

n.工程[机] 工厂,工场所有的事物全套物品作为( work的名词复数 )

v.(使)工作( work的第三人称单数 )(使)运作运转(使)产生效果

  • This way works !


  • Elgar supplied his works with precise indications of tempo .

    埃尔加给自己的 作品标上了精确的节奏标记。

  • He 's a very keen student and works very hard

    他是个很好学的学生, 学习非常努力。

  • He gave the newcomer the works .


  • He now works in industry and writes on science in his spare time .

    他现在在企业 工作,业余时间写点科学文章。

  • Troops destroyed the capital and confiscated many works of art as war booty .

    军队摧毁了这座都城,并把大量 艺术品收缴为战利品。

  • His works are included in this anthology of stories .

    这本小说集收录了他的 作品

  • He has already transferred ownership of most of the works to a British foundation

    他已把大部分 作品的所有权转让给一家英国基金会。

  • Literary works of this kind are well received by the masses .

    这样的文学 作品很受群众欢迎。

  • Malcolm works in isolation but I have no doubts about his abilities .

    马尔科姆单打独 ,但我对他的能力丝毫不怀疑。

  • Works of art and priceless historical records were ruthlessly destroyed .


  • They issued a new edition of Lu Xun 's works .

    他们发行了鲁迅 著作的一个新版本。

  • The switch works by passing a pulse of current between the tip and the surface .

    那个开关通过在末梢和表面之间传输电流脉冲 工作

  • Britain 's two main auction houses Sotheby 's and Christies have been involved in valuing the works .

    英国最大的两家拍卖行,苏富比和佳士得参与了对这些 作品的估价。

  • The later works are the composer 's best .

    晚期 作品是这位作曲家的佳作。

  • These works have a strong flavour of rural life .

    这些 作品具有浓郁的农村生活气息。

  • Nobody should be surprised by this . It 's been in the works for some time .

    不应该有人对此感到惊奇,这事已经 张罗了有一阵子了。

  • How can I read a Microsoft Excel file on a computer that only has Works installed ?

    我怎样在只安装了 Works软件的电脑上读取微软的Excel文件呢?

  • I think these books can stand comparison quite happily with works by Dickens

    我认为这些书能和狄更斯的 作品相媲美。

  • Under his arm there was a book which looked like the complete works of Shakespeare

    他胳膊底下夹着一本书,看上去就像 夹了《莎士比亚 全集》。

  • The house is crammed with priceless furniture and works of art

    房子里摆满了昂贵的家具和 艺术品

  • It is one of the most original works of imagination in the language .

    这是用该语言写成的最具独创性和想象力的 作品之一。

  • He works at the mine .

    他在矿上 工作

  • Major works of painting sculpture mosaic and architecture were examined in situ in Venice .

    重要的绘画、雕塑、镶嵌画和建筑 作品都在威尼斯原地得到了仔细检查。

  • A knowledge of anatomy adds to the appreciation of works of art .

    解剖学知识有助于提高对艺术 作品的鉴赏力。

  • He said there were dozens of economic plans in the works

    他说有 几十项经济计划已经开始实施

  • Her colourful oils and works on paper have a naive dreamlike quality .

    她那些色彩斑斓的油画与纸上 作品给人一种天真、梦幻般的感觉。

  • The church has several valuable works of art .

    教堂有几 珍贵的艺术品。

  • These art works bear witness to the creativeness of the Chinese people .

    这些艺术 作品是中国人民创造性的见证。

  • This obviously works against the interests of the child .

    这显然 对孩子不利。