test of achievement

[经] 成就测验

  • The derivation conditions and reasonable assumptions were analyzed by conclusion of the existing theory of self-stress calculation method ; The difference between laboratory test and the real bridge test of self-stress have been analyzed it has maked a preliminary attempt to bridge the achievement of the practical test .

    分析了现有自应力计算方法推导的假定条件和合理性;分析自应力实验室测试与实桥 测试之间的差异,对 实现实桥测试做了初步尝试。

  • Test Emotions of Middle School Students and Its Relationship with Classroom Goal Structure and Personal Achievement Goal Orientation

    中学生 考试情绪及其与班级成就目标、个人 成就目标定向的关系

  • Since then Monica led several test automation teams held the role of test automation architect and earned an Outstanding Technical Achievement Award for a test automation framework that is widely used internally at IBM .

    从那时起,Monica领导过几个 测试自动化团队,担任测试自动化架构师的职务,并因IBM内部广泛使用的一个测试自动化框架而荣获杰出技术 成就奖。

  • The pencil and paper test is used as to evaluate the important method of the education achievement in student also should proceed the reformation according to the homologous target contents .

    纸笔 测验作为评价学生学业 成就的重要方法,也应按照相应的目标内容进行改革。

  • According to the interrelated formula of soil grain density test calculation we obtained the relevant nomography method and the calculation work was simplified greatly and the accuracy of achievement was ensured .

    根据土工试验中颗粒密度 试验计算的相关公式,制作出相应的诺模图算法,从而大大简化了计算工作,并保证了 成果精度要求。

  • The scale methods were used to test 453 pupils analyzing the influence of peer acceptance examining the relations among social behavior teacher acceptance academic achievement sociopetal strategy and the children peer acceptance .

    测量表对453名小学生的社会行为、教师接纳、学业 成绩、社交策略与儿童同伴接纳之间的关系进行研究。

  • Shenzhen is the test field of our innovation and its city construction and economy have had profound achievement during twenty development but it also have problems .

    深圳作为我国改革与开放的 试验田,经过二十多年的发展,城市建设与社会经济取得了骄人的 成绩,但同样也遇到了新的问题。

  • At Last of the thesis through the test of the new thread library performance we analyze achievement in the design process and lack of thread library and propose a viable solution method .

    最后通过对 新线程库的性能 测试,分析设计中的所得与不足,并提出了可行的后续优化方案。

  • Development and test of Social - & Individual-Oriented Sport Achievement Motivation Scale

    社会取向与个我取向运动 成就动机量表的编制及其 检验

  • According to teaching experience and requirements analysis this system mainly implements the random group volume examination papers test monitoring upload and encryption automatic examination paper marking export the examination of the achievement anomalies such as function modules .

    根据教学经验和需求分析,本系统主要实现了随机组卷、试卷分发、 考试监控、试卷上传和加解密、自动阅卷、 成绩导出、考试异常等功能模块。

  • The cohesion or expressiveness factor score of FES among students with test anxiety was lower than that of students without test anxiety while the conflict or achievement orientation factor score in the two groups was on the contrary ( P0.05 ) .

    考试焦虑者家庭环境量表的亲密度、情感表达因子分显著低于无考试焦虑者,而其矛盾性、 成功性因子分显著高于无考试焦虑者(P0.05)。

  • Objective : To test the reliability and validity of the Multiple Achievement Tests ( MATs ) .

    目的: 检验多重 成就测验的信度和效度。

  • This study based on the Diagnostic Test of Achievement Factors introduced from Japan made sample tests on primary and secondary school students in south Jiangsu to test the usability of this testing method in the Mainland .

    本研究引进日本 学习因素诊断 测验(DiagnosticTestofAchievementFactor,简称DTAF),分别对苏南地区中小学学生进行抽样测验,以验证该测量工具在中国大陆的适用情况。

  • The analysis of test result indicates that the fiber glass mixed in cement soil can improve cement soil ′ s strength and deformation characteristic by its strength of extension this achievement has a certain value in application to actual projects .

    试验结果的分析表明,玻璃纤维的掺入能利用其抗拉能力较好地改善水泥土的强度和变形特点,在实际工程中具有一定的 推广和应用价值。

  • Research on the Development of Test Paper of Mathematics Academic Achievement Assessment

    数学学业 成就评价 试题编制研究

  • Therefore the discussion on knowledge supply chain partnership question from the angle of network governance is not only a valid test for the role of network governance mechanism to play but also helpful to enrich empirical study achievement of the theory .

    因此,从网络治理视角探讨知识供应链伙伴关系治理问题既是对网络治理机制能否发挥作用的有效 检验,又有助于丰富该理论的实证研究 成果

  • Using the concept of building blocks to build may be user-defined subjects learning content test item bank test papers a real sense of achievement WYSIWYG system design .

    采用积木搭建概念,可由用户自定义科目,学习内容,考试题库, 考试试卷,真正意义上 实现所见即所得系统设计理念。

  • Cheating in test is one kind of bad behavior of obtaining the achievement by improper means . At present that cheat phenomenon in university exists generally influences the prestige and quality of test seriously already .

    考试作弊是一种用不正当手段获取 成绩的不良行为,当前高校普遍存在的考试作弊现象已严重影响了考试的信誉和质量。

  • English writing teaching occupies a vital position in English teaching . Therefore the test of English writing as one type of achievement tests plays a substantial role in English language teaching and learning .

    英语写作教学在英语教学中占有举足轻重的地位,因此,英语写作 测试,作为 成绩测试的一种,在英语教与学中是一个很实质性的角色。

  • The purpose of diagnostic test is to verify the consistency of the achievement of diagnostic functions and the diagnosis specification of ECU and to ensure the reliability of ECU .

    诊断 测试的目的是验证电控单元诊断功能的 实现与诊断规范的一致 ,从而确保电控单元的可靠性。

  • Judging the official morality through the standard of human values the evaluation will promote the officials to withstand the test of history and eventually form the scientific concept of political achievement .

    以人的价值来评价官德,促使官员形成经得起历史 检验和人民群众满意的科学 政绩观。

  • In experiment 3 we test the influence of voice and meaning process levels in the reality source monitoring and the result is that achievement of the reality source monitoring with meaning process level is better than with voice process level .

    实验3, 检验语音和语义加工 水平对现实性检测的影响,结果表明,语义 水平加工状态下的现实性检测正确率更高些。

  • The result shows that in different teaching phases the experimental group is better than control group in test indexes of smash skill evaluation target achievement results and emotional area ( p < 0.05 ) .

    实验统计结果表明:实验组在不同的教学阶段扣球技评与达标 成绩和情感领域的 测试指标均优于对照组,其组间差异达到了的统计学上的显著性意义(P<0.05)。

  • Many researches show that Test anxiety is restrained by the factors of achievement goal self-efficacy study and exam skills individual cognition and parents and school . Cognitive-Behavioral therapy Relaxation therapy and Systematic Desensitization all can reduce test anxiety efficiently .

    众多研究显示, 考试焦虑受 个体 成就目标、自我效能感、学习考试技巧、个体认知以及家长和学校等因素的制约,认知行为疗法、放松疗法、系统脱敏疗法等方法可以有效地降低考试焦虑。

  • Aiming at the factors that influence the teaching quality of basic chemical experiment in medical college this article discusses the methods for improving the teaching quality from three aspects i.e.teaching contents teaching management and test of students experimental achievement .

    针对影响医用化学实验教学质量的因素,从优化教材设置、加强教学管理及 完善学生实验 成绩的考核三个方面探讨了提高实验教学质量的方法和措施。

  • Adopt the multiple assessments instead of a single mechanical technical test and evaluation methods of ignoring cultural differences and to test various aspects of student learning achievement .

    多元的评量方式,取代忽视文化差异的单一、机械式、技术化的测验与评量,而能 测验学生不同面向的学习 成就

  • After my test 1 found that all levels of students ' achievement has been improved and they has got good learning habit and mastering good learning method .

    通过 实验发现各层次学生的 成绩都有所提高,学生养成了良好的学习习惯,学习方式发生了较大变化。