test case description

[计] 检测实例描述

  • XML is analyzed and studied . XML Schema is used to describe the model of Reuse Oriented Test Case . The unified description framework standard is provided .

    对XML语言进行研究分析,采用XMLSCHEMA描述面向复用的 测试 用例模型为面向复用的 测试 用例提供了统一的 描述框架规范。

  • In order to be able to test by means of use cases besides the use case description and a use case diagram additional information regarding specific aspects is required .

    为了能够依靠用例来 测试,除了 用例 描述和用例图之外,还需要有关特定方面的额外信息。

  • Although most test tools have introduced test case description technique they are diversiform and each does things in his own way . This status has become the bottleneck of increasing efficiency and reusability of software testing .

    虽然目前大量的测试工具引入了 测试 用例 描述技术,但也是五花八门、各自为政,这成为提高软件测试的效率和软件测试复用程度的瓶颈。

  • Through modifying the XML documents of test case to generate new test case for fuzz testing and multiple SQL statements description provided a reference for fuzz testing and simple SQL injection attack network attack simulation system has good scalability .

    通过更改测试用例集中的XML文档从而生成新的模糊测试 用例和多重SQL语句 描述,为进行模糊测试和简单的SQL注入攻击提供了参考,网络攻击模拟系统具有良好的可扩展性。

  • But up till now there isn 't unified test case description language .

    而迄今为止,在 测试领域,还没有统一的 测试 用例 描述语言。

  • Research of test case description language

    测试 用例 描述语言研究

  • System test and UML are combined where the object-oriented system test is researched and on how to educe system test use case from the description based on UML is discussed .

    将两者结合起来,对面向对象的系统测试进行了研究,探讨了如何从基于UML的 描述中导出软件系统 测试 用例这一问题。