test for


  • I have written a JUnit test for the parser as well .

    我还编写了 用于该解析器的JUnit 测试程序。

  • Groupware : This workload is a capacity test for Notes users that process large amounts of information .

    群件(Groupware):这种工作负载是 针对处理大量信息的Notes用户的容量 测试

  • As we wrote earlier this week Zynga could be an interesting market test for Facebook .

    上周二我们曾撰文表示, Facebook来说,Zynga上市有可能成为耐人寻味的市场 测试

  • In other words it 's the perfect performance test for what I was looking for .

    换句话说,这是我所希望的最佳性能 测试

  • The common test for MERCHANTABILITY is whether the goods are fit for the ordinary purpose .

    常见的可销售性 测试标准在于:该商品是否适宜于这类商品的通常用途。

  • Follow this test for clear writing : Remove all periods and commas then read it .


  • These standards might still require some action by the application to ensure compliance but since they required a change to our container or proxy server we did test for them to ensure compliance .

    这些标准仍然可能需要应用程序进行一些操作来确保遵从性,但是由于需要对容器或代理服务器进行更改,因此我们 其进行了 测试,以确保遵从性。

  • Once the speedometer is placed in a conventional sedan the system test for the sedan would not road test it at160 miles / hour .

    但是一旦将速度计安装到家用轿车里面时, 对于整部轿车的系统 测试将不会在公路上测试160英里/小时这一速度值。

  • For example when using an INNER JOIN you compare two columns of different tables and test for equality .

    例如,在使用INNERJOIN时,比较不同表的两个列, 检查它们 是否相等。

  • Unless you remember the two sections are related you might not test for this condition .

    除非您记得这两部分是有联系的,否则不可能会 这个条件来 测试

  • The vulnerabilities that tools such as Rational AppScan 5 w_1582 test for can still apply .

    仍然可应用例如RationalAppScan5w_1594等工具来 测试其漏洞。

  • He has failed a dope test for cocaine

    他未能通过可卡因 药检

  • A case statement within bash lets you test for more than one condition or value and act accordingly .

    bash中的case语句可以用来 测试多个条件或值并相应地执行操作。

  • However I don 't need an additional test for this .

    但是,不需要 为此 编写另一个 测试

  • TDD encourages developers to write a failing test when writing the first test for some new functionality .

    一些新功能编写第一个 测试时,TDD鼓励开发人员编写失败的测试。

  • Now that I 've written my GWT application with testing in mind I actually have to write the test for it which means setting up the GWT 's GWTTestCase .

    既然我已经编写好了计划进行测试的GWT应用程序,我需要实际编写 测试,这意味着设置GWT的GWTTestCase。

  • The selenium test command will create Selenium test for the Speaker and Talk controllers .

    seleniumtest命令将会创建Speaker和Talk控制器的 Selenium 支持

  • You can also customize this method to validate other test data and to test for other conditions according to your particular requirements .

    还可以依据您的具体要求来自定义此方法,从而验证其他测试数据和 测试其他条件。

  • She pointed out the meningitis vaccine as well as new vaccines for preventing diarrheal disease and pneumonia and a new test for tuberculosis .

    她指出了脑膜炎疫苗、预防腹泻和肺炎的新疫苗,以及一项 针对肺结核的新 测试这一连串的胜利。

  • We may test for technical accuracy editorial accuracy corporate standards and learning effectiveness .

    我们应 测试技术准确性,编辑准确性,整体标准,和学习有效性。

  • In particular be careful about using the equals () method to test for numeric equality .

    尤其在使用equals()方法来 检测数值之间是否相等时要小心。

  • Continuous Testing : Before programmers add a feature they write a test for it .

    连续测试:在程序员增加一项特征前就完成 测试程序。

  • Generating a test for a specific function or class

    特定的函数或类生成 测试

  • • can my husband finish this test for me ?

    •“能让我丈夫 我完成这份 测试吗?”

  • Does not test for integration issues : The security of a system requires that all of the system components be secure when integrated with each other .

    不能 测试整合问题:一个系统的安全性需要在与其它控件整合时保证这个系统的所有控件都是安全的。

  • There is no such test for the message field because it 's the core of a flit .

    对于message字段则没有这样的 测试,因为它是一个flit的核心。

  • Later in this article you 'll see a more rigorous test for the results of a network or power failure when an MI broker has been implemented as well .

    在本文后面,当MI代理实现后,您还将看到针对一个网络或电源故障的结果的更严格的 测试

  • The following two code snippets show helper methods to test for such conditions .

    下面两个代码片段展示了 测试这些条件的帮助器方法。

  • You can also use it to test for vulnerabilities on a site .

    也可以使用它来 测试站点上的漏洞。

  • The success of wind power represents a litmus test for renewable energy .

    风能作为动力的成功是 可再生能源一次立见分晓的 检验