testamentary will

[法] 遗嘱

  • A testamentary trust is one created by a valid will .

    遗嘱 信托顾名思义,是指通过 遗嘱 方式设立的信托。

  • Testamentary succession system is the current succession law stipulated in chapter 3 of the content . Mainly includes wills freedom bequest freedom will form etc. With the development of economy the increase in the number of private property .

    遗嘱继承制度是我国现行《继承法》第三章规定的内容,主要包括遗嘱自由、遗赠自由、 遗嘱形式等内容。

  • Hereby revoke all former wills codicils and testamentary dispositions made by me and declare to be my last will and Testament .

    在此特撤销本人以前订立之所有遗嘱,遗嘱修订附件及按 遗嘱进行的产权处置,并宣布本 遗嘱最终之遗嘱。

  • Since the reform and opening up and increasing in personal wealth inheritance dispute has become increasingly prominent . The decedent should be how to prevent risks ensure the wealth of stable and secure . The testamentary trust will be a very wise choice .

    改革开放以来,个人财富不断增加,随之而来的遗产继承纠纷问题也越来越突出,遗产的被继承人应如何防范风险,保证财富的稳定安全 遗嘱信托 将会是一个非常明智的选择。

  • It will introduce the law source of our current Testamentary Trust system and then the specific content will be introduced comparing with the system in UK US Japan and Taiwan .

    首先介绍了我国现行 遗嘱信托制度的法律渊源,然后介绍我国 现行 遗嘱 信托制度的具体内容,并与英国、美国、日本和我国台湾地区做比较。

  • Testamentary trust is well respected client will work out tailor-made for its heritage management program in the implementation of wills estate planning long-term management to avoid inheritance disputes and other aspects of the system than the civil law of intestate succession have significantly advantage .

    遗嘱信托能够很好的尊重委托人的 意志,为其规划出量身定做的遗产管理方案,在执行遗嘱、遗产长期管理规划、避免继承纠纷等方面较之大陆法系的遗嘱继承制度有明显的优势。