test lead


  • Failing to submit the test could lead to the ineligibility of the Games .

    而这样不能够提交 尿样将有可能 导致他们被禁赛。

  • One test can lead you to further decompose the problem into smaller and smaller chunks each testable .

    一个 测试可以 指引您进一步将问题分解为越来越小的块,每个块都是可以测试的。

  • It supports a variety of user roles such as test manager test architect test lead tester and lab manager as well as roles outside of the test organization .

    它支持广泛的用户角色,比如测试管理人员,测试构架师, 测试 领导者,以及实验室管理人员,还有测试组织之外的其他角色。

  • Most important it is a kind of closed-loop test and lead to the least effect on process .

    更重要的是,它是一种闭环 测试 方法测试过程中系统处在 受控状态。

  • The initiation performance of minimized primary explosive is measured by limit dosage of primary explosive test 5 second delay time test impact sensitivity test lead plate perforation test and underwater explosion energy test in experiment .

    通过极限起爆药量、5s爆发点实验、撞击感度 实验铅板穿孔实验和水下爆炸能量测试实验测试了该DP微起爆药的起爆性能。

  • Officials say the test results could lead to switching off some of the reactors currently in operation .

    官员们说, 测试结果可能 导致一些目前仍在运行的核反应堆关闭。

  • Study on Flotation Test of Lead - Zinc Sulfide Ore

    硫化 铅锌矿体的浮选 试验研究

  • The diagram below shows how the roles of project manager architect and test lead use requirements to accelerate their tasks .

    下面显示的图向您展示了项目管理员,结构师和 测试 领导等角色是怎样使用需求来促进开发任务的。

  • Teams should include a technical test lead or other test subject matter expert who has hands-on experience with the application rather than relying on an entry-level tester or a test project manager .

    团队应该包含一个技术 测试 领导或者其他测试项目专家,他们对这个应用软件有熟练的经验,而不是依赖于一个键盘输入水平的测试人员或者测试项目的管理人员。

  • Open-die forging test of lead work-piece showed die structure being complex and flash being created .

    开式模锻 螺旋伞齿轮 试验结果显示,模具结构复杂,所产锻件有飞边;

  • It 's generally NOT a good idea for a test lead test manager or QA manager to be the'buck stops here'person for risk management .

    通常对一个 测试 团队来说不是一个好想法,测试经理或者QA经理为了风险管理可能突然停下来。

  • Phase test work is a labor intensive low safety factor and the results very demanding work a wrong phase test will lead to the power grid instability easy to bring some disastrous results through a chain reaction .

    核相工作是一项耗费人力、安全系数低并且对结果要求非常高的工作, 相错误会 导致电网的不稳定,容易引起连锁反应带来灾难性的结果。

  • In the meantime we point out if the conditions of the test to contingency table are not satisfied the rank sum test will lead to a good result and also we give the method .

    同时指出,在不满足联列表 独立性检验的条件时,秩和 检验效果较好,并给出了该 检验的方法和步骤。

  • Methods To test the Lead poisoning children for their action personality behavior IQ and social adaptive behavior ( SAB ) and exert psychological intervention to them .

    方法对 中毒儿童作运动、个性、行为、智力、适应能力 测试,进行心理干预,并与健康儿童作比较。

  • They also show that more test-oriented practice and misuse of test results lead to lower pass rate .

    其结果还显示应试练习和 考试结果滥用现象越多,考试通过率 反而越低。

  • Methods Neurobehavioral core test battery ( NCTB ) was applied to test 128 lead exposed workers and 110 administrators as the control with matched age working age and education level .

    方法使用WHO神经行为核心测验组合对128名 作业者及不接触铅的110名行政人员(为对照组)进行神经行为功能 测试

  • ⑶ In acute toxicity test lead acetate liquor normal sodium and leaching liquor with three different concentrations were accordingly injected via the tail vein into experimental group and control group .

    ⑶在急性全身毒性 试验中,经小鼠尾静脉将醋酸 溶液、生理盐水、三种不同浓度的浸提液注入到相应实验组和对照组。

  • As the test lead you first create and link an HP test plan directly from the requirements collection using a Validated By link type .

    作为 测试 主管,您首先要使用ValidatedBy链接类型,直接从需求集合创建和链接一个HP测试计划。

  • There was a certain logical order in which the test lead wanted to have these listed .

    测试 领导者希望这些能够以某种逻辑顺序被排列出来。

  • The test lead wants to see a list of all CTCs that have been executed along with their results .

    测试 领导者希望看到所有已经被执行的CTC的完整列表,以及它们的执行结果。

  • According to modern psychology the process of test can lead the judge to the tentative search for juristic conclusion and it is through the feedback test that a judge can fix on the best and objective conclusion .

    依据现代心理学的研究, 检测进程就能 指引法官尝试性地搜索法律结论,法官正是通过这一回馈性的检测来确定最佳的答案,并使这一答案具有客观性。

  • Extra requests are the tasks that aren 't necessarily requested by your manager or test lead .

    额外请求是指你的经理或 测试 领导没有要求你必须做的事情。

  • As test lead you link a new or existing HP requirements folder with the requirements collection using a References link type .

    作为 测试 主管,您可以使用References链接类型将新的或现有的HP需求文件夹与需求集合相链接。

  • In this paper the inspection method of detonator output were experimented and evaluated which includes the plate cutting test ( lead plate test ) acoustic level inspection explosion in water and inspection of shock wave in little container etc.

    文章对雷管输出的检测方法进行试验和探讨,包括 铅板 试验、声级测量、水下爆炸和小爆炸容器中冲击波的测量等。

  • Comparison of Pre-dispose Way to Test Lead Content of Vegetable

    测定蔬菜中 含量的前处理方法的比较

  • As test lead you navigate to the change management development plan and link the plan to a new or existing test plan in HP using the Tested by Test Plan link .

    作为 测试 主管,您可以导航到变更管理开发计划,使用TestedbyTestPlan链接将该计划链接到HP中新的或现有的测试计划。

  • Analyzing the various problems of current ste ady-state operation life test standard it is pointed out that not measuring a n d controlling transistor junction temperature in current transistor steady - state operation life test can lead to fatal inaccuracy of the test results .

    在分析了现行标准中晶体管稳态工作寿命 试验方法存在问题的基础上,认为在现行的稳态工作寿命试验中没有对晶体管的结温实施测量和控制,是 导致试验结果不准确的重要原因。

  • The Views on the Relevant Conditions of the Test Called Lead Firm-property Performed by the Method 2004 A in GJB 458 A

    GJB548A中方法2004A有关 试验条件的看法

  • What if an e-mail message is sent only to a test lead when a build is complete rather than made public in some way ?

    如果一条信息在构建完成之后只是有 选择 发给某一个人,而不是将其公开,又 怎么样?

  • Now the test lead can see that only two scenarios have been run against the Rel4_V2_TSVT1 iteration for the Fiji project so far .

    至此, 测试 领导者能够只查看到两个为Fiji项目而运行的Rel4V2TSVT1迭代的场景。