working area

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈɛriə][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈɛəriə]


  • Antifreezing measures shall be taken at the portal shotcrete working area .

    洞口喷混凝土的 作业 场所应有防冻保暧措施。

  • Secure the working area with a red-and-white safety chain and a warning sign .

    用红白相间的安全链和警告标志保护 工作 区域

  • The cleaner tries to get on well with the people living in his working area .

    清洁工努力同在他 工作 居住的人们搞好关系。

  • Both SCM systems have a concept of a local workspace or working area .

    两个SCM系统都有本地工作区或 工作 区域的概念。

  • We placed a thermometer at working area to help staff better control the temperature thus the air-conditioner .

    工作 放置有温度计以便大家更好地调控温度,进而控制空调的碳排放。

  • When welding be sure to wear hood and barricade the working area .

    烧焊时必须戴上面罩并将 工作 区域围起来。

  • Don 't use machine in damp environment . Keep working area well lighted .

    不要在潮湿环境使用机器,保持 工作 区域光线明亮。

  • The working conditions in which the tests are performed are monitored regularly by appropriate sampling of the working area and by carrying out appropriate controls .

    通过在 工作 区域作适当取样并进行适当控制,来定期监测进行此试验的工作条件。

  • Investigates the influence of supply air velocity and heat release rate on air distribution in working area .

    在试验研究中考察了送风速度和热源发热量对 工作 气流组织的影响。

  • More than half of the total groundwater in the working area is poor in quality and occurs mainly in the middle and lower Liaohe alluvial plain .

    超标浅层地下水占 调查面积的一半,主要集中在辽河中下游的冲积平原。

  • In the satellite working area of the test building alone there were four video cameras pointing at the satellites from different angles .

    仅在卫星测试厂房的卫星 工作 ,就配有4台摄像机,从不同角度对准卫星。

  • Third in the working area of content and format of the input settings .

    第三,在 工作 中进行内容的输入与格式的设置。

  • Keep children away from working area .

    不要让小孩进入 工作

  • The working area is designed for practical safe easy use and rapid adjustment for the operator on the whole operating unit .

    工作 领域是为实用,安全,易于使用和让操作员快速调整整个操作单元而设计的。

  • Ensure the cleanliness and tidiness of working area .

    确保物料管理 办公场所和物料 区域的文明整洁。

  • The workshops are provided with maintenance working area and staff offices .

    均设置有维修 加工 及人员办公用房。

  • The table base has the advantages that the frame structure is simple the assembly and disassembly are easy the desks can be combined freely the cost is saved and the working area can be kept tidy .

    本实用新型的优点是:桌面与桌腿之间的框架结构简单,易拆装,办公桌可以自由组合,节约成本,使 工作 整洁。

  • In this thesis based on the status of stratum explaining and analyzing many pieces of seismic cross section plane and getting structural styles and structural pattern of working area .

    本论文在整体把握卞闵杨 地层发育情况的条件下,对工区多条地震剖面进行了解释分析,得出了 工区的构造样式和构造格式;

  • The mainland China will prohibite smoking in all indoor public area working area public transportation and other possible outdoor places .

    禁烟中国内地将在所有室内公共场所、室内 工作 场所、公共交通工具和其他可能的室外工作场所完全禁止吸烟。

  • This paper illustrated the data acquisition and processing approaches of3-D coal seismic exploration in the beach and neritic zone in LK working area .

    以LK 工区为例,分析了滩浅海地区野外采集和数据处理的难点,根据实际地质条件给出了相应的技术对策。

  • It has available a movement area a terminal area a working area and service facilities and personnel corresponding to its operation ;

    具备与其运营业务相适应的飞行区、航站区、 工作 以及服务设施和人员;

  • Double extension for increased working area .

    双延伸增加 工作 区域

  • Create a working area ( working storage )

    创建 工作 区域(工作存储)

  • Gets the working area of the display .

    获取显示器的 工作

  • The ample working area gives optimal access for sample loading cleanup and trimming .

    充足的 工作 区域为试样载荷、洗和焊缝提供了最佳的途径。

  • This page will receive the control when the message field in the working area have a error message .

    工作 中的消息字段有错误消息时,本页面将接收控制。

  • Ensure the cleanliness and tidiness of working area . This tells you that there is a specific distinction between the right and the wrong .

    确保物料管理 办公场所和物料 区域的文明整洁。这件事告诉你是与非是有明确的区别的。

  • Keep the working area clean and maintain production equipment & tools properly .

    保持 工作 区域的清洁并妥善使用和维护生产设备和工具。

  • Working area will be fenced off by barrier .

    工程 范围会用围栏围封。

  • Standard : Reservation Sales Agents are personally responsible to keep the working area tidy and clean to maintain a quiet and healthy working environment and to enhance customer satisfaction .

    标准:预订部销售文员应对自己 工作 区域的干净和整齐负责,以便为大家提供安静健康的工作环境并提高客人对服务的满意度。