working range

[ˈwə:kɪŋ rendʒ][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ reindʒ]


  • At last a virtual model of the manipulator is created and results of simulation of manipulator 's working range show that the design requirement is basically satisfied .

    最后,创建了机械臂的虚拟样机模型,进行了机械手工 的仿真分析,结果表明能较好地满足设计要求。

  • Perhaps read the program document of the company can write inside have working duty and working range .

    或者看公司的程序文件,里面会写有工作职责和 工作 范围

  • The research on lock control system of working face in the colliery is a complicated system engineering It is a integrated system which includes equipment working range monitor automatically control alarm and protect to the system .

    煤矿井下工作面闭锁控制系统的研究是一项复杂的系统工程,它是一个集 工作 面的设备监测,自动控制,报警保护于一体化的系统。

  • Analyzed the circuit working principles in different frequency range established the fundamental equivalent circuit the LLC resonant circuit voltage gain characteristics input impedance characteristics has been analyzed through fundamental analysis method determined the soft-switching working range .

    分析了不同开关频率范围内电路工作原理,并建立了基波等效电路,采用基波分析方法对LLC谐振电路的电压增益特性、输入阻抗特性进行了研究,确定了电路软开关 工作 范围

  • Based on the bi-directional properties of semiconductor cooler we designed a bi-directional active high-accurated temperature controller with broad working range .

    利用半导体致冷器可以加热又可以 致冷的双向性,研制成双向主动式高精度控温仪。

  • At present the construction industry has entered a rapid development period . Tower cranes have been widely used in building construction because of its higher lifting height larger working range and smaller occupation of land .

    目前,建筑行业进入了一个快速发展的时期,塔式起重机因具有较高的起升高度、较大的 工作 幅度和较小的占地空间等优点在建筑施工中得到了广泛的应用。

  • First the working state of resonant CCPS transformer is analyzed and a guiding principle of core material selection is provided which is based on the comparing material magnetic flux density working range with different rectangular ratio in this state .

    首先本文分析了谐振式开关电源变压器所处的工作状态,比较了不同矩形比磁心材料在该工作状态下磁通密度Bm的 工作 范围,为高频变压器磁心材料的选取提供了指导原则。

  • Experimental results verify the theory analysis . Finally the method for expanding the available working range of the voltage stabilizer is also pointed out .

    实验结果证实了理论分析,并指出了扩展 稳压 范围的方法。

  • This paper analyses the relation between fatigue life and imposed preload of high strength bolt usually used in construction engineering and locates optimum working range to apply preload to it .

    分析了工程上常用的高强度螺栓的疲劳寿命与施加的预紧力之间的关系, 找出施加预紧力的最佳 范围

  • Results The working range of kit was 10 ~ 600U / ml. The analytical sensitivity was 1.07U/ml .

    结果该试剂盒的 工作 范围为10~600U/ml,分析灵敏度为1.07U/ml,批内、批间的精密度分别为4.5%~8.1%,6.9%~11.5%。

  • This principle which is an extension of the principle that the maximum synthetic working stress is minimum shows that the elastic working range of the bowl is maximum .

    该条件表示转鼓在工作时弹性 工作 范围最大,它是最大合成工作应力最小原则的一个推广。

  • But the plan is the basic component of project management including defining the goal working range of project estimating project cost have estimation may use the computing method and detail computing method of using WBS .

    而计划是项目管理的基本组成部分,包括明确项目目标和 工作 范围。项目成本估算有因素估算法和利用WBS方法的详细估算。

  • With the intensification of the internationalization of securities market the working range of IRM has been outside the border . Investors have higher requests for the disclosure of information . Internet is playing a more and more important role in IRM .

    随着各国证券市场国际化的加深,IRM的 工作 范围延伸到了境外,投资者对信息披露有了更高的要求,互联网在IRM中扮演着越来越重要的角色。

  • Spontaneously evolving is the basics of artificially designing but it has the working range and limitation of itself .

    两种方式中,自发演化是制度设计的基础,但是,自发演化也有自身的 作用 范围和局限性。

  • The EV requires the in-wheel motor to have high efficiency high torque density and wide working range .

    电动汽车对轮毂电机的要求为:高效率、高转矩密度以及宽的转速 运行 范围

  • So the dissipation is the key to limit the working range of the RFID .

    由此可知,电子标签本身功耗的大小成为制约其 工作 距离的主要因素。

  • It started from the theory of the ultra-high density resistivity and induced polarization method focused on its data acquisition method and formed tables of electrode arrangement data then summarized the working range and features of this method .

    论文从超高密度激电法的理论与方法入手,重点研究该方法的数据采集方式,生成电极排列数据表,延伸和总结该方法的 工作 范围和特点。

  • The experiments demonstrate that with a higher sensing accuracy the working range of the MFBG with the nickel coating has expanded to300 ℃ after effective heat treatment .

    实验表明,经适当热处理后的镍保护布拉格光纤光栅的实际 工作 温度可扩展到300℃,且具有较高的传感精度。

  • For broadening the working range of sensor head the design scheme of scaling the length of F-P optical fiber sensor by fusion splicer is offered .

    为扩大F-P光纤传感头的 工作 范围,本文提出了用光纤熔接机对非本征F-P光纤传感头标距进行标定的设计方案。

  • It has wide working range infinitesimal air pressure and temperature susceptive system .

    宽广的 工作 范围,极小的气压、温度灵敏度。

  • RFID has many advantages such as non-contact operation long working range adaptive to severe environment applicable for moving objects etc.

    RFID具有非接触、 工作 距离长、适于恶劣环境、可识别运动目标等优点。

  • As equipment for hoisting and conveying Tower Crane has advantages of high lifting height and large working range . It is widely used in domestic construction and creates economic and social benefits .

    塔式起重机(以下简称塔机)作为起重运输设备,有着起吊高度高、 工作 幅度大等优点,广泛应用于建筑施工环境中,创造了很好的经济效益和社会效益。

  • Cutting occurs at the touching point only it does not occur in all working range .

    切割只发生在刀片经过的那一点上,并不同时发生在刀片的整个 工作 宽度

  • Research on the working range of compound control system of the saucer-like air vehicle If less extensive air drying may be mentioned as a quality indicator .

    碟形飞行器复合控制系统 工作 范围研究如范围少,风干也应作为制片质量指标之一在报告中给予提示。

  • The adaptive fuzzy control for nonlinear systems with large working range and high order is studied by using fuzzy dynamic models .

    采用模糊动态模型研究大 范围、高阶非线性系统的自适应模糊控制问题。

  • The improvement of accuracy processing speed and working range are key problems for passive source localization .

    声源被动定位的重要问题在于如何提高定位精度、定位速度和 扩大 定位 范围