


  • It introduces the method content and result of cross - sectional model test of light hollow block structure adopted for workboat wharf which provides reference for design .

    介绍 工作 码头采用轻型空心方块结构型式的断面模型试验方法、测试内容及试验结果,为设计提供依据。

  • Due to special features of workboat their afloat condition adjustment is very important .

    由于 工程 一些特殊特点, 船舶的浮态调整非常重要。

  • The development of underwater pump davit for deepwater dredging workboat has made a great contribution to the local production of dredging equipment for China 's first large deepwater dredging workboat . This paper summaries the structure principle and design points of underwater pump davit .

    深水疏浚 工程 水下泵吊放装置的成功开发设计为我国首制大型深水疏浚工程船疏浚装备国产化作出了重要贡献。该文对水下泵吊放装置的机构原理及设计要点作概要介绍。

  • A 2 ton submarine cable workboat is mainly responsible for the laying burying and maintenance of submarine optical cable and small submarine cables / optical composite cables .

    2000吨 海缆 作业 主要担负 近海 海域 海底光缆及小型海底电缆/光电复合缆的布放、埋设和维修等 任务

  • Demonstration and study on the propulsion system of 2000t submarine cable workboat

    2000t 海缆 作业船推进系统论证研究

  • Study on low-speed workboat ′ s propulsion and control system configuration

    作业 低速推进与操纵系统配置探讨

  • In addition the design method of this simulation system is not only appropriate for the construction of visual simulation system for certain workboat but also has referential value and significance towards the similar visual simulation system .

    此外,本仿真系统的设计方法不仅适用于某 工作 作业视景仿真系统的构建,对于类似系统的视景仿真设计也具有一定的参考价值和借鉴意义。

  • Afloat condition adjustment of workboat

    工程 作业 船舶的浮态调整

  • Taking the workboat wharf berthing members in a wharf extension project as an example it introduces the application and structural characteristics of shape steel concrete structure in wharf berthing member design .

    以扩建工程中 工作 码头靠船构件为例,介绍型钢混凝土结构在码头靠船构件设计中的应用及结构特点。

  • The article summaries the performance and design features of a full-roaring platform workboat .

    本文就全回转平台 工程 的性能、特点作了简单的介绍。

  • Research of Offshore Wind Turbine Installation and Maintenance Multi-functional Workboat

    近海风电机组安装及维护多功能 作业 的研究

  • To counter the problems existed in foundation trench dredging and hollow block hoisting construction for the workboat wharf project rational construction scheme was adopted which ensured successful completion of the project on schedule .

    针对 工作 码头工程基槽挖泥和吊装空心方块施工中所存在的问题,采用了 合理的实施方案,保证本工程按时顺利完工。

  • The workboat for type ⅱ submersible and its electric design

    Ⅱ型 深潜工作 及电气设计

  • Design of air conditioning system for ocean workboat

    海洋 作业 工程 空调设计

  • The air conditioning system designed for ( 4 000 t ) rotary salvage crane ship is taken as an example to discuss some problems in air conditioning system design of such kind of workboat which could be reference to the readers .

    通过 4000t 回转起重打捞 工程船空调系统设计,对此类 工程 作业船舶空调设计方面的一些问题进行论述,可供读者参考。

  • The workboat for type ⅱ of submersible is a dynamic positioning river ship .

    Ⅱ型 深潜工作 是一 内河 水面动力定位型船舶。