test validity


  • The purpose of this paper is to test the validity of the TD model and investigate the thickness deformation through experiments .

    文中通过实验的方法 验证TD模型的 有效 ,并对这种相对变形进行分析讨论。

  • The algorithms of the Interpreter were researched . An example was made to test the validity of the algorithm .

    研究了程序解释器的算法,并通过一个实例 验证了该算法的 正确

  • An analysis of formulas is made based on classical testing theories and a new formula is put forward to explain the relationship between test validity and test length .

    根据经典测量理论对代表测验长度与 测验 效度关系的公式进行分析和讨论,提出 测验 效度与长度关系的表达公式。

  • Main research results are as follows : At first the religious belief questionnaire includes 27 topics totally it can explains 58.387 % of total variation . And the questionnaire has a better reliability and test validity .

    主要的研究结果如下:第一,本论文所编制的宗教信仰问卷共包括27个题目,通过探索 因素分析后发现,这个问卷能够解释总变异的 58.387%

  • This prototype system implements above methods and can test validity and efficiency of algorithm .

    该原型系统基本上实现了上述各种方法,用于 验证方法的 有效 测试算法的效率。

  • On study of the principles in designing cloze and test validity

    英语测试中完形填空题的命题原则与 测试 效度研究

  • We test the validity and feasibility of this protocol by computer simulation .

    为了 验证该协议的 有效 和可行性,作者进行了仿真。

  • It is clearly worth conducting further behavioral experiments to test the validity of this model .

    这一模型显然值得进一步用行为实验加以 验证

  • Quantitative management applies sophisticated mathematical models to business data to test the validity of the data and make projections of future results .

    计量管理是要将精确的数学模型应用到商业数据 分析当中,来 检测这些数据的 准确性,并以此来预测结果。

  • Rather than split the numeric sequence into individual digits and write complex code a regex can test for validity .

    regex不会把数字序列分隔为单个数字并编写复杂的代码,而是会 测试有效

  • Finally personas and scenarios are used to test the validity of design ideas and assumptions throughout the process .

    最后,人物角色和场景剧本被用来在整个过程中 测试设计思想和设计猜想的 有效

  • A general approach of measuring test validity & confirmatory factor analysis of the criterion structure space

    计量 测验 效度的一种方法&测量目标结构空间的实证性因素分析

  • Research on Corporate Governance Premium Based on Simultaneous Equations : How to Test the Validity of Any Corporate Governance Index

    基于联立方程模型的公司治理溢价研究&兼谈如何 检验公司治理评价指标的 有效

  • This test form is related to test reliability and test validity so three principles must be obeyed in testing design : the rational principle of choosing materials the scientific principle of design the overall principle of testing focus .

    这一测试形式与 测试的信度和 效度密切相关,因此,在命题时应遵循三个原则:选择材料的合理性原则、设计试题的科学性原则和确立测试点的全面性原则。

  • To test the validity of this common practice in the sports world scientists did studies on a team of six rabbits .

    证实这个习惯做法在体育运动中的 有效 ,科学家用六只兔子为一组做试验。

  • The text to test for validity .

    测试有效 的文本。

  • The third part is based on the second part of the questionnaire to test validity and reliability and make sure the validity of study design . Meanwhile test the hypotheses which is proposed in the second part .

    第三部分主要是根据第二部分问卷搜集到的 数据进行 效度和信度 检验,以确定研究设计的有效性,同时对第二部提出的研究假设进行验证。

  • The Analysis Study of Junior English Test Validity

    初中阶段英语课程 考试 效度的分析研究

  • This survey article discusses the problems of College English Test ranging from its theoretical basis the interpretation of test scores to its backwash effect on college English teaching and learning which is considered an indispensable aspect of test validity .

    本文在调查及相关文献基础上,分析了大学英语考试存在的各种问题,包括 考试的设计 理念、对考试分数的解释、对教学的反拨作用以及对师资发展带来的影响。

  • When you add a new moderation key it 's a good idea to test its validity by checking previous comments .

    当你添加一个新的审核关键词的时候,通过检查先前的评论,来 测试它的 有效

  • Data of the experiment adopted a set of two-dimension data and IRIS to test and validate the algorithms . In order to test validity of the algorithms they compared with K-Means and the basic ant colony clustering at the same time .

    实验采用一组二维数据及聚类中常用的IRIS数据集分别测试和验证改进算法,并和K-Means算法及基本的蚁群聚类算法进行比较, 证实算法改进的 有效

  • At last the systemic experiment was finished to test the validity of model creation and system design .

    最后针对一种具体轨迹的程序进行了 验证,得出了仿真曲线, 证明了模型建立的 正确 和系统设计的 有效

  • Also the testing experiments verified the test scheme and the test system validity and feasibility .

    同时,通过测试实验也验证了测试方案与 测试系统的 正确 与可行性。

  • Objective : To test the validity of a new instrument the Academic Aptitude Test for Middle School Student ( AATMS ) .

    目的:对中学生学业能力倾向 测验进行 效度研究。

  • Zheng Ying : Test validity and security are very important features of a test .

    郑英: 考试 有效 与安全性是非常重要的因素。

  • The social story prepared inconformity with specific requirements and test validity .

    社会故事的编写遵循特定要求且进行相关 效度 检验

  • Based on the research finding a teaching experiment has been done to test the validity of metaphoric approach to teaching English polysemants .

    统计结果显示,采用隐喻教学 实验组的 成绩显著高于采用传统的词汇教学法的控制组的成绩。

  • This paper put forward a general approach to measure test validity .

    该文提出了计量 测验 效度的一种统一方法。