计 加水量、浸泡时间、煎提时间为可变因素,选用L9(34)表进行试验。

  • The result shows that the optimizing method combining orthogonal test with improved simplex method is especially suitable for the system which multifactors act on each other and the best formula Can be obtained by fewer times of experiments .

    结果表明,将正交 试验与改进单纯形法结合起来进行配方优化,特别适用于多因子间有交互 作用的体系,能用较少次数试验,迅速获得最佳配方。

  • Objective : To probe into the conformity of5-mark system quality of living scale and asthma control and test ( ACT ) scale for bronchial asthma patients .

    探讨5分制支气管哮喘病人生存质量量表与哮喘控制 测试量表( ACT)的相符情况。

  • It is pointed out that FIP test can act as a method to assess property of anti delayed fracture of PC bars made at home .

    指出FIP 试验 方法作为国产PC钢棒的抗延迟断裂性能的评价方法;

  • White House spokesman Tony Snow says if the test proves true it 's a provocative act in defiance of the will of international community .

    白宫发言人托尼斯诺说,如果 证实朝鲜确实进行了 实验,这便是蔑视国际社会意愿的挑衅 行为

  • It raises the theory that the ethical stipulation of technology is a process and it divides the process into four phases that is the ethical assessment in design phase ethical approval in test phase ethical act in application phase and ethical adjustability in diffusion .

    提出技术伦理规约过程性的理论主张,并将技术伦理规约的过程分成四个阶段,即设计阶段的伦理评估, 试验阶段的伦理鉴定,应用阶段的伦理 立法,推广阶段的伦理调整。

  • Objective To explore the feasibility of applying asthma control test ( ACT ) in China .

    目的探讨哮喘控制 测试 在中国应用的可行性。

  • Methods A convenient sampling 110 elderly patients was selected . Elderly Mobility Scale was used to measure the level of mobility and multiple regression analysis was used to test to what degree the multiple factors act on mobility .

    方法采用方便抽样方法对110名住院老年慢性病患者进行调查,运用老年人运动能力量表、多元回归等方法分析 老年 的运动能力及其影响因素。

  • Feasibility study on the application of asthma control test ( ACT ) in China

    哮喘控制 测试在中国应用的可行性研究

  • Public Interest Test in the Freedom of Information Act

    论信息公开 中的公共利益 测试

  • Endurance is a much better test of character than act of heroism .

    忍耐要比 英雄更能 考验人的品格。

  • The agile development cycle allowed the system test team to act like a real customer from the application design right through coding and unit testing of the system test application .

    敏捷的开发周期允许系统 测试团队 扮演实际的客户,从应用程序设计到系统测试应用程序的编码和单元测试。

  • The U.S.Department of Energy ( DOE ) proposes major revisions to its test procedures for fluorescent lamp ballasts established under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act .

    美国能源部(DOE)提议较大范围的修订其根据《能源政策与节约 法案 规定的日光灯整流器 测试程序。

  • The incubation product development and perfection of the system of the test for Civil Servant Employment in China act in theoretic and practical parts . Especially the Civil Servant Laws in PRC have been formally implemented .

    我国公务员 考录制度的孕育、产生、发展和完善,在理论上和实践上有着 十分重大的意义,特别是《中华人民共和国公务员法》正式实施后。

  • Over the years America has benefited from policies that passed this test like the Homestead Act and the G.I.

    纵观历史,美国多次从通过这个 考核的政策获益,例如住宅 ,G。

  • The other test is called the ACT . Test scores help colleges decide if a candidate can succeed at their schools .

    另一种是美国大学 考试。测试得分有助于各学校判断一位申请者能否在校 表现优异。

  • The secretary of state Condoleezza Rice says that any test would be a provocative act .

    国务卿,赖斯说,任何 试验都是一种挑衅 行为

  • A case statement within bash lets you test for more than one condition or value and act accordingly .

    bash中的case语句可以用来 测试多个条件或值并相应地 执行 操作

  • You know the test of your worldview is not how you act in the good times . The test of your worldview is how you act at the funeral .

    你知道吧,对你世界观的检验,不是你在顺利的时候怎么表现,对你世界观的 检验是你在葬礼上怎么 表现

  • Test your creativity and accept the challenge to perform an original and unique act .

    测试你的创造力和接受挑战,以履行原有的和独特的 行为

  • A very important test is how you act when you can 't feel God 's presence in your life .

    人生很重要的一个 考验就是当你感觉不到神的同在时,你 如何 反应

  • In general ACT test is more suitable for Chinese students and ACT makes it easier to present the advantages of Chinese students .

    从总体上看,ACT 考试比较适合中国的考生,选择 ACT 考试能充分体现中国考生的优势。

  • The University of Pennsylvania requires that all freshman applicants take the SAT Reasoning Test and two SAT Subject Tests or the ACT with writing .

    宾夕法尼亚大学是美国的顶尖 名校,对 申请人的要求非常严格。

  • The difficulty of implementation of automatic testing for satellite lies in the following problems : in what computerized form the test procedure result evaluation and exception act can be transformed into ;

    实现卫星的自动化测试的难点在于如何将测试计划和 执行情况判读及其对策转化为计算机能够理解并且自动执行的形式;如何设计自动获取数据的方式,以评估 测试操作的正确性;

  • Simulation test showed that high-concentration microbes and the metabolic products could act on crude oil which was favorable to drive remaining oil .

    微观模拟 实验表明,高浓度的菌群及其大量代谢产物协同 作用于原油碳源有利于剩余油启动。

  • This article also study the correlation between different test methods of permeability using of natural law power law NEL Act RCM method and NTB492 .

    同时采用自然扩散法、电量法、NEL 、RCM法以及NTB492 同时评定混凝土的抗渗性,进行了不同的抗渗性 试验方法之间的相关性研究。

  • Penetration test is to simulate the act of hacking .

    渗透 测试是模拟黑客攻击的一种 行为

  • The establishment of PETS ( Public English Test System ) is an answer to this and a remarkable act in test reform .

    公共英语等级 考试体系PETS( PublicEnglishTestSystem)的建立,就是英语考试的一大改革。

  • But now comes the hard part : securing the irreversible disablement of the reactor that provided the fuel for last year 's nuclear test and continues to act as North Korea 's bargaining chip for extracting much-needed aid from the outside world .

    但现在到了比较艰难的部分:确保宁边核反应堆进行不可逆转的去功能化。宁边核反应堆为朝鲜去年的核 试验提供了核燃料,并且一直 朝鲜从外界获取急需援助的谈判筹码。