test load


  • The article is briefly introduced the plane photoelastic model of Qihe river inverted siphon and the test with load on simulation of water in river course and without water in pipe comparing and analyzing the results with structural mechanics and two-dimensional finite element results .

    介绍淇河倒虹平面光弹模型设计及 加载 试验,并将试验结果与结构力学和二维有限元结果进行比较分析。

  • Note however that a normal test load did not include database activities that could use significantly more resources regardless of the size of a specific view .

    不过需要注意的是,正常的 测试 负载不包含需要耗费大量资源的数据库活动,并且不考虑特定视图的大小。

  • After the improvement the stable combustion test load without firing oil is as low as 45 % of rated load which greatly enhanced the ability of in depth peak load cycling .

    改造后其不投油稳燃 试验 负荷达到了45%,大大提高了锅炉的深度调峰能力。

  • The simulated method to test the load capacity of the bus of the fire alarm system

    火灾自动报警系统总线 能力现场模拟 检测方法

  • Determination of Terminal Test Load of Brake Rope Parachute Gear for Cage Hoisting in Auxiliary Shaft

    副井罐笼提升制动绳防坠器终端 试验 荷重的确定

  • Compilation of test load spectra in mining machinery

    矿山机械 试验 载荷谱编制方法

  • The system can realize loading in synchronism or nonsynchronous coordination by two actuator-heads can control test load continuously by proportional servo valve and the combination of different variable pumps and energy is saved .

    该伺服系统可实现双作动头的同步或异步协调加载,并通过使用伺服比例阀及不同变量泵组合,实现了对 试验 的连续控制,节约了能源。

  • With the digital control volume of compressive oil provided by hydraulic power unit in actuator can be regulated to modulate the test load value .

    在油源设备提供一定压力油液的情况下,计算机调整输入到液压缸内的油液流量,由此控制 试验 载荷

  • Stability Analysis on Hydraulic Cylinder at Low Velocity and the Choice of Reasonable Backpressure lowest continuous speed test with load

    液压缸低速稳定性分析及合理 背压值选取最低稳定工作转速 试验

  • The theory of humidity stress field is applied to analyze the deformation of expansive soils induced by increased humidity and related parameters can be determined through the free swelling test and the swelling test under load .

    应用湿度应力场理论对膨胀土的增湿变形进行了分析,并由无荷膨胀量试验和有 膨胀 试验确定了相关参数。

  • The volume question may be the easiest : do you have enough data to create a realistic test load ?

    数量问题可能是最简单的:您是否拥有足够的数据来创建一个实际的 测试 负载

  • Lowest continuous speed test with load DOES THE WIPER MOTOR OPERATE IN LOW SPEED ?

    最低稳定工作转速 试验 雨刷马达在低速运转吗?

  • The Stress Analysis of Hub Bearing Based on Multi-bench Test Load

    基于多工况台架 试验 载荷的轮毂轴承受力分析

  • In the second section you will learn about tuning parameters that facilitate optimal performance test load generation and operating system performance .

    在第二部分之中,您将会学到如何调试参数,这些参数会促进最优的性能 测试 负载生成以及操作系统性能。

  • Towing hook electric release test and load test also shall be carried out .

    进行拖钩电动释放 试验和拖钩的 负荷试验。

  • This paper expound the test load determining the measure position locating the data analysis and the test outcome appraisal about engineering test appraisal which are used for design reconstruction defect and resistance by four examples of different structures .

    以4个不同工程结构的实例,阐述用于工程设计、改造、病害、承载能力检验评估时 检验 检验 荷载取值、测点布置、数据分析及检验评估结论。

  • A test load was applied to the girder .

    一个 试验 载荷 作用于该梁上。

  • The short-circuit test test without load test with load and site operation prove the superior performance of the designed excitation device .

    短路实验、 空载实验和负载 实验数据和目前在现场的反馈情况,证明该励磁装置性能优越。

  • The purpose of this study was to construct the full lifetime design and test load spectrums for use in transmission system development of military vehicle .

    研究建立军用车辆传动系的全寿命设计谱和 试验 载荷谱。

  • With the load increased however the friction reduction weakened significantly this shows that it is difficult to reduce friction using surface texture under the high test load .

    但是,随着试验载荷的增大,这种减摩效果明显减弱,显示出在高 载荷条件下利用表面织构降低摩擦的难度要高于 载荷 条件

  • Bring the updated target subset back online ( preferably test with some test load ) .

    使已更新的目标子集重新联机(使用一些 测试 负载进行了完美测试后)。

  • Based on this the thesis concludes the fatigue test load of Chongqing Caiyuanba Bridge and fatigue test model is designed .

    在此基础上,给出该桥轨道横梁与整体节点连接可靠性疲劳 试验 试验 荷载,设计了本次疲劳 试验的试验模型。

  • In this paper a method to determine and calculate terminal test load is pointed out for adjusting brake rope parachute gear for cage hoisting in auxiliary shaft . The application of the method is also presented combining with the detail example .

    文中提出了副井罐笼提升制动绳防坠器调整时终端 试验 荷重的确定理论与计算方法,并结合具体实例介绍了这一方法的应用。

  • In this paper a method of using computer software technology in the field of structure test design is discussed . The main work is the study of how to describe the test load system and the implementation of system design .

    本文针对结构试验设计问题,利用计算机软件技术,研究了如何描述 试验 加载系统以及系统设计的实现方法。

  • Through different test conditions under finite-element method calculation socket and spigot concrete sewer pipe external test load calculation method is discussed and analyzed in this paper . The author puts forward his suggestions and views on this subject and providing relevant personels for reference and discussion .

    本文通过不同验证条件下的有限元法计算,对承插口混凝土排水管外 试验 荷载计算方法进行了讨论和分析,并提出了笔者的看法和建议,供相关人员参考和进行讨论。

  • Rational Performance Tester creates connections for the requests that it makes during performance test load generation .

    RationalPerformanceTester会为性能 测试 负载生成期间所作的请求创建连接。

  • Start the test to load the selected input dataset .

    开始 测试加载选中的输入数据集。

  • Results show that frictional coefficient can reflect that the rolling oils of stainless steel have elastohydrodynamic lubricating property and fail test load should be more than 981 N. grade .

    结果表明摩擦因数能够反映出不锈钢轧制油具有弹性流体润滑特性,失效级 负荷应大于 981N